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A mussel tissue certified reference material for multiple phycotoxins. Part 1: design and preparation ArchiMer
Mccarron, Pearse; Emteborg, Hakan; Nulty, Ciara; Rundberget, Thomas; Loader, Jared I.; Teipel, Katharina; Miles, Christopher O.; Quilliam, Michael A.; Hess, Philipp.
The development of multi-analyte methods for lipophilic shellfish toxins based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry permits rapid screening and analysis of samples for a wide variety of toxins in a single run. Validated methods and appropriate certified reference materials (CRMs) are required to ensure accuracy of results. CRMs are essential for accurate instrument calibration, for assessing the complete analytical method from sample extraction to data analysis and for verifying trueness. However, CRMs have hitherto only been available for single toxin groups. Production of a CRM containing six major toxin groups was achieved through an international collaboration. Preparation of this material, CRM-FDMT1, drew on information from earlier studies as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: CRM-FDMT1; Certified reference material; Shellfish toxins; Phycotoxins; Accuracy; Precision; Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Adoption and Abandonment of Precision Soil Sampling in Cotton Production AgEcon
Walton, Jonathan C.; Lambert, Dayton M.; Roberts, Roland K.; Larson, James A.; English, Burton C.; Larkin, Sherry L.; Martin, Steven W.; Marra, Michele C.; Paxton, Kenneth W.; Reeves, Jeanne M..
Adoption of precision agriculture technology has arrived considerable attention, but abandonment has received little. This paper identified factors motivating adoption and abandonment of precision soils sampling in cotton. Younger producers who farmed more cotton area, owned more of their cropland, planted more non-cotton area, or used a computer were more likely to adopt precision soil sampling. Those with more cotton area or who owned livestock were more likely to abandon, while those who used precision soil sampling longer, or used variable-rate fertilizer application were less likely to abandon precision soil sampling.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Abandonment; Adoption; Cotton; Precision; Agriculture; Soil sampling; Southeastern United States; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Development of a Manually Drawn Single Row Onion Set Planter Using a 2 DOF Robotic Arm CIGR Journal
Sarkar, Pranay; Raheman, Hifjur.
In order to obtain precise planting of onion sets, a manual drawn planter with a two degrees of freedom robotic arm was developed. The key idea was to reduce multiple set droppings to single set droppings per hill. The developed three wheeled planter consisted of suitable hopper for onion sets, conveying system, robotic arm, seed tube, furrow opener and closer, and necessary electronics circuits.  The rotation of DC motor of the conveyor belt was dependent on the output of LDR circuit. Onions coming to the workspace of the robotic arm, interrupted the laser light from falling over the LDR hence stopped the belt movement. The robotic arm, programmed in Arduino platform, approached, picked, carried, and released the onion sets into seed tube. Furrow opener...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Precision; Robotic arm; Degrees of freedom; Light dependent resistor; Onion sets planting..
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Evaluation of turbidity measuring instruments using statistical process control Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Souza,Lucas de Paula Ferreira; Campos,Cláudio Milton Montenegro.
The quality management system (QMS) and environmental management system (EMS) are currently being widely developed in laboratories, and have contributed to significant improvements in measurement management processes and client opinion. The purpose of this work is to establish appropriate methodologies for assessing the turbidity measurement that guarantee the quality of the results concerning precision and accuracy and also to test the service performance of the Water Analysis Laboratory of the Engineering Department (LAADEG) of Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The research assessed two bench turbidimeters "A and B" through a statistical process capability study, analyzing the potential capability indexes (Cp) and performance capability (Cpk). We...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Precision; Accuracy; Testing; Quality management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Fontes de erros na mensuração do comprimento e peso de larvas de peixes - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v30i3.393 Biological Sciences
Pedreira, Marcelo Mattos; UFVJM; Santos, José Claudio Epaminondas dos; CODEVASF; Sampaio, Edson Vieira; CODEVASF; Silva, Janaina de Lima; UFVJM; Ferreira, Felipe Nilvan; UFVJM.
Trabalhos com larvas de peixes, sejam de cultivo ou ecológicos invariavelmente empregam o comprimento e o peso como parâmetros. Assim sendo, este experimento foi realizado com larvas de Lophiosilurus alexandri pacamã objetivando determinar algumas fontes de erros amostrais na medição do tamanho e do peso de larvas de peixes. Avaliou-se cinco possíveis fontes de erros. O primeiro foi o erro na medida dos comprimentos total e padrão, devido a acuidade de medição de dois observadores. O segundo, foi o erro na medida dos comprimentos total e padrão, devido ao encolhimento proporcionado pelo fixador formalina a 10%. O terceiro foi o erro devido a duas formas de secagem das larvas na obtenção da biomassa. O quarto experimento foi sobre a influência do tamanho e...
Palavras-chave: Ciências Biológicas amostragem; Exatidão; Larvas de peixes; Lophiosilurus alexandri; Medidas; Precisão sampling; Accuracy; Fish larvae; Measurements; Precision.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Monitoring Marine Habitats With Photogrammetry: A Cost-Effective, Accurate, Precise and High-Resolution Reconstruction Method ArchiMer
Marre, Guilhem; Holon, Florian; Luque, Sandra; Boissery, Pierre; Deter, Julie.
Underwater photogrammetry has been increasingly used to study and monitor the three-dimensional characteristics of marine habitats, despite a lack of knowledge on the quality and reliability of the reconstructions. More particularly, little attention has been paid to exploring and estimating the relative contribution of multiple acquisition parameters on the model resolution (distance between neighbor vertices), accuracy (closeness to true positions/measures) and precision (variability of positions/measures). On the other hand, some studies used expensive or cumbersome camera systems that can restrict the number of users of this technology for the monitoring of marine habitats. This study aimed at developing a simple and cost-effective protocol able to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Underwater photogrammetry; Resolution; Accuracy; Precision; 3D habitat mapping; Marine ecology.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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PLACA: a white box for plate reconstruction and best-fit pole determination ArchiMer
Matias, Luis; Olivet, Jean-louis; Aslanian, Daniel; Fidalgo, Luis.
PLACA was developed as a general purpose computer program for the earth scientist that has to manipulate the rigid plate tectonics theory, from the representation of plate reconstructions to the determination of best-fit poles using magnetic anomalies, fracture zones or volcanic alignments. In the "forward" mode PLACA has the features of most available demonstration software plus the ability of simulating mid-oceanic ridges (MOR) as dynamic segments that move with a fraction of the relative motion between two plates. The movement can be illustrated by the generation of flow lines, plate trajectories and/or pseudo-magnetic anomalies on the ocean floor. The evolution of simple triple junctions of the R-R-R type can also be studied. In the "modifying" mode,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Precision; Confidence region; Fortran; Plate tectonics; Tectonophysics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Rank-ordering coefficients of variation for popping expansion - doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v33i3.11911 Agronomy
Arnhold, Emmanuel; Universidade Federal do Goiás (UFG); Milani, Klayton Flávio; Universidade Estatual de Maringá (UEM).
The coefficient of variation (CV) has been the most important statistic to determine the precision of experimental errors, but an even classification for guiding popcorn breeders is still lacking for popping expansion. The normality of data from 50 CVs was tested through the Shapiro-Wilk test, and the mean (m), median, standard deviation (SD), maximum and minimum values, asymmetry and kurtosis were all determined using the momentum method. The CVs were ranked as low [CV &le; (m - 1 SD)], moderate [(m - 1 SD) < CV &le; (m + 1 SD)], high [(m + 1 SD) < CV &le; (m + 2 SD)] and very high [CV > (m + 2 SD)]. In summary, these data were close to the normality because the slight and flattened curve was skewed to the right. The CV’s mean was...
Palavras-chave: Zea mays; Dispersion measurement; Genetic improvement; Precision; Accuracy Zea mays; Dispersion measurement; Genetic improvement; Precision; Accuracy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Uncertainty measurement in the homogenization and sample reduction in the physical classification of rice and beans Ciência Rural
Pivoto,Dieisson; Becker,João Mathias; Bremm,Carolina; Albano,Filipe de Medeiros.
ABSTRACT: The study aimed to i) quantify the measurement uncertainty in the physical tests of rice and beans for a hypothetical defect, ii) verify whether homogenization and sample reduction in the physical classification tests of rice and beans is effective to reduce the measurement uncertainty of the process and iii) determine whether the increase in size of beans sample increases accuracy and reduces measurement uncertainty in a significant way. Hypothetical defects in rice and beans with different damage levels were simulated according to the testing methodology determined by the Normative Ruling of each product. The homogenization and sample reduction in the physical classification of rice and beans are not effective, transferring to the final test...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ISO / IEC 17025; Grain classification; Quality control; Precision.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Une procédure systématique pour le sous-échantillonnage des prélèvements de plancton ArchiMer
Koutsikopoulos, Constantin; Petitgas, Pierre.
It is often necessary to sub-sample plankton samples even if the precision of the estimation is thereby decreased. A methodological optimization is looked for. The variance depends on the procedure of construction of the aliquot (strategy) and the number of individuals counted (effort). The sub-sampling effort is allocated in a general context of repartition of the total effort between sampling and sub-sampling. This effort depends on the time consumed by the sub-sampling procedure, the volume of the aliquot and the number of individuals counted. For the same effort, a systematic procedure for the construction of sub-samples is more precise than a random one because it travels through the entire sample and is thus less dependent on the spatial distribution...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plancton; Sous-échantillonnage; Effort; Précision; Plankton; Sub-sampling; Effort; Precision.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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