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A new system for evaluating inputs for organic farming Organic Eprints
Speiser, Bernhard.
With developments in agriculture always in a state of flux organic standards and regulations can act as a factor against innovation in organic farming. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the control of inputs. To improve this situation, a EU-funded Concerted Action project "Organic Inputs Evaluation" was set up. Below are the proposals developed by the project.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Angewandte Forschung und Beratung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern - Öko-Landbau-Tag 2012 Organic Eprints
Angesichts einer seitens der Öffentlichkeit oft kritisch beurteilten konventionellen Landwirtschaft erhält eine an ökologischen Kriterien ausgerichtete Betriebsführung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Tagungsband listet daher Beispiele aus zahlreichen Anwendungsgebieten auf und gibt Anregungen und Hinweise zur besseren Gestaltung der Produktionsbedingungen.
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Production systems Crop combinations and interactions Farming Systems Soil tillage Breeding and genetics Health and welfare Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Authorisation of inputs for EU organic farming Organic Eprints
Speiser, Bernhard.
Inputs used in organic farming are carefully regulated by organic standards. Organic inputs are also controlled by laws covering agriculture in general. Recent revisions in the EU Regulation have made some changes to recent revisions and these are highlighted below.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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COBRA: Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity Organic Eprints
Organic plant production is currently challenged by several pressure factors. Along with perennial problems such as weed control, climate change is threatening to affect crop production through increasing weather variability. Plant breeding is a crucial factor in creating organic crop production systems that can better cope with such interacting stresses and producers need crop varieties with (a) good resistance against pests and diseases, esp. seed borne diseases; (b) the ability to react to environmental, esp. climatic variability; and (c) high competitiveness against weeds. COBRA aims to support and develop organic plant breeding and seed production with a focus on increasing the use and potential of plant material with High genetic Diversity (Hi-D) in...
Tipo: Project description Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2024 URL:
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El fosfonato potasico en la agricultura ecologica Organic Eprints
Garcia-Ruiz, R.; Speiser, B.; Adler, C.; Klederer, M.; Micheloni, C..
La posible utilizacíon del fosfonato potásico como fungicida en agricultura ecológica (AE) está actualmente en debate. En este artículo se describen los proncipales argumentos a favor y en contra de su utilizacíon en AE. El fosfonato potásico es un fungicida con impacto ambiental o en la salud humana despreciables, y su aplicación podría reducir las necesidad de cobre, especialmente en el vinedo. Sin embargo, es sintético, tiene un modo de actuacíon sistémico y deja un residuo detectable.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Soil quality Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Kobber som plantevernmiddel i økologisk frukt- og bærdyrking Organic Eprints
Serikstad, Grete Lene.
Kobber er tillatt som plantevernmiddel i økologisk landbruk i EU-forordningen, men er ikke tillatt brukt i økologisk landbruk i Norge. I forbindelse med implementering av ny forordning skal norske myndigheter utarbeide ny forskrift om økologisk produksjon. Myndighetene må avgjøre om de ønsker å videreføre dette unntaket. Utredningen vil gi Regelverksutvalget for økologisk produksjon (RVU) et grunnlag for å gi innspill om bruk av kobber til Mattilsynet. Bruk av kobber har god effekt mot flere viktige sopp- og bakteriesykdommer i frukt, bær, vindruer og potet. Kobber virker forebyggende og er ansett som en viktig resistensbryter. I konvensjonell dyrking i Norge er ett middel tillatt, Nordox. Preparatet er i fareklasse 3 og er farlig ved innånding. Det...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Air and water emissions Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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ProEcoWine: Development of a Novel Plant Protection Product to Replace Copper in Organic Viticulture Organic Eprints
Bilbao, Jennifer; Tseng, Eileen; Fuerst, Manfred; Erb-Brinkmann, Maike; Schmid-Staiger, Ulrike; Ördög, Vince; Egner, Siegfried.
Fungi like downy mildew reduce wine yield and impair wine quality. In conventional as well as organic viticulture, grape growers usually apply copper for preventing these fungal diseases. In the ProEcoWine project funded by the EC, on behalf of five companies, the Fraunhofer IGB, the University of West Hungary and Laboratoire PHENOBIO develop a novel bio-plant protection product to replace copper fungicides. To achieve this, microalgal strains with antifungal properties have been cultivated to be further processed into a plant protection product enriched with micronutrients. Strains with the most efficient control (more than 90%) over downy mildew and Botrytis have been identified and selected for validation in greenhouse and field experiments, while...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Proposals for Regulation of Botanicals Organic Eprints
Tamm, Lucius; Speiser, Bernhard; Mercier, Thierry.
Plants and plant extracts, here called 'botanicals', have been used for plant protection for a long time. Quantitatively, the most important botanical is pyrethrum, followed by azadirachtin, rotenone and essential oils. The current regulatory systm for pesticides is often seen as a major hurdle for the market introduction of new botanicals. The EU-funded Specific Support Action project 'REBECA' has held a series of workshops with stakeholder representatives. The following propopsals for improvement were elaborated: (1) development of a specific guidance document for botanicals; (2) adapted requirements concerning the characterisation of the active substance(s); (3) relaxations concerning identification and analytical methods for 'impurities'; (4) adapted...
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Proposals for Regulation of Semiochemicals Organic Eprints
Speiser, Bernhard; Tamm, Lucius; Mattock, Susan.
Semiochemicals are substances that evoke behavioural or physiological responses. Pheromones modify the behaviour of other individuals of the same species, while allelochemicals act on individuals of different species. Pheromones are used in plant protection (i) to interfere with the mating behaviour of pests ('mating disruption'), (ii) to attract pests to insecticidal traps or baits ('attract and kill'), (iii) to trap pests ('mass trapping'), and (iv) to monitor pest populations. Semiochemicals present a particular case among active ingredients used in plant production products, as they are only substances not intended to kill the pest organism directly. The current regulatory system of pesticides is often seen as a major hurdle for the market introduction...
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Regulation According to EU Directive 91/414: Data Requirements and Procedure Compared with Regulation Practice in Other OECD Countries Organic Eprints
Hauschild, Rüdiger; Speiser, Bernhard; Tamm, Lucius.
The data requirements and the administrative procedure needed for the registration of biological plant protection products and their active ingredients (micro-organisms including viruses, plant extracts, and semiochemicals) are described for the European Union, the USA, Canada und Australia and compared between these systems. Experiences from registration procedures are compared. While data requirements and formalities are rather similar in all systems considered, the time span needed for evaluation and the possibility to predict this time span are quite different. Alternative regulatory measures existing in different regulatory systems are described and initiatives for the facilitation are presented.
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Regulation of Plant Protection in Organic Farming Organic Eprints
Speiser, Bernhard; Tamm, Lucius.
Organic farming is a system approach aiming at a sustainable ecosystem, safe food, good nutrition, animal welfare and social justice. Quantitatively, organic farming is still of minor importance, but it is one of the most rapidly growing agricultural sectors worldwide. The new EU 'organic regulation' consists of a framework regulation, complemented by implementation rules and guidelines. Other important regulations/standards are the National Organic Program of the USA, the guidelines of the Codex Alimentrius and the basic standards of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Under all these standards, plant protection is strictly regulated. Organic plant protection follows a clear hierarchy: primarily, plant health is...
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Regulatory Framework for Plant Protection in Organic Farming Organic Eprints
Speiser, Bernhard; Tamm, Lucius; Weibel, Franco.
Plant protection in organic farming has to simultaneously comply with two sets of regulations: regulations on organic production and pesticide legislation. This chapter describes the organic approach to plant protection, including the role of systems management versus direct interventions, the range of authorised substances and the procedures for authorising new substances and the withdrawal of old substances. External factors not related to organic farming also influence the availability of plant protection products. Scientific, regulatory and economic aspects may limit the registration of substances in a given country. On the other hand, there is an alternative route for the registration of fertilisers and plant strengtheners in some countries. As a...
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Report on seed born diseases in organic seed and propagation material Organic Eprints
Micheloni, C.; Plakolm, G.; Schärer, H..
The key questions which will be addressed in this report are: • Are seed born diseases an important factor that prevents seed companies from producing organic seeds and organic farmers from using them? • Which seed treatments are available in organic farming? Which treatments are or will be acceptable? To which degree are they effective? • Are the thresholds for seed born diseases different among Member States? Can this cause unfair competition among farmers and seed producers? • How did the health status of organic seed change in the last years? The main answers may be synthesized as follows: • Seed born diseases are an important factor influencing seed production and seed use in organic agriculture, but they are not the only obstacle that exists at...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Regulation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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