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Towards an Analytical Framework for Assessing Property Rights to Natural Resources: A Case Study in the Communal Areas of Zimbabwe AgEcon
Kundhlande, Godfrey; Luckert, Martin K..
A taxonomy for describing property rights to natural resources is described and applied in a Zimbabwean case study. The taxonomy allows: tenures to be systematically compared and contrasted; incentives for natural resource management to be identified; and the evolution of tenure to natural resources to be assessed. In the case study, we find: key differences between tenure types, all termed "communal"; a wide range of tenure arrangements that transcend concepts of "tree" and "land tenure"; information suggesting that the promotion of tree planting may work on some tenure types, but is likely to fail on others; and that the evolution of indigenous tenure to natural resources seems to have been somewhat immune from external changes in institutional systems....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Incentives; Natural resources; Property rights framework/taxonomy; Tenure; Zimbabwe; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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