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Geszti, Szilard; Sebestyen, Julianna.
Az elemzés szerint a Somogy megyei vadásztársaságok nyereségesek voltak. Az összköltség szignifikánsan (p<0,05) befolyásolta a bevételek nagyságát. A vizsgált időtartam alatt a legnagyobb bevételi forrás (értékben, arányban) a kül-földi bérvadásztatásból, a legjelentősebb kiadás a vadgazdálkodási költségből származott. A 2004. évben a nagymértékű kiadásnövekedést a Somogy megyei vadásztársaságok kompenzálták, de az eltérő adottságok és lehetőségek miatt, a felmerült problémát a társaságok különböző módon oldották meg (pl. tagdíj nö-velésével, a vaddisznóhajtás értékesítésével, tárgyi eszközök értékesítésével, a vadgazdálkodási költség csökkentése segítségével). A kutatás kvalitatív részéből (a mélyinterjúkból) kiderült, hogy a vadásztársaságok anyagi...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Vadgazdálkodás; Externáliák; Internáliák; Erőforrások; Költségszerkezet; Bevételszerkezet; Nyereség hunting companies; Game management; Externals; Profit; Costs; Revenues; Agribusiness; Farm Management.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Edwards, Allistair; Jacque, Andrew Eliel.
The sugar industry in the island of St. Kitts came to a close in 2005 and so too did a long period of monoculture and possibly a culture and lifestyle of a people that affectionately refer to their country as Sugar City. Sugar was cultivated on approximately 4,500 hectares and there is now a dire need for replacement commodities that fit within the social, economic and environmental landscape of the country. Sugar cane cultivation and sugar production provided good-paying jobs and was the main source of income for many households. The crop provided a high degree of soil conservation and was a boon to the tourism industry. In addition, sugar was a substantial source of foreign exchange and provided some diversification to a tourism dependent economy....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Competitive commodities; Profit; Policy analysis matrix; St. Kitts/Nevis; Sugarcane; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Production Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Sariozkan,S; Kara,K; Güçlü,BK.
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to compare the applicability of non-feed removal (NFR) programs to induce molting in brown laying hens by feedusing alfalfa meal and barley grain on molting of instead of feed withdrawal in terms of performance, egg quality and profitability. A total of 240, 75-week-old Hy-Line brown laying hens were randomly divided into three groups as conventional feed withdrawal (CONV), and two non-feed removal programs using alfalfa meal (A+F) or barley grain (B+F), each containing 80 hens with 20 replicates (4 hens x 20 replicates = 80 hens). After 10 days of the induced molting the lowest body weight loss (20.01%) was found in the B+F method (p< 0.01). In the second cycle, onset of egg production days were significantly different...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alfalfa; Barley; Performance; Profit; Quality.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Association between technical and economic performance indexes and dairy farm profitability R. Bras. Zootec.
Ferrazza,Rodrigo de Andrade; Lopes,Marcos Aurélio; Prado,Danielle Gonçalves de Oliveira; Lima,Renato Ribeiro de; Bruhn,Fabio Raphael Pascoti.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the determinant profitability indexes of typical dairy farms located in Brazil. The empirical sample included detailed technical and financial information of 61 Brazilian dairy farms across a longitudinal data set (10 years). Numerous technical and economic indexes were estimated, and Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated to determine the relationship between each index and profitability. After selecting the significant indexes, regression equations were generated to determine the relationship between each index and profitability. The results of the analysis revealed significant interactions between different combinations of technical and financial indexes. Milk production per lactating cow and area were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Benchmark; Dairy cattle; Efficiency; Profit; Rural management.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Avaliação financeira da produção de maracujá. Infoteca-e
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a budget analysis of passionflower (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.) production. Four financial methods were used: 1) Payback; 2) Net Present Value (NPV); 3) Internal Rate of Return (IRR); 4) and Benefit / Cost Ratio (BCR). This document intends to be a quick reference for field technicians and farmers and not a deep study of financial mathematics. It shows how to calculate, the advantages and disadvantagens, the limitations of each method and how to interpret the results. The passionflower production was chosen due to the intensive use of labor, the small are needed and the increase of demand of fruits by the Brazilian juice industry, becoming and interesting investment option for the small farmers. The payback...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Viabilidade econômica; Economic viability; Profit; Custo de Produção; Lucro; Maracujá; Passiflora Edulis; Rentabilidade; Passion fruits; Production costs; Yields.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Az őszi búza réz-mikroelemtrágyás kezelésének gazdasági vizsgálata AgEcon
Reder, Orsolya; Csatai, Rozsa; Salamon, Lajos.
Magyarország talajainak jelentős része rézhiányos, így a három legfontosabb makrotápanyag (N, P, K) mellett az esszenciális mikroelemekre, köztük kiemelten a rézre is egyre nagyobb figyelmet szükséges fordítani. Ennek érdekében réz-mikroelem trágyákkal történő kisparcellás őszi búza lombtrágyázási kísérletekben három réztartalmú lombtrágya (réz-amin komplex, réz-szénhidrát komplex és réz-amin ioncserélt szintetizált zeolit) hatását vizsgáltuk az őszi búza hozamára és hasznára. Kisparcellás kísérleteinknél két fenológiai fázisban (bokrosodáskor és virágzáskor) történt a szerek kijuttatása különböző dózisok alkalmazásával, három éven keresztül. Az elvégzett kísérletek alapján a réz-mikroelem trágyás kezelés a minőség javulása mellett a hozamok emelkedésén...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Réz-ioncserélt zeolit; Őszi búza; Nyereség; Copper ion exchanged zeolite; Winter wheat; Profit; Crop Production/Industries; Production Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Babovic, Jovan; Raicevic, Vuk; Caric, Marko.
Professional paper
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Benchmarking; Method of comparison; Creativity; Innovation; Competitiveness; Profit; Marketing; Productivity Analysis; M31; M14; L16.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Discussão dos retornos à escala nos contextos das funções de produção e de custo AgEcon
Alves, Eliseu Roberto de Andrade.
The article deals with the cost function at a mathematical level that only requires knowledge of differentials, but except for that, it keeps rigor at a high level. It only states theorems that require long proofs. The article justifies the existence of the cost function, points out its properties, and shows how it relates with the production function in the sense that one is the dual to the other. The article discusses partial and scale elasticities, both in the context of production and cost functions. Whenever profit is maximized, one is the reciprocal of the other. The cost function has not a defined form in the sense that it can be deduced from the axioms of production theory. But the articles points out the plausibility of the form that resembles an...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cost function; Production function; Return to scale; Average cost; Profit; Production Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Economic analysis of dairy cattle farms in east Mediterranean region of Turkey R. Bras. Zootec.
Yilmaz,Hilal; Gül,Mevlüt; Akkoyun,Selcan; Parlakay,Oguz; Bilgili,Mehmet Emin; Vurarak,Yasemin; Hizli,Hatice; Kilicalp,Numan.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to calculate costs of milk production, gross production value, gross margin, absolute profit, and relative profit of dairy cattle farms located in the provinces of east Mediterranean region of Turkey. Primary data were collected from 148 dairy cattle farms designated using the Neyman Stratified Sampling method through surveys. Dairy farms were classified into four groups according to the number of cows. The data belong to the 2012 production season. A single product budget analysis method was used for calculating production costs. According to the results, variable costs amounted to 65.91% of total production costs. Feed cost (86.52%) was the main component of variable costs. The cost of 1 kg of milk, on average, was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gross margin; Milk production cost; Profit; Variable cost.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Economic analysis, performance, and feed efficiency in feedlot lambs R. Bras. Zootec.
Lima,Natália Ludmila Lins; Ribeiro,Carolina Resende de Freitas; Sá,Hemilly Cristina Menezes de; Leopoldino-Júnior,Izac; Cavalcanti,Luigi Francis Lima; Santana,Ronan Aparecido Valadares; Furusho-Garcia,Iraides Ferreira; Pereira,Idalmo Garcia.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate residual feed intake (RFI), residual intake and body weight gain (RIG) and their relationship with other traits of efficiency, performance, and economic analysis of sheep. Lambs (n = 102) were evaluated during 56 days and a herd consisting of 500 ewes was simulated with the mean of dry matter intake (DMI) and final body weight of the lambs, the same as that of the experimental lambs. The lambs were fed hay-based diet of Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.), corn, and soybean in the voluminous:concentrate ratio of 35:65. Residual feed intake and RIG were correlated with DMI, feed conversion ratio, and feed efficiency. Residual intake and body weight gain were positively correlated with average daily gain, relative...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cost; Profit; Revenue; RFI; RIG; Sheep.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Economic and social structures of water buffalo farming in Muş province of Turkey R. Bras. Zootec.
Işik,Mehmet; Gül,Mevlüt.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyse the socio-economic structure of water buffalo farming in the province of Muş, in Turkey. The stratified sampling method was used to calculate sample size of buffalo farms in the Central, Korkut, and Hasköy districts of Muş province, where buffalo farming is widespread. Data were collected from the 94 farms by surveys in the 2013 production period. A single budget analysis method was used to calculate production cost and profit for water buffaloes. Plant production constituted 37.85% of the gross production value, while animal production accounted for 62.15%. The biggest share in the gross production value derived from water buffalo farming (45.71%). Fixed and variable costs were 51.44% and 48.56% of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Production cost; Profit; Structure.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Economics of sorghum production in Thailand Thai Agricultural
Sarun Wattanutchariya; Sanit Kao-ian; Arunee Limprasert.
9 tables
Palavras-chave: Sorghum; Production; Economic; White grain; Red grain; Hegari; Hybrids; Cost; Profit; ข้าวฟ่าง; การผลิต; คุณค่าทางเศรษฐกิจ.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Elección de un portafolio de inversión agrícola bajo la metodología de media-varianza y media-semivarianza. Colegio de Postgraduados
León Herrera, Albert.
El objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar el método propuesto por Harry Markowitz (media y varianza) y el método propuesto por Javier Estrada (media-semivarianza), en la elección de un portafolio de inversión, conformado por una mezcla diversificada de cultivos agrícolas. Los datos trabajados fueron rentabilidades de cinco productos agrícolas, mismos que fueron deflactados y de ellos se obtuvieron las ganancias del periodo 1979-2009. Ganancias que nos permitieron calcular la matriz de covarianzas de los productos agrícolas por ambos métodos. Posteriormente se realizo una simulación de 100 repeticiones de tamaño n=30, para obtener las rendimientos de cada producto mediante ambos métodos de solución, para presentar un histograma de frecuencias de cada...
Palavras-chave: Portafolio de inversión; Diversificación; Rentabilidad; Ganancia; Portfolio investment; Diversification; Profitability; Profit; Desarrollo rural; Maestría.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Evolução e perspectiva de desempenho econômico associadas com a produção de soja nos contexto mundial e brasileiro. Infoteca-e
Nas últimas décadas, o complexo agroindustrial da soja, tanto no Brasil quanto no mundo, apresentou amplo crescimento, que pode ser atribuído a avanços em diversos aspectos, sobretudo, de natureza tecnológica e mercadológica. Em decorrência desse crescimento, e pelo fato de o referido complexo envolver grande número de instituições e atores organizacionais, têm sido observados importantes e signifi cativos impactos, sob as perspectivas econômica, social, ambiental, tecnológica e, até mesmo, política. Partindo dessas considerações preliminares, foi elaborada a presente publicação, em que são discutidas relevantes questões associadas ao complexo soja nos contextos mundial e brasileiro, dando-se ênfase especial aos aspectos relacionados com o comportamento de...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Custo de oportunidade; Profit; Resultados econômicos; Soja; Economia agrícola; Soybeans; Agricultural economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Evolução e perspectiva de desempenho econômico associadas com a produção de soja nos contextos mundial e brasileiro. Infoteca-e
Evolução e perspectivas de desempenho econômico associadas com a produção de soja nos contextos mundial e brasileiro. O mercado mundial de produtos do complexo soja. O mercado e a produção de soja no Brasil. Expectativas de desempenho econômico para a safra 2009/10.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Custo de oportunidade; Profit; Resultados econômicos; Demand; Soja; Produção; Economia agrícola; Oferta; Demanda; Preço; Custo de produção; Mercado; Tecnologia; Sistema de produção; Lucro; Soybeans; Crop production; Supply; Markets; Production technology; Technology.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Free Cash Flow Is At Least as Important as Profit in Assessing a Farm Firm AgEcon
van Blokland, P.J..
This paper suggests that most small agribusinesses can use a short cut to see how their firms are doing financially. The short cut requires that they calculate and follow (1) profit and (2) free cash flow. Both are defined and clarified. The reason for this short cut is that most small firm owners do not do enough financial analysis and that this simple and quick study may encourage them. The paper does not encourage the substitution of these two numbers for a proper analysis. They are useful but more of a bait to land the full course.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Financial analysis; Small agribusiness firms; Profit; Free cash flow; Allocation; Income statement; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Blank, Steven C..
The paper discusses the linkages between the "globalization" of agricultural markets over recent decades and the decisions being made by individual farmers and ranchers in the United States. It is noted that technological advances lead to globalization of agricultural commodity markets and profit pressures. The continuing profit squeeze in agricultural production is having a significant effect on the cropping choices of America's farmers. When possible, acreage is being shifted out of low-revenue-generating crops and into higher-revenue-generating crops. This shift makes crop portfolios more risky over time, thus encouraging farmers to consider diversifying out of agriculture.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cropping choices; Globalization; Profit; Risk; Safety-first; Agricultural Finance; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Herbicide-Resistant Technology Price Effects on the Plant Density Decision for Ultra-Narrow-Row Cotton AgEcon
Larson, James A.; Roberts, Roland K.; Gwathmey, C. Owen.
Farmers are concerned about the high cost of planting herbicide-resistant cotton with the high plant densities recommended for ultra-narrow-row cotton. This study evaluated the effects on net revenues of four herbicide-resistant technology fee policies used since 1996 by Monsanto, the technology license holder. Results indicate that changes in the technology fee policy by Monsanto have raised the cost of planting herbicide-resistant cotton. As a consequence, farmers may have an incentive to switch from ultra-narrow-row cotton to wide-row cotton and to use a lower plant density when the technology fee is tied to the seeding rate.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Profit; Seed cost; Technology fee; Transgenic cotton; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Manejo y conservación de germoplasma de la familia Caricaceae. Colegio de Postgraduados
Romero Rodríguez, Jorge Arturo.
Especies de la familia Caricaceae han encontrado condiciones favorables para desarrollar y diversificarse en México, cinco de los géneros que prosperan en América, cuentan con al menos una especie en el país y se considera que la especie más importante económicamente, Carica papaya L., tiene su centro de alta diversidad en el sureste del país, además de dos géneros endémicos que prosperan en regiones semiáridas y de bosque mesófilo. Sin embargo, la investigación que se realiza al respecto es limitada y buena parte de la información existente de la familia proviene de otras latitudes. Dada la responsabilidad del país de salvaguardar y dar uso eficiente a la diversidad de Carica papaya y demás integrantes de la familia Caricaceae, la presente investigación...
Palavras-chave: Germoplasma; Diversidad; Longevidad; Latencia; Acondicionamiento; Germplasm; Diversity; Longevity; Latency; Profit; Producción de Semillas; Doctorado.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Produção, custos e rentabilidade de mandioca no Distrito Federal. Infoteca-e
BARRETO, B.; SOUSA, T. C. R. de; aguiar, J. L. P. de.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Viabilidade econômica; Economic viability; Economic; Costs; Profit; Custo; Economia; Lucro; Mandioca; Manihot Esculenta; Rendimento; Cassava; Yields.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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