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Access Issues for Plant Breeders in an Increasingly Privatized World 31
Lindner, Robert K..
There is a growing trend to widespread privatisation of crop breeding, and there are grounds for expecting this trend to continue and even to accelerate. Possible consequences for Australian grain growers and the national interest of much greater private sector involvement in plant breeding are explored. Growing privatisation and commercialisation of plant breeding will lead to increased competition between plant breeders. While this increased competition has been at least partly driven by the potential for value creation, it also is likely to enhance value creation from plant breeding so long as there is adequate continuing investment in the capacity for plant breeding, and more particularly in productivity enhancing enabling technology. In the event of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Privatisation; Plant breeding; Access; Enabling technologies; Competition policy; Excludable public goods.; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Competition, Regulation and Privatisation of Electricity Generation in Developing Countries: Does the Sequencing of the Reforms Matter? 31
Zhang, Yingang; Parker, David; Kirkpatrick, Colin.
Recent years have seen countries introducing reform of their utility industries with a view to promoting private ownership and competition. This paper studies the effect of the sequencing of privatisation, competition and regulation reforms in electricity generation using data from 25 developing countries for the period 1985 to 2001. A fixed effects panel data model is used. The study finds that establishing an independent regulatory authority and introducing competition before privatisation is correlated with higher electricity generation, higher generation capacity and, in the case of the sequence of competition before privatisation, improved capital utilisation.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Privatisation; Competition; Regulation; Developing economies; Economic performance.; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; L33; L43; L44; L50; 012; O38; O50.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Evolution of tubewell ownership and production in the North China Plain 31
Wang, Jinxia; Huang, Jikun; Rozelle, Scott.
The overall aim of the present paper is to better understand the evolution of tubewell ownership in the North China Plain, especially focusing on the factors that determine ownership and its effect on production. Based on a random sample of 30 villages in three counties in the Hai River Basin, our results show that collectively owned tubewells have been gradually privatised. The analyses demonstrate that increasing water and land scarcity and policy intervention (mainly fiscal and financial subsidies for tubewell investment) leads to the observed shifts in tubewell ownership patterns. The results also show that the privatisation of tubewells has affected cropping patterns in the North China Plain. When villages shift towards private tubewells, farmers move...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural production; China; Privatisation; Subsidies; Tubewell ownership; Water scarcity; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Implications of Recent Australian Wheat Industry Developments for Domestic and Overseas Prices 31
Lobb, Alexandra E.; Fraser, Rob W..
This study is motivated by the proposition that the objectives of the AWB Ltd have changed since semi-privatisation of the Australian Wheat Board under the Wheat Marketing Act, 1989. Conceptualising this change of objectives as a shift from revenue maximization to profit maximization, this study examines the impact of such a change on the pricing policies of a multi-market price-setting firm. More specifically, this paper investigates, using two hypothetical objective functions, a risk averse AWB’s price-setting behaviour in an “overseas” and a “domestic” market in response to recent wheat industry developments. In the analysis these developments manifest themselves as differing price elasticities, differing transport costs and uncertain demand functions,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Privatisation; Australian wheat industry; Pricing policies.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Warum blieb in der russischen Landwirtschaft die duale Struktur von Großbetrieb und Hauswirtschaften erhalten? 31
Schulze, Eberhard.
The collectivisation of agriculture in most socialistic countries was connected with the development of a dual enterprise structure of large-scale farms and household plots. In Russia, in contrast to other European transition countries, this structure in most regions remained in the main features. The article tried to find reasons for this development. It has been recognised that beside the macroeconomic situation above all the intersection of the three institutional and organisational systems large scale enterprise, rural community and household plots is of importance. Based on this, suggestions for continuation of the agrarian reform in Russia are derived.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Collectivization; Privatisation; Large-scale farm; Household plot; Holding; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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