Registros recuperados: 290 | |
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ALMEIDA, S. P. de; BONNAS, D. S.; JORDAO, P. R.; AGUIAR, J. L. P. de. |
A gueroba, gariroba ou guariroba e uma palmeira arborea nativa do bioma Cerrado que produz frutos com polpa mucilaginosa comestivel e palmito amargo muito utilizado no cardapio regional e comercializado in natura nas feiras e margens de rodovias. O extrativismo intenso para uso do palmito vem reduzindo substancialmente os guerobais nativos. Dai, este trabalho tratar de parte de um estudo de caso dessa planta, na Fazenda Pantanal dos Buritis em Aragoiania, GO. O enfoque geral deste estudo, e mostrar seu comportamento em cultivo, destacando as mais variadas maneiras de utilizar suas partes para reduzir desperdicios. Neste trabalho, sao abordados desde a descricao botanica, colheita e secagem dos cocos-semente, problemas de germinacao e desenvolvimento... |
Tipo: Folhetos |
Palavras-chave: Gueroba; Syagrus oleracea; Planta nativa; Processing; Indigenous organisms; Cerrado; Guariroba; Palmae; Palmeira Oleaginosa; Processamento. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/564010 |
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Poppe, Krijn; Sonnino, Roberta; Ahrné, Lilia; Brennan, Loraine; Jacobs, Nick; Carlo, Mango; Menrad, Klaus; Moutou, Katerina; Schmid, Otto; Treyer, Sébastian; Varela, Ortega; Consuelo and Westhoek, Henk. |
In this report, a group of European Commission (EC) appointed experts recommend orientations for food and nutrition security research and innovation in the years to come. The report calls for a Research, Innovation and Investment Strategy (RI&IS) in line with the EC FOOD2030 initiative to deliver on four priorities: nutrition for sustainable and healthy diets; climate smart and environmentally sustainable food systems; circularity and resource efficiency of food systems; innovation and empowerment of communities. Using food systems thinking, the experts have reworked and integrated these priorities to develop a mission-type approach. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Processing; Packaging and transportation Policy environments and social economy Produce chain management Europe. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34882/1/Food2030-Recipe-for-Change_Full-Report_June2018.pdf |
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Gomes,Lucas Matias; Ribeiro,Cláudia Silva da Costa; Ragassi,Carlos Francisco; Silva,Lorena Sousa; Reifschneider,Francisco José Becker. |
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the plant and fruit characteristics in advanced lines of Jalapeño pepper for mechanical harvesting. Thus, two experiments were carried out in the field. Experiment I (2015) was conducted as a randomized block design (three replications and eight plants per plot) and Experiment II (2016) in a completely randomized design (five replications and ten plants per plot). In 2015, lines CNPH 30,112, CNPH 30,118, CNPH 30,147, CNPH 30,159, CNPH 30,183, and CNPH 30,245 were evaluated, together with the control ‘BRS Sarakura’. Significant differences were detected for fruit and plant characteristics (P<0.05). Lines CNPH 30,118, CNPH 30,147, CNPH 30,159, and CNPH 30,245 were selected based on plant height and... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Capsicum annuum L.; Capsaicinoids; Breeding; Earliness; Processing; Soluble solids.. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782019000200151 |
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Marzban, Nasim. |
Phenolic compounds are vulnerable to change in different drying situations. Because of the health benefits of these food components and their preventive effect on many chronic diseases, they have been the target of investigation over the past decades. The present study aims for questioning the effects of drying time and temperature on phenolic compounds in order to find an optimized drying procedure for preservation of these valuable components. Furthermore, the study tries to estimate the contribution of dried apple slices in meeting daily needs of consumers. A side study was conducted to predict the amount of total phenolic content (TPC) with the non-destructive hyperspectral imaging (H I) technique. The experiment design involved carrying out tests at... |
Tipo: Thesis |
Palavras-chave: Processing; Packaging and transportation. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34401/1/2016_Marzban_english.pdf |
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Trotz steigender Umsätze bei Öko-Lebensmitteln in den letzten Jahren gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass das Nachfragepotential bei Öko-Käufern noch nicht ausgeschöpft wird. Um eine Nachfrageausweitung anzuregen, ist es deshalb Ziel des Vorhabens, diejenigen Lebensmittelprodukte und übergeordnet Produktgruppen ausfindig zu machen, bei welchen Verbraucher zur konventionellen Variante greifen. Dies soll durch die Analyse des tatsächlichen Kaufverhaltens unterschiedlicher Käufergruppen mithilfe von Paneldaten der GfK von 13.000 deutschen Haushalten umgesetzt werden. Die Betrachtung des realen Käuferverhaltens ist hierbei von zentraler Bedeutung, da Selbst-Einschätzungen oder Angaben oft durch den Effekt der sozialen Erwünschtheit verzerrt sind. Die Betrachtung... |
Tipo: Project description |
Palavras-chave: Processing; Packaging and transportation Markets and trade Consumer issues Produce chain management. |
Ano: 2024 |
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Dumdei, Dipl.-Ing. agr. Katrin; Linke, Dipl.-Ing. Manfred. |
For various reasons fruits and vegetables are particularly susceptible to quality losses after harvest and do not satisfy the quality demands of the consumers at purchase. The aim of the project is the optimisation of freshness-preserving provisions along the supply chain such that organic vegetables of regional cultivation reach for the consumer a surplus value through the perceived freshness. Therefore, measurement series were planned which enables the examination of the temperature of selected products along the distribution chain considering spatial and time aspects of the processing steps. Investigation of the overall temperature load allows the estimation of respiration losses by what the degree of quality reduction can be described. This analysis of... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Processing; Packaging and transportation. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/3813/1/3813.pdf |
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Kretzschmar, Ursula; Schmid, Otto. |
The overall objective of the subproject on processing, where the Delphi expert survey was an important task, is “to develop of a framework for the design of “minimum” and “low input” processing strategies, which guarantee food quality and safety.” It should support the overall aim of the integrated QLIF Project (Quality of Low-Input Food) in improving quality, ensuring safety and reducing costs along the European organic and “low input” food supply chains through research, dissemination and training activities. The method chosen was the Delphi method. The work was carried out in the form of a two step Delphi survey. In the first round 250 experts in 13 countries in Europe were involved, and were asked to respond to a standardised questionnaire in October... |
Tipo: Book |
Palavras-chave: Processing; Packaging and transportation. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/7032/1/kretzschmar-schmid-2005-qlif.pdf |
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Kretzschmar, Ursula; Schmid, Otto. |
The overall objective of the subproject on processing, where the Delphi expert survey was an important task, is “to develop of a framework for the design of “minimum” and “low input” processing strategies, which guarantee food quality and safety.” It should support the overall aim of the integrated QLIF Project (Quality of Low-Input Food) in improving quality, ensuring safety and reducing costs along the European organic and “low input” food supply chains through research, dissemination and training activities. The method chosen was the Delphi method. The work was carried out in the form of a two step Delphi survey. In the first round 250 experts in 13 countries in Europe were involved, and were asked to respond to a standardised questionnaire in October... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Processing; Packaging and transportation. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/7098/1/DelphiprocessingUK4.2.doc |
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Registros recuperados: 290 | |