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Whipker, Linda D.; Akridge, Jay T..
Precision technologies are now well-integrated into the agricultural industry – both at the farm level and at the crop input dealer level. No longer are crop input dealers only using the technologies to bring new services to their customers, they are also utilizing the technology in their own businesses to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. In early 2008, Crop Life magazine and Purdue University’s Center for Food and Agricultural Business conducted a survey for the 13th consecutive year to assess the adoption of precision agriculture practices in the U.S. from the perspective of the retail crop input dealer. The questionnaire was mailed to 2500 retail crop input dealerships across the U.S. A total of 298 questionnaires were...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Geographic information systems (GIS); Crop input dealer; Variable rate application; Site-specific agriculture; Technology adoption.; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Q13; O30; L84.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Whipker, Linda D.; Akridge, Jay T..
In the spring of 2009, Crop Life magazine and Purdue University’s Center for Food and Agricultural Business conducted a survey of crop input dealers for the 14th consecutive year. In February, a questionnaire was mailed to 2500 Crop Life retail crop input dealership readers across the US. (See Appendix I to this report for a copy of the questionnaire.) A total of 258 questionnaires were returned, with 241 being usable. This provided an effective response rate of 9.6 percent, the lowest response rate in the 14 year history of the project. (In prior years, response rates have ranged from a high of 38 percent in 1996 to a low of 11 percent in 2001 and 2008.) Consistent with previous surveys, dealerships were asked questions about the types of precision...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Geographic information systems (GIS); Crop input dealer; Variable rate application; Site-specific agriculture; Technology adoption.; Agribusiness; Q13; O30; L84..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A sampling plan and spatial distribution for site-specific control of Sphenophorus levis in sugarcane Agronomy
Pavlu, Franz Arthur; Molin, José Paulo.
Sphenophorus levis has become a major pest of sugarcane plantations in Brazil, causing significant losses in productivity. Few studies have been conducted on the spatial distribution of this pest in the field, which is essential for the development of sampling plans. We aimed to characterize the spatial distribution of S. levis in sugarcane, defining a reliable, practical and feasible sampling plan, as well as generating application maps for production areas, allowing for comparison of the consumption of inputs in a conventional system with site-specific application. The study was conducted in areas around Piracicaba, Brazil. First, we conducted sampling to evaluate the best sampling density to characterize the spatial dependence. The results showed that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: eostatistics; Site-specific application; Precision agriculture; Entomology; Soil pests; Sugarcane weevil Máquinas e Implementos Agrícolas.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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A Strategic Approach to the Implementation of Precision Agriculture Principles in Cash Crop Farming AgEcon
Maine, Ntsikane; Nell, Wilhelm T..
Precision agriculture is one of the important agricultural technologies that can assist farmers and managers in promoting long-term success. Precision agriculture can help farm managers increase their management capacity, which is of utmost importance in the highly competitive modern agriculture. Increased yields and/or efficient input use can also be achieved with precision agriculture. Precision agriculture also involve a large capital outlay and requires skills in interpreting the masses of generated data. Modern farmers have to engage in pro-active thinking with regard to suitable agricultural systems that can enhance sustainable success of their farming businesses. Farm managers who are contemplating on getting involved in precision agriculture need...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Strategic approach; Farming; Farming success; Crop Production/Industries; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A Whole Farm Analysis of the Influence of Auto-Steer Navigation on Net Returns, Risk, and Production Practices AgEcon
Shockley, Jordan M.; Dillon, Carl R.; Stombaugh, Timothy S..
A whole farm economic analysis was conducted to provide a detailed assessment into the economic, risk, and production implications due to the adoption of auto-steer navigation. It was determined that auto-steer navigation was profitable for a grain farmer in Kentucky with net returns increasing up to 0.90% ($3.35/acre). Additionally, the technology could be used in reducing production risk. Adoption of the technology also alters production practices for optimal use.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Economics; Farm management; Mean-variance; Precision agriculture; Simulation; Farm Management; Risk and Uncertainty; C61; C63; D81; Q12; Q16.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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AGRICULTURA de precisão. Infoteca-e
Esta tecnologia tem como objetivo básico aumentar a eficiência da agricultura com redução dos impactos ambientais.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Agricultura de Precisão; Tecnologia; Precision agriculture.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Agricultura de precisão em fruticultura. Infoteca-e
Os sistemas de produção atualmente existentes na fruticultura brasileira caracterizam-se pela execução de diversas práticas agrícolas durante o ciclo da cultura, tendo como preocupação a quantidade e a qualidade da produção, e a rentabilidade da atividade agrícola. Nesse contexto, cria-se uma oportunidade para a aplicação de agricultura de precisão, como forma de auxiliar a gestão do sistema de produção e a tomada de decisão pelo produtor. Nesse capítulo, são apresentados quatro estudos de caso em que a realização de procedimentos e o uso de ferramentas, característicos de agricultura de precisão, permitem aos produtores e técnicos a compreensão da variabilidade de atributos do solo e da planta e de suas relações, bem como o estabelecimento de zonas...
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Geoestatística; Análise multivariada; Agricultura de precisao; Fruticultura; Viticultura; Estatística agrícola; Método estatístico; Maçã; Pêssego; Uva; Precision agriculture; Fruit growing; Viticulture; Geostatistics; Agricultural statistics; Multivariate analysis.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Agricultura de precisão para a sustentabilidade de sistemas produtivos do agronegócio brasileiro. Infoteca-e
INAMASU, R. Y.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; VAZ, C. M. P.; NAIME, J. de M.; QUEIROS, L. R.; RESENDE, A. V. de; VILELA, M. de F.; JORGE, L. A. de C.; BASSOI, L. H.; PEREZ, N. B.; FRAGALLE, E. P..
O início da agricultura de precisão (AP) teve foco em máquinas dotadas de receptores GPS (Global Positioning System) e mapas de produtividade. Talvez, devido à essa fase, estabeleceu-se no Brasil, um senso comum de que o tema AP é uma área do conhecimento relacionada à sofisticação das máquinas agrícolas por meio de eletrônicas embarcadas e sistemas computacionais complexos, apesar do impacto final objetivar a sustentabilidade do agronegócio. A comunidade acadêmica, por sua vez, priorizou trabalhos iniciais voltados ao desenvolvimento de máquinas e equipamentos, por entender que ali estavam os principais desafios.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Agricultura de Precisão; Sensoriamento Remoto; Precision agriculture; Remote sensing.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Agricultura de precisão pode melhorar o gerenciamento da produção de uva de mesa. Infoteca-e
o uso de um monitoramento detalhado do cultivo de uva de mesa pode auxiliar o gerenciamento da produção no Vale do São Francisco, no Nordeste brasileiro. Uma pesquisa realizada pela Embrapa Semiárido mostra que a aplicação da chamada agricultura de precisão (AP) pode revelar diferentes situações em uma mesma área de produção, permitindo que seja realizado um manejo mais adequado. A AP é uma forma de gerenciamento das atividades agrícolas que leva em consideração as variações que as plantas e o solo apresentam em diferentes partes da área de cultivo ao longo do ciclo de produção.
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Uva de mesa; Uva; Agricultura de Precisão; Produção; Precision agriculture.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Agricultura irrigada: potencialidade do semiárido. Infoteca-e
A Vitivinicultura no Semiárido; A Mangicultura no Semiárido; Outras frutíferas no Semiárido; Novos cultivos de frutíferas no Semiárido; A Olericultura no Semiárido; Perspectivas para o futuro da Agricultura irrigada no Semiárido.
Tipo: Fascículos de periódicos Palavras-chave: Agricultura de baixo carbono; Semiárido; Agricultura irrigada; Fruticultura irrigada; Vinho tropical; Suco de uva; Certificação do Vale São Francisco; Agricultura; Irrigação; Fruticultura; Viticultura; Manga; Citricultura; Olericultura; Mudança Climática; Economia da Produção; Desenvolvimento Socio-Econômico; Agriculture; Precision agriculture; Tropical agriculture; Sustainable agriculture; Fruit products; Fruit wines; Fruiting; Tropical and subtropical fruits; Irrigation; Irrigation management; Social impact; Social environment; Agricultural economics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Amostragem de solo em plantio direto para aplicação em agricultura de precisão. Infoteca-e
CARVALHO, J. R. P. de.
O objetivo deste estudo seria a comparação das diversas técnicas estatísticas disponíveis, visando o estudo da amostragem de solo para plantio direto. Com a formação de bases de dados digitais e melhores métodos para coleção de dados e análise geoestatfstica, estudos mais detalhados podem ser realizados sobre a variação dos solos e suas conseqüências.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pedometria; Amostragem de solo; Geoestatística; Pedometric; Agricultura de Precisão; Plantio Direto; Soil sampling; No-tillage; Geostatistics; Precision agriculture.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Olson, Kent D.; Elisabeth, Pascal.
The full impact of an investment in a management information system (MIS), such as precision agriculture (PA), comes from improved managerial decision making throughout the whole farm and not just from improvements in a specific part of the farm. This study was conducted to determine whether the adoption of PA had a positive impact on whole-farm profitability. To overcome problems of simultaneity and self-selection in the adoption decision of PA, this study used a two stage econometric model using data from farms in Southwest Minnesota. The PA adoption decision was evaluated in the first stage, and the impact of adopting PA was evaluated in the second stage. The whole farm rate of return to assets (ROA) was used to measure the impact of PA. For all 212...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Economics; Adoption; Profitability; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Apparent soil electrical conductivity in two different soil types Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Medeiros,Wilker Nunes; Valente,Domingos Sárvio Magalhães; Queiroz,Daniel Marçal de; Pinto,Francisco de Assis de Carvalho; Assis,Igor Rodrigues de.
ABSTRACT Mapping the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) has become important for the characterization of the soil variability in precision agriculture systems. Could the ECa be used to locate the soil sampling points for mapping the chemical and physical soil attributes? The objective of this work was to examine the relations between ECa and soil attributes in two fields presenting different soil textures. In each field, 50 sampling points were chosen using a path that presented a high variability of ECa obtained from a preliminary ECa map. At each sampling point, the ECa was measured in soil depths of 0-20, 0-40 and 0-60 cm. In addition, at each point, soil samples were collected for the determination of physical and chemical attributes in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Management zones; Soil sampling.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Armazenamento e recuperação de dados georreferenciados de condutividade elétrica do solo na Rede de Agricultura de Precisão da Embrapa. Infoteca-e
Resumo: Este trabalho descreve a implantação de uma ferramenta para armazenamento em uma base de dados espacial de informações georreferenciadas de condutividade elétrica do solo obtidas em campo. A partir dos dados coletados, mapas são gerados para suporte à tomada de decisão em agricultura de precisão. Este trabalho utilizou coletas de dados realizadas em uma área de plantio de cana-de-açúcar em Mogi Mirim, SP no âmbito do projeto da Rede de Agricultura de Precisão da Embrapa (Rede AP).
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Dados georreferenciados; Condutividade elétrica do solo; Base de dados geoespacial; Georreferenciamento; Agricultura de Precisão; Spatial data; Georeferencing; Precision agriculture.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Cunha,João P. A. R. Da; Sirqueira Neto,Matheus A..
ABSTRACT: The remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) have great applicability in agriculture. Although it is a technology that has been developed for many years, in the field of agriculture it passed unnoticed for a long time. The high cost of acquisition is still a limiting factor for small and medium-sized farmers. In this way, this study had as objective to develop a low cost RPA for agriculture application. In the present study, the development and the assembly of an RPA prototype of a quadcopter type is presented, consisting of four engines and of vertical propulsion, capable of moving without human intervention, that is, autonomous flight, applied to agriculture and low cost investment. In it was boarded a data control and processing system collected from...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Quadcopters; RPA.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Auger-type granular fertylizer distributor: matemathical model and dynamic simulation REA
Garcia,Angel P.; Cappelli,Nelson L.; Umezu,Claudio K..
The objective of this study was to model mathematically and to simulate the dynamic behavior of an auger-type fertilizer applicator (AFA) in order to use the variable-rate application (VRA) and reduce the coefficient of variation (CV) of the application, proposing an angular speed controller θ' for the motor drive shaft. The input model was θ' and the response was the fertilizer mass flow, due to the construction, density of fertilizer, fill factor and the end position of the auger. The model was used to simulate a control system in open loop, with an electric drive for AFA using an armature voltage (V A) controller. By introducing a sinusoidal excitation signal in V A with amplitude and delay phase optimized and varying θ' during an operation cycle, it is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Seeder fertilizer drill; Modeling; Precision agriculture.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Best fit model selection for spatial differences (regression) in the profitability analysis of precision phosphate (P) application to winter cereals in Precision Agriculture (PA) AgEcon
Hough, Ella Christina; Nell, Wilhelm T.; Maine, Ntsikane; Groenewald, Jan A.; van der Rijst, M..
Phosphates (P) are an important nutrient required by every living plant and animal cell, and deficiencies in soils could cause limited crop production, thereby reducing profitability. Phosphates are also a primary nutrient essential for root development and crop production, and are needed in the tissues of a plant where cells rapidly divide and enlarge. Precision agriculture (PA) could assist the farmer in applying the correct amount of P to the part of the field where it is required most. Variable rate technology (VRT) is a potential tool that can help with the development of strategies for phosphate fertilizer management. On-field trials were conducted on a commercial farm in the Western Cape Province; As many as five soil types occur on each field...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Variable-rate phosphate application; Single rate phosphate application; Profitability; Spatial differences; Restricted maximum-likelihood model (RELM); Spatial regression; Best fit model selection; South Africa; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Broadcast distribution uniformity of fertilizer with centrifugal spreaders used in variable rate application REA
ABSTRACT The quality of fertilizer distribution process is important to the success of agriculture. This research aimed to study the distribution uniformity of fertilizers with spreaders capable of performing variable rate. Evaluations were carried out in different farms, in the Southwest region of the State of Goiás, Brazil. 13 longitudinal and transversal distribution profiles with 11 centrifugal spreaders were evaluated: five with limestone, two with gypsum, two with magnesium oxide, one with monoammonium phosphate (MAP), one with super simple phosphate (SS), one with chloride potassium (KCl) and one with formulated fertilizer (02-20-20). The collectors and the form of distribution followed the ASABE S341.3 standard (2006). The broadcasted distribution...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fertilizer distribution; Broadcast spreaders; Precision agriculture.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Cacao Crop Management Zones Determination Based on Soil Properties and Crop Yield Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Carvalho,Perla Silva Matos de; Franco,Laís Barreto; Silva,Samuel de Assis; Sodré,George Andrade; Queiroz,Daniel Marçal de; Lima,Julião Soares de Souza.
ABSTRACT: The use of management zones has ensured yield success for numerous agricultural crops. In spite of this potential, studies applying precision agricultural techniques to cacao plantations are scarce or almost nonexistent. The aim of the present study was to delineate management zones for cacao crop, create maps combining soil physical properties and cacao tree yield, and identify what combinations best fit within the soil chemical properties. The study was conducted in 2014 on a cacao plantation in a Nitossolo Háplico Eutrófico (Rhodic Paleudult) in Bahia, Brazil. Soil samples were collected in a regular sampling grid with 120 sampling points in the 0.00-0.20 m soil layer, and pH(H2O), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, H+Al, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, SB, V, TOC,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; Unsupervised classification; Soil fertility.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Coeficientes técnicos para o inventário e manejo florestal com emprego do Modelo Digital de Exploração Florestal (MODEFLORA). Infoteca-e
Devido à crescente demanda por informações sobre os coeficientes técnicos do Modelo Digital, esta publicação apresenta os principais coeficientes técnicos envolvidos no inventário florestal, abertura de estradas e pátios, abate de árvores, arraste de toras e carregamento.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Geotécnica; Manejo florestal; Manejo de precisão; Biometría forestal; Sistema de posicionamento global; Modelagem 3D; Modeflora; Biometria florestal; Forest biometry; Inventario forestal; Teledetección; Insumos agrícolas; Geoespatial technology; Análisis económico; Agricultura de precisión; Tecnología geoespacial; Sistemas de posicionamiento global; Sistemas de información geográfica; Manejo forestal; Sistema de informação geográfica; Agricultura de precisão; Administração florestal; Inventário florestal; Sensoriamento remoto; Insumo; Análise econômica; Geographic information systems; Precision agriculture; Forest inventory; Forest management; Farm inputs; Economic analysis; Remote sensing; Global positioning systems.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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