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Cairo Evaluation Clinic: Thoughts on Randomized Trials for Evaluation of Development AgEcon
Karlan, Dean S..
We were asked to discuss specific methodological approaches to evaluating three hypothetical interventions. This article uses this forum to discuss three misperceptions about randomized trials. First, nobody argues that randomized trials are appropriate in all settings, and for all questions. Everyone agrees that asking the right question is the highest priority. Second, the decision about what to measure and how to measure it, i.e., through qualitative or participatory methods versus quantitative survey or administrative data methods, is independent of the decision about whether to conduct a randomized trial. Third, randomized trials can be used to evaluate complex and dynamic processes, not just simple and static interventions. Evaluators should aim...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Program evaluation; Randomized control trial; Agricultural Finance; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Financial Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Labor and Human Capital; Public Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; B41; O12; H43; J08; H54; D73; D12.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Conservation Payments, Liquidity Constraints and Off-Farm Labor: Impact of the Grain for Green Program on Rural Households in China AgEcon
Uchida, Emi; Rozelle, Scott; Xu, Jintao.
This study evaluates the off-farm labor response of rural households participating in the Grain for Green program in China, the largest conservation set-aside program in the developing world. Using a panel data set that we designed and implemented, we examine the impact of the program on changes in off-farm labor participation between 1999 (pre-program) and 2004 (post-program) using a difference-in-differences approach and several extensions that account for program intensity. We also test whether the program impact is diverse depending on level of physical and human capital of participants. We find that on average the Grain for Green program has a positive effect on off-farm labor participation. Importantly, however, we find that program effects vary...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Payments for environmental services; Off-farm labor supply; Grain for Green program; China; Program evaluation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; J22; O13; Q23.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Dams AgEcon
Duflo, Esther; Pande, Rohini.
The construction of large dams is one of the most costly and controversial forms of public infrastructure investment in developing countries, but little is known about their impact. This paper studies the productivity and distributional effects of large dams in India. To account for endogenous placement of dams we use GIS data and the fact that river gradient affects a district's suitability for dams to provide instrumental variable estimates of their impact. We find that, in a district where a dam is built, agricultural production does not increase but poverty does. In contrast, districts located downstream from the dam benefit from increased irrigation and see agricultural production increase and poverty fall. Overall, our estimates suggest that large...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Dams; Development planning; Program evaluation; India; Public Economics; O21; O12; H43; H23.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Debt-for-Nature Swaps in Action: Two Case Studies in Peru Ecology and Society
Gockel, Catherine Kilbane; Santa Clara University and University of Washington;; Gray, Leslie C; Environmental Studies Institute, Santa Clara University;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Amazonia; Civil society; Debt-for-nature swaps; Local capacity; Nature conservation; Nature conservation funding; Peru; Program evaluation; Resource management; Tropical Forest Conservation Act.
Ano: 2011
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Development in the Midst of Drought: Evaluating an Agricultural Extension and Credit Program in Nicaragua. AgEcon
Mullally, Conner.
This essay is an evaluation of year one of the Rural Business Development (RBD) program for small rice farmers in León, Nicaragua. The RBD program is administered by the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and is designed to deliver agricultural extension advice and affordable credit in the form of inputs to farm households. This essay estimates the average impact of the program on rice yields and revenues utilizing inverse propensity score weighting combined with linear regression. In conducting statistical inference, it also accounts for the fact that agricultural outcomes are likely correlated over space in a small area such as the one studied here. The results suggest that the program had no impact on average, likely due to the presence of a severe...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Development; Program evaluation; Agricultural extension.; International Development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Fertility, Child Work and Schooling Consequences of Family Planning Programs: Evidence from an Experiment in Rural Bangladesh AgEcon
Sinha, Nistha.
Despite the attractiveness of experiments from the perspective of program evaluation, there have been very few program experiments in the area of family planning. This paper evaluates an ongoing family planning program experiment in rural Bangladesh. The paper estimates the effect of mothers'’ program exposure on fertility and children’'s time allocation. The results show that while the program was effective in reducing fertility, it had no significant impact on children’'s school enrollment. However, the program appears to have significantly raised boys'’ participation in the labor force.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Fertility; Child labor; School enrollment; Program evaluation; Labor and Human Capital; J13; J22; I21.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico's National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program AgEcon
Alix-Garcia, Jennifer Marie; Shapiro, Elizabeth N.; Sims, Katharine R.E..
Incentive-based programs to reduce deforestation are expected to play an increasingly important role in global efforts to protect ecosystems and sequester carbon but their environmental effectiveness is not clear. We investigate program effectiveness and slippage in the context of Mexico's national payments for hydrological services program, which pays private and communal landowners to maintain forest cover on enrolled lands. To measure program impacts, we use matched controls drawn from the program applicant pool to establish counterfactual deforestation rates in the absence of payments. We find statistically significant but small to moderate avoided deforestation impacts. To examine slippage of deforestation to nonenrolled lands, we develop a model of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Payments for environmental services; Payments for ecosystem services; Program evaluation; Slippage; Leakage; Incentive-based mechanisms; Mexico; Land use; Deforestation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q12; Q24; Q57; R14; O13.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Impact of EPA's Voluntary 33/50 Program on Pollution Prevention Adoption and Toxic Releases AgEcon
Bi, Xiang; Khanna, Madhu.
Replaced with revised version of paper 07/25/08.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: 33/50 program; Toxic release inventory; Releases; Program evaluation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q58; Q53; L60.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Participación e Impacto del Programa de Recuperación de Suelos Degradados en Usuarios de INDAP AgEcon
Caro, J.C.; Melo, Oscar; Foster, William E..
Published by Asociación de Economistas Agrarios de Chile
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Phosphate fertilization; Program evaluation; Bias selection; INDAP; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Simulation-based sensitivity analysis for matching estimators AgEcon
Nannicini, Tommaso.
This article presents a Stata program (sensatt) that implements the sensitivity analysis for matching estimators proposed by Ichino, Mealli, and Nannicini (Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming). The analysis simulates a potential confounder to assess the robustness of the estimated treatment effects with respect to deviations from the conditional independence assumption. The program uses the commands for propensity-score matching (att* ) developed by Becker and Ichino (Stata Journal 2: 358–377). I give an example by using the National Supported Work demonstration, widely known in the program evaluation literature.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Sensatt; Sensitivity analysis; Matching; Propensity score; Program evaluation; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The Impact of Broadband on U.S. Agriculture: An Evaluation of the USDA Broadband Loan Program AgEcon
Kandilov, Amy M.G.; Kandilov, Ivan T.; Liu, Xiangping; Renkow, Mitch.
We evaluate the impact of USDA’s low-cost broadband loan programs on the U.S. agricultural sector. The broadband loan programs increase access to high-speed internet in recipient communities, which can raise farm sales by increasing both farm output and prices received by producers. Further, high-speed internet may drive down costs by providing information on cheaper inputs and better management practices, leading to an overall improvement in farm profits. Using data from the 1997, 2002, and 2007 U.S. Census of Agriculture, we employ a panel difference-in-differences estimator, as well as a difference-in-differences propensity score matching estimator, to show that the two USDA broadband loan programs have positive impacts on farm sales, expenditure,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Broadband loans; Program evaluation; Farm sales; Expenditure; And income; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Marketing; Public Economics; Q10.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Tying Odysseus to the Mast: Evidence from a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines AgEcon
Ashraf, Nava; Karlan, Dean S.; Yin, Wesley.
We designed a commitment savings product for a Philippine bank and implemented it using a randomized control methodology. The savings product was intended for individuals who want to commit now to restrict access to their savings, and who were sophisticated enough to engage in such a mechanism. We conducted a baseline survey on 1777 existing or former clients of a bank. One month later, we offered the commitment product to a randomly chosen subset of 710 clients; 202 (28.4 percent) accepted the offer and opened the account. In the baseline survey, we asked hypothetical time discounting questions. Women who exhibited a lower discount rate for future relative to current tradeoffs, and hence potentially have a preference for commitment, were indeed...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Savings; Commitment; Hyperbolic preferences; Microfinance; Development economics; Program evaluation; Field experiment; Self-control; Financial Economics; C93; D01; D11; D12; D14; D81; D91; G11; O12.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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