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Potentiel probiotique de levures productrices des polyamines dans le développement du système digestif du bar Dicentrarchus labrax et de la cabrilla arenera Paralabrax maculatofasciatus ArchiMer
Tovar, Dariel.
The interest in probiotics for aquaculture is increasing rapidly. In the present work we evaluated the potential of some yeast to induce the larvae gut maturation in sea bass larvae Dicentrarchus labrax. The production of polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine was quantified in ten yeast strains using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Afterwards, fluorescently labelled yeast adhesion to the intestine of sea bass larvae and the spotted sand bass (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus) was evaluated by fluorescent microscopy. Two of them, CBS 8339 strain (Debaryomyces hansenii) and X2180 strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) produce the polyamines of our interest. The same strains showed the best adhering capabilities to the sea bass and spotted sand...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ontogeny; Digestive enzymes; Fish larvae; Polyamines; Probiotics; Ontogénèse; Enzymes digestives; Larves de poisson; Polyamines; Probiotiques.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Utilisation de bactéries lactiques probiotiques pour prémunir les poissons d'élevage contre des vibrions pathogènes ArchiMer
Lamari, Faouzi.
Diseases cause major production losses in fish farms. Bacteria of the genus Vibrio are known as opportunistic pathogens, and have been associated with mass-mortality episodes. To cope with these disease outbreaks, fish farmers often resort to the use of antibiotics. However, preventive overuse has led to the emergence of resistant strains and frequent treatment failures. Probiotic lactic acid bacteria are increasingly used to improve the quality of seed production in aquaculture, while limiting antibiotic treatments. Microbial strains must fulfil several criteria to be evaluated as potential probiotics.In a first step, we selected and characterized 55 strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from fish hatchery. The first selection criterion focused on the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Probiotiques; Microflore intestinale; Réponse immunitaire; Stress oxydatif; Malformations vertébrales; Ossification; Oxidative stress; Vertebral malformations; Dicentrarchus labrax; Artemia; Vibrio; Probiotic; Intestinal microflora; Immune response.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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