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Lambert, David K.; Wilson, William W..
Markets for agricultural products may be inefficient when signals do not adequately reflect product characteristics important to market participants. Although preferences can be explicitly stated through price premiums or characteristic values can be determined via hedonic methods, the problem is compounded when product quality information is costly to obtain. Bundling of quality traits by variety can serve to signal product quality. A procedure is developed in this paper to derive the value of different varieties in meeting buyer demands. An application to the hard red spring market wheat both validates the ability of the procedure to distinguish among varieties, as well as provides empirical support to the existence of Akerlof's lemon market in the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agricultural markets; Product quality; Distance functions; Wheat; Crop Production/Industries; Marketing.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Controle de qualidade e conformidade de produtos e fermentados à base de Bacillus spp.: proposta metodológica. Infoteca-e
Resumo: Na presente obra é apresentado um método para análise da qualidade de produtos à base de Bacillus, tanto para os produtos registrados junto ao Mapa, como para obtidos via fermentação caseira ou "on farm", ou ainda para o controle de qualidade de novos produtos que estão sendo desenvolvidos em instituições públicas e instituições privadas. Essa metodologia de controle de qualidade pode ser utilizada em todas as etapas da cadeia de produção de Bacillus. A sua adoção contribuirá para que as empresas e os produtores privados mantenham a qualidade dos produtos à base de Bacillus produzidos no país, e consequentemente que os agricultores mantenham a confiança na eficácia dos produtos à base de Bacillus produzidos no país. Desta forma, também contribuirá...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Objetivo de desenvolvimento sustentável; Controle Biológico; Bactéria não Patogênica; Doença de Planta; Controle de Qualidade; Método; Análise de Laboratório; Biological control agents; Quality control; Product quality; Bacillus (bacteria); Methodology.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Des systèmes intégrés multi-trophiques pour une aquaculture durable ArchiMer
Hussenot, Jerome; Richard, M..
Within the SEACASE European project on sustainable extensive and semi-intensive aquaculture in Southern Europe (SEACASE), an information day on integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems (IMTA) has been organized by Ifremer in Rochefort sur Mer, with the participation of other French partners of the project. After presenting the concept of IMTA, modern polyculture, the contents of the European research project SEACASE, and recent research carried out also were exposed. The interest of these systems and their implementation in future years to develop sustainable aquaculture has been discussed in a debate between the various participants.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture durable; Systèmes intégrés; Élevage extensif; Qualité des produits; Traitement des effluents; Sustainable aquaculture; Integrated system; IMTA; Extensive system; Product quality; Effluent treatment.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Scalco, Andrea Rossi; Machado, Joao Guilherme de Camargo Ferraz; Queiroz, Timoteo Ramos.
Garantir ao consumidor final produtos com qualidade, em especial produtos seguros do ponto de vista de saúde humana, é uma questão de sobrevivência e de competitividade dos agentes ligados à cadeia de produção de amendoim e derivados. Sendo assim, esses agentes devem adequar as suas práticas de gestão da qualidade a fim de contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade dos produtos ofertados. Esse trabalho traz uma contribuição à medida que analisa os aspectos referentes à gestão da qualidade nos agentes da cadeia: produtor, cooperativa de armazenamento e indústria de beneficiamento, a fim de apontar os pontos fortes e fracos dessas práticas e interferir com medidas necessárias para a segurança do alimento e eficiência em termos de redução de perdas. Pode-se...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Qualidade de produto; Cadeia produtiva do amendoim; Gestão da qualidade.; Product quality; Peanut production chain; Quality management; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Do Consumers Trust the National Inspection Exemption Brands? Evidence from Infant Formula in China AgEcon
Jin, Yanhong H.; Lin, Liguo; Yao, Lan.
Consumers are often uncertain about product quality and have to rely on different information, either given or pursued, to assess quality. Developing countries may lack institutional and technical resources to rigorously monitor and enforce product quality standards and/or to implement market-based instruments where market failures are common. The information-based instruments on product quality may work well in these countries as they reduce information asymmetry between firms and consumers. This study investigates one particular information-based instrument, the National Inspection Exemption (NIE) system in China. China launched the National Inspection Exemption (NIE) System in various industries in 2000 to award firms who are in compliance with the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Brand choice; Food safety; Product quality; National inspection exemption; Quality standards; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Explaining Quality Differences at the Procurement Stage in the Polish Milk Sector AgEcon
Pieniadz, Agata; Hockmann, Heinrich.
The challenge of implementing EU quality and safety standards for food production and trading is one of the driving forces behind the restructuring of the agrofood chains in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC). The progress made in the compliance process not only varies amongst sectors and countries, but also among particular chains due to differences in their internal structure and strategies, and features of their political and economic surroundings. We construct a models to identify determinants of the diffusion rate of standards in a food chain under pre-accession conditions. We argue that adoption decisions in the food chain are determined by farmers' and processors' economic considerations. Factors such as pricing behavior, compliance costs...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Product quality; Standards; EU enlargement; Industrial organization; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Gestão da qualidade na cadeia produtiva do amendoim1 AgEcon
Scalco, Andrea Rossi; Machado, Joao Guilherme de Camargo Ferraz.
Competitiveness is linked to the consumer guarantee of a safe product that satisfies his/her necessities, as well as to the efficiency of the managing and operational practices which aim at reducing costs and losses in the whole chain. This work contributes by analyzing quality management aspects among the agents of a peanut production chain: producer, storage cooperative and the processing industries. The objective of the work is to highlight the strong and weak points in these practices and introduce the necessary measures to guarantee the safety of the product and more efficiency in reducing losses. It can be affirmed that there was a significant difference in terms quality management practices between the agents in the peanut production chain. Some...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Product quality; Peanut production chain; Quality management; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Haematology, Carcass and Fatty Acid Composition of Finishing Broilers Fed Enzyme Supplemented Expeller Copra Meal in Corn-Animal Protein Diets Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Devi,A; Diarra,SS; Mael,SH.
ABSTRACT This study analyzes the effect of different levels of expeller copra meal (ECM) in animal protein-based diets with enzyme on the haematology, carcass and fatty acid composition of broilers. One hundred and sixty 20 days old Cobb broilers were assigned 8 different diets, 2 of them being controls and 6 others containing ECM at 150, 300 and 450 g/kg, with or without enzymes. Four replicate cages of 5 birds each were fed the diets in a completely randomized design. Higher white blood cell (WBC) counts were obtained in chickens fed the control and 150 g/kg ECM with enzyme (p<0.05) diets. Meat saturated fatty acids (SFA) content increased on the 150 g/kg diet and later decreased above 300 g/kg without enzyme (p<0.05). Monounsaturated fatty acid...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alternative ingredients; Animal health; Product quality.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Incentive Compatible Pricing and Quality Adoption: The Case of the Polish Dairy Sector AgEcon
Pieniadz, Agata; Hockmann, Heinrich.
We construct a model to identify determinants of the diffusion rate of standards in a food chain. We argue that adoption decisions in the food chain are determined by farmers’ and processors’ economic considerations. Factors such as pricing behavior, compliance costs and market structure, all of which influence the adoption of standards, are identified and discussed in the paper. The findings are used to test an econometric model utilizing data on Polish milk processing firms in the period between 2000 and 2002. The results indicate that input and output prices have a significant influence on the diffusion rate of standards. The dominance of large-scale holdings in the relevant procurement market significantly increases, whereas high compliance costs...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Product quality; Standards; EU enlargement; Industrial organization.; Industrial Organization; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Hennessy, David A..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Vertical integration; Information; Product quality; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Saak, Alexander E..
In a marketing environment, the demand conditions, the costs of shipping and storing grain varieties, the interest rate on farm loans, and the distribution of cropland in the area are important determinants of growers' planting decisions. In this article, I focus on a market for two quality-differentiated agricultural commodities: one produced with the use of biotechnology and the other, without. I develop a model for analyzing the equilibrium planting and marketing decisions made by geographically dispersed producers during the marketing year following harvest. I identify the types of marketing environments leading to a greater concentration of equilibrium acreage planted to a particular grain variety near the market and investigate the effects of the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Commodity prices; Grain storage; Location; Marketing; Product quality; Supermodularity; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Modern food retailers and traditional markets in developing countries: Comparing quality, prices, and competition strategies in Thailand AgEcon
Schipmann, Christin; Qaim, Matin.
Supermarkets and hypermarkets are expanding rapidly in many developing countries. While consequences for farmers and consumers were analyzed recently, little is known about the implications for traditional retail formats such as wet markets. Using data from a market survey in Thailand and hedonic regression models, we analyze quality and prices for fresh vegetables from different retail outlets. Compared to wet markets, modern retailers sell higher quality at higher prices, indicating that they are primarily targeting better-off consumers. Hence, they are not directly competing for the same market segments. Yet there are signs that modern and traditional markets will gradually converge.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Supermarkets; Modern retailers; Traditional wet markets; Product quality; Vegetables; Thailand; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis; C21; L15; Q13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Vedrashko, Alexander; Smith, Vincent H..
Alchian and Allen hypothesized that a country will export high rather than low quality goods. Here we show that if the inherent attributes of the commodities are identical the country will only export the high-quality good.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Transport costs; Patterns of trade; Product quality; International Relations/Trade; F1.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Product Differentiation on the Polish Pig Meat Market AgEcon
Pieniadz, Agata; Hockmann, Heinrich.
This study deals with horizontal product differentiation in the Polish pig meat market. Hypothesis among firms behaviour are derived from an illustrative model and tested in an empirical analysis using data from 1991-1998. The empirical analysis suggest that product differentiation is a relevant phenomenon in the polish pig meat markets. In addition we found that costs and competitions are important factors influencing price variation. However, further influences like price discrimination and vertical product differentiation are also important determinants for product price variations.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Pricing; Market structure; Product quality; Marketing.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Product Quality in the Food Chain: Do Cooperatives Offer High Quality Products? AgEcon
Pennerstorfer, Dieter; Weiss, Christoph R..
Cooperatives and investor-owned firms are alternative forms of business organisation that coexist and compete in many markets. The theoretical literature has identified a number of comparative advantages and disadvantages of cooperatives. Decentralized decision making within cooperatives may lead to quality coordination problems (free-riding on product quality), for example: whereas the individual member has to bear the full costs associated with higher quality, the benefits of delivering higher quality will be shared among all members. The present paper investigates this free-riding problem in determining product quality within a marketing cooperative in a vertically related market (food chain). On the basis of a mixed-oligopoly model, we show that the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Product quality; Cooperatives; Food chain; Competition; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Quality and Competition: An Empirical Analysis across Industries AgEcon
Crespi, John M.; Marette, Stephan.
This paper empirically explores the link between quality and concentration in a cross-section of manufactured goods. Using concentration data and product quality indicators, an ordered probit estimation explores the impact of concentration on quality that is defined as an index of quality characteristics. The results demonstrate that market concentration and quality are positively correlated across different industries. When industry concentration increases, the likelihood of the product being higher quality increases and the likelihood of observing a lower quality decreases.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Concentration; Market structure; Ordered probit; Product differentiation; Product quality; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Quality Assurance and other Marketing Management Elements as Key Success Factors for Entering a New Market: a Case Presentation of Functional Food Market in Indonesia AgEcon
Puspa, Jofi; Kuhl, Rainer.
Based on its distinctive profiles functional-food (FF) can be considered as a mixture of food and pharmaceutical items. Apparently, these different characteristics that exist beyond conventional food products contribute success of the commercialization of new innovative FFs. Therefore, assumption can be made by arguing that for the marketing a FF a distinctive marketing-strategic beyond the one usually used for the conventional food products must be employed. This study was pursued with the main aims to understand the consumer’s psychological factors and to find out elements important to setting up the marketing strategy. These two findings will be then used as basis for designing a distinctive marketing strategy for a FF. We found that consumer’s...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Product quality; Communication; Segmentation; Key success factors for market entry; Functional food in Indonesia.; Financial Economics; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Quality assurance, safety and standardisation of value added fisheries products OceanDocs
Akande, G.R.; Ayinla, O.A.; Olusola A.O.; Adeyemi, R.S.; Oramadike, C.E.; Babalola, A.F. et al.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Standardization; Fishery products; Quality assurance; Safety; Product quality.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Carriquiry, Miguel A.; Babcock, Bruce A..
Participants in a supply chain of agricultural value-added products face significant challenges. Many of the costly distinctive traits desired by consumers are difficult (if not impossible) to observe even after consumption. A complicating factor, addressed here, is that in some circumstances delivered quality can only be imperfectly learned and/or affected stochastically by producers. Hence, both symmetric and asymmetric informational imperfections may be present. In order for markets for these classes of goods to arise, firms touting the quality of the product need to be trusted. A repeated-purchases model is developed to explore the fundamental economic factors that lie behind the choice of different quality assurance systems and their associated...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Imperfect information; Product quality; Quality assurance; Repeated purchases; Reputations; Supply chain; Value-added agriculture; Production Economics.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Reputations, Market Structure, and the Choice of Quality Assurance Systems in the Food Industry AgEcon
Carriquiry, Miguel A.; Babcock, Bruce A..
A repeated-purchases model is developed to explore the fundamental economic factors that lie behind the choice of different quality assurance systems and their associated degrees of stringency by firms. Differences in the quality discoverability of a sought-after attribute, market structure, attractiveness of a market, nature of reputations, and the value placed in the future are among the factors contributing to the implementation of widely diverse systems across participants in different markets. Close attention is paid to the role of reputations in providing the incentives for firms to deliver high-quality goods. We model three different scenarios— - monopoly, duopoly with firm-specific reputations, and duopoly with industry-wide reputations— - and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Quality assurance; Reputations; Repeated purchases; Product quality; Supply chain; Value-added agriculture; Imperfect information; Marketing.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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