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Double Root Anatomical Variations in a Single Patient: Endodontic Treatment and Rehabilitation of a Three-rooted First Premolar. Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Oporto V,Gonzalo H; Saavedra,Rubén; Soto P,Camila C; Fuentes,Ramón.
Abnormal interaction between oral epithelium and underlying mesenchematic tissue during odontogenesis could result in teeth with an anatomical variation. First maxilar premolar has such variable root canal morphology. However, (0.2-6% of cases) a three-rooted premolar is particularly uncommon. First mandibular premolar frequently has one root and one single canal (75% of cases), however, a tooth with two canals and two separate roots could be found (19.5-22.5%). Execution of an accurate diagnosis of root canal system is essential to perform a successful endodontic treatment and tooth rehabilitation. This article describes diagnosis, endodontic treatment and rehabilitation (means single crown) of a maxillary three-rooted and three-canal first premolar, and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomical variation; Root canal; Teeth root; Teeth endodontically treated; Premolar; Crown.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Study of Position, Shape, Size and Incidence of Mental Foramenand Accessory Mental Foramen in Indian Adult Human Skulls International Journal of Morphology
Singh,Rajani; Srivastav,A. K.
Paralysis of the mental nerve is one of the principal complications of surgery of the mandibular canal and mental foramen region. Therefore, identification of mental foramen is important for dental surgeons in nerve block and surgical procedures like apico curettage of mandibular premolars, amalgam filling, peridental surgery etc. to avoid injury to neurovascular bundle. Accessory mental foramina tend to exist in the apical area of the first molar and posterior or inferior area of the mental foramen. The accessory branches of the mandibular canal showed common characteristics in the course of gently sloping posterosuperior direction in the buccal surface area. Verification of the existence of accessory mental foramina would prevent accessory nerve injury...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Mental foramen; Accessory mental foramen; Mandible; Mental nerve; Premolar; Molar.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Supernumerary teeth in Necromys lasiurus (Rodentia, Cricetidae): the first record in sigmodontinae Mastozool. neotrop.
Simões Libardi,Gustavo; Reis Percequillo,Alexandre.
There are several kinds of anomalies related to the teeth reported in mammals, and one of them is known as supernumerary teeth and is commonly noticed in the literature, being reported in nearly all orders of mammals. Here, we report the occurrence of supernumerary molars in the sigmodontine rodent Necromys lasiurus, a common and widespread small rodent of tribe Akodontini. In order to assess the patterns of morphometric variation of N. lasiurus in eastern South America, we examined the skulls of 1763 specimens. The supernumerary molars were found in 2 individuals, which represent a frequency of 0.11%. The origin of super­numerary teeth started a long discussion on tooth homology, whether this anomaly is a result of heredity, a mutation or an atavism....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Akodontini; Brazil; Development; Extra teeth; Molar; Premolar.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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