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Ackerkratzdistel. Wie regulieren im Biobetrieb? Organic Eprints
Dierauer, Hansueli; Kranzler, Andreas; Uehlinger, Gabriela; Lindenthal, Thomas.
Die Ackerkratzdistel ist auf Biobetrieben zunehmend ein Problem geworden. Das Merkblatt zeigt wirksame Möglichkeiten auf, das Wurzelunkraut zu regulieren. Empfohlen wird ein mehrstufiges Verfahren, das sich an der Ausbreitung der Disteln im Acker orientiert.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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AGTEC-Org Agronomy Handbook of Methods Organic Eprints
Celette, Florian; Peigne, Joséphine; Thomsen, Ingrid Kaag; Carcea, Marina; Aveline, Anne; Hellou, Guénaëlle; Mäder, Paul; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Mayer, Jochen; Dubois, David; Thommen, Andreas; Schweinzer, Agnes; Friedel, Juergen K.; David, Christophe.
A common handbook was conceived in the CORE Organic AGTEC-Org project in order to give some elements of field trial monitoring.
Tipo: Working paper Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions Composting and manuring Soil tillage Soil Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Association d’une culture de blé avec un couvert de légumineuses en agriculture biologique: Mise en évidence de l’effet du couvert sur la dynamique des bio-agresseurs et des adventices du blé Organic Eprints
Pesset, Rémi.
L’agriculture biologique interdit d’utiliser des intrants chimiques pour contrôler les fléaux des cultures que sont les maladies, les ravageurs et les adventices. En systèmes céréaliers biologiques, les traitements d’origine naturelle se montrent souvent peu efficaces et les pertes de rendement parfois importantes. L’implantation de légumineuses sous couvert, en plus d’améliorer naturellement la fertilité azotée du sol pour la culture suivante, peut limiter le développement des adventices naturellement. Par cette pratique, les caractéristiques du milieu sont modifiées, ce qui peut aussi influencer la dynamique des bioagresseurs du blé. Cet effet est en revanche plus difficile à anticiper et l’impact de telles associations sur les bioagresseurs de la...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2010 URL:[staff_only].pdf
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Beikrautsamenvorrat im Vergleich reduzierter und konventioneller Bodenbearbeitung unter Biobedingungen Organic Eprints
Geißler, M.; Armengot, Laura; Mäder, Paul; Krauss, Maike.
Armengot L, Berner A, Blanco-Moreno J, Mäder P & Sans FX (2014) Long-term feasibility of reduced tillage in organic farming. Agron Sustain Dev 35(1): 339-346. Cooper J et al. (2016) Shallow non-inversion tillage in organic farming maintains crop yields and increases soil C stocks: a meta-analysis. Agron Sustain Dev 36: 1-20. Gruber S & Claupein W (2009) Effect of tillage intensity on weed infestation in organic farming. Soil and Tillage Research 105(1): 104-111. Montgomery DR (2007) Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations. University of California Press, California. Moonen AC & Barberi P (2004) Size and composition of the weed seedbank after 7 years of different cover-crop-maize management systems. Weed Research 44(3): 163-177.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil tillage Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Beiträge von Hansueli Dierauer in der BauernZeitung 2011 Organic Eprints
Dierauer, Hansueli.
Mischkulturen bewähren sich weiterhin im Ackerbau. BauernZeitung, 16.09.2011, S. 33 Fast auf allen Biobetrieben: Die Disteln breiten sich aus. BauernZeitung, 24.06.2011, S. 25
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Beiträge von Hansueli Dierauer in der Schweizer Landtechnik 2012 Organic Eprints
Dierauer, Hansueli.
Unkrautregulierung durch Abflammen. Schweizer Landtechnik, 10.02.2012, S. 62 Unkrautregulierung: Welche Hacke wählen? Schweizer Landtechnik, 12.01.2012, S. 20
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Biobauern und konventionelle Landwirte teilen Probleme und Lösungen Organic Eprints
Awater-Esper, Stefanie.
Nicht nur bei den Forschungs- und Entwicklungskosten und beim Zulassungsstau, sondern auch bei neuen Pflanzensorten, technischen Entwicklungen und Pflanzenschutzmitteln entwickeln der Biolandbau und die konventionelle Landwirtschaft wachsende Schnittmengen. Das hat ein Perspektivforum des Deutschen Bauernverbandes (DBV) auf der Biofach in Nürnberg gezeigt.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Bioherbstanbau 2008: Wintergetreide - Informationen zu Sorten, Saatgut, Richtlinien, Krankheiten und Beikrautregulierung Organic Eprints
Informationen zu Sorten, Saatgut, Richtlinien, Krankheiten und Beikrautregulierung Inhaltsverzeichnis - Winterweizen – Sorteneigenschaften und Versuchsergebnisse - Dinkel – Sorteneigenschaften - Winterroggen – Sorteneigenschaften - Triticale – Sorteneigenschaften - Wintergerste – Sorteneigenschaften - Richtlinien - Erfolgreicher Biolandbau braucht höchste Saatgutqualität - Aktuelle Pflanzenschutzprobleme im Getreidebau - Zukaufdünger - Die Ackerkratzdistel – wieder ein zunehmendes Problem im Biolandbau - Literatur / Quellenverzeichnis
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Biologischer Anbau von Strauchbeeren Organic Eprints
Schmid, Andi.
Das Merkblatt enthält praxisnahe Informationen zur Produktion von hochwertigen Strauchbeeren wie Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Johannisbeeren, Stachelbeeren und Heidelbeeren. Weiterhin: übersichtliche Hinweise zur Planung, Standortwahl, Sortenauswahl, Bodenvorbereitung und Pflanzung, Bewässerung, Nährstoffversorgung, Witterungsschutz, Beikrautregulierung, Ernte und Lagerung. (Diese Publikation enthält spezifische Informationen für die Schweiz)
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Biologischer Anbau von Zwiebeln Organic Eprints
Koller, Martin; Lichtenhahn, Martin; Six, Roswitha.
Das Merkblatt gibt den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zum Anbau von Trockenzwiebeln in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in Österreich wieder. Im Mittelpunkt des Praxisleitfadens steht die Frage nach dem geeigneten Anbauverfahren. Das Merkblatt bietet aber auch detaillierte Empfehlungen zu Sortenwahl, Unkrautregulierung, Pflanzenschutz, Ernte und Nacherntebehandlung und anderen Themen.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Vegetables Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Caratteristiche agronomiche e possibilità di utilizzo di Brassica juncea (L.) Czern Organic Eprints
Pinna, Massimo; Spagnolo, Sandra; Gamba, Ursula.
Brassica juncea è una pianta annuale appartenente alla famiglia delle Cruciferae, usata nelle nostre aree come coltura da sovescio, sia per aumentare la sostanza organica, che per la biofumigazione del terreno. Ci sono alcuni sistemi di protezione naturali, basati sulla produzione di molecole con attività biologica contro fitopatie e fitofagi. Nella famiglia Brassicaceae esiste il sistema chimico Glucosinolati (GLS) - Mirosinasi il quale è capace di generare composti tossici per funghi patogeni e nematodi. Durante il 2003 e il 2004, il C.R.A.B. ha testato le opportunità d'uso di Brassica juncea come biofumigante. L'azione degli isotiocianati presenti in B. juncea risulta funzionare anche contro i semi delle infestanti presenti nel terreno. Negli ultimi...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Composite Cross Populations of Cereals in Practice: Arguments and Recent Developments in the Legal Framework Revision Organic Eprints
Wolfe, Martin; Howlett, Sally; Fradgley, Nick; Winkler, Louisa; Pearce, Bruce; Döring, Thomas F..
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Breeding; Genetics and propagation Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Conception participative de systèmes agricoles associant arbres fruitiers et cultures annuelles Organic Eprints
Castel, Laurie; Sieffert, André; Warlop , Francois; Tchamitchian, Marc.
Innovation in agriculture is needed to face multiple challenges and reach sustainability. We aim at involving farmers in the design of innovative pilot farms, using agroforestry and agroecology to maximize ecosystemic services and minimize reliance to plant protection products. Projects are designed for long channels or for direct selling, with consequences in term of crop diversity and plot size. They started in 2013 and will be run on a long-term basis.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm economics Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Social aspects Vegetables Biodiversity and ecosystem services Fruit and berries Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Contamination par des adventices Organic Eprints
Schild, Marion; Tong, Bennan.
On observe de plus en plus d’adventices contenant des alcaloïdes toxiques comme la stramoine ou les séneçons. Il faut les maîtriser sous peine d’avoir rapidement des aliments contaminés.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Contributions de Maurice Clerc dans l'Agri 2011 Organic Eprints
Clerc, Maurice.
Maurice Clerc (2011): Faut-il avoir peur de passer au bio à cause de la prolifération des rumex? Agri, 02.12.2011, page 21 Maurice Clerc (2011): Transformation fermière de produits Bio Suisse. Agri, 14.10.2011, page 9 Maurice Clerc (2011): Les règles du commerce de fourrages grossiers bio. Agri, 23.09.2011, page 5 Maurive Clerc (2011): Produire et vendre du blé panifiable de reconversion. Agri, 26.08.2011, page 5 Maurice Clerc (2011): S'inscrire maintenant. Agri, 05.08.2011, page 7 Maurice Clerc (2011): Le point sur les grandes cultures bio. 15.07.2011, page 15 Maurice Clerc (2011): Cultures associées récoltées à graine. Agri, 04.03.2011, page 23 Maurice Clerc und Claudia Daniel (2011): Poudre de roche contre les méligèthes. Agri, 25.02.2011, page...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Values; Standards and certification Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean Organic Eprints
Bortolussi, Stefano.
Several methods of sowing into mulch were tested: A) No-till sowing into a standing cover crop, then rolling the cover crop with a roller crimper; B) No-till sowing into a standing cover crop, then creating mulch by passing over it with a flail shredder; C) No-till sowing into a standing cover crop, and no follow-up procedures; D) Mulch obtained with a flail shredder, then no-till sowing with a tine air seeder; and E) Roller crimper followed by no-till sowing with a tine air seeder. All of these methods, except method B, have shown good results in terms of weed control, and preser-vation of soil water (even during the dry summer in 2016). Yields were comparable with those of the tilled fields, except for method C. Practical recommendations...
Tipo: Practice tool Palavras-chave: Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Soil Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Crop Management of Rapeseed and Pollen Beetle Control Organic Eprints
Alföldi, Thomas.
Rapeseed stays in the field for eleven months. During this time, there are various threats that an organic farmer has to pay attention to in order to achieve good yields. In the first part of the video, FiBL researcher Claudia Daniel summarizes the main recommendations on variety selection, fertilisation, cultivation system as well as disease and pest control. Farmer Michel Arn shares his experiences with organic rapeseed cultivation. In the second part, Claudia Daniel and Deborah Kaiser (Agroscope) provide insight into ongoing research on pollen beetle (Rapsglanzkäfer) control using aromatic substances and entomophagous fungi. Hans-Georg Kessler (Biofarm) explains the economic aspect and shows that the good producer price compensates for occasional...
Tipo: Practice tool Palavras-chave: Production systems Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds Organic Eprints
Askegaard, Margrethe.
The appropriate combination of crops and green manures prevents spread of perennial weeds and increases crop yields and quality. Weed-suppressing crop rotations are absolutely essential for sustainable organic arable farming. Practical recommendation Basic rules • Implement green manures, such as clover or lucerne, in at least 20 % of the rotation. • Do not grow more than 50 % of cereals with low weed competitiveness in the rotation. Do not cultivate such crops for more than 2 consecutive years. • In fields with prevalent high weed pressure cultivate only crops with high weed competitiveness. Points to consider in case of high weed pressure: • Do not grow grain legumes where perennial weeds are a problem. Late harvest in combination with loose...
Tipo: Practice tool Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Crop rotations on diversified farms Organic Eprints
Mohler, Charles L..
The webinar offers an overview of how crop rotation can be used as a multi-functional management technique to address pests and weeds in diversified systems. Emphasis is placed on considerations for weed, pest, and nutrient management, based on examples and input for farmers. It shows, among other topics, how to use excel worksheets to plan and map crop rotations. It can be accessed any time and offers a certificate of participation. The webinar is targeted both to newcomers and experienced organic farmers. Webinar contents are based on experiences made in the Northeastern part of the United States but the concepts can be applied on other countries.
Tipo: Practice tool Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions Soil Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Croprotect (App) Organic Eprints
The tool is a web-based knowledge exchange app that offers decision support for integrated pest, weed and disease management for UK arable crops. The targets of the tool are farmers practising IPM, and the tool is therefore not specific to organic farming, but it helps with diagnosis and includes many management recommendations that can also be useful for organic farmers.
Tipo: Practice tool Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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