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Archimer, ou la mise en place d'une Archive Institutionnelle à l'Ifremer 5
Merceur, Frederic.
Archimer, the Ifremer's Institutional repository, provides a set of full-text scientific documents (publications, theses, conference proceedings and technical reports), freely online. Developed in the context of the Open Access movement, this database aims to offer a greater visibility to Ifremer's documentation. This document presents the Archimer's architecture and describes its functionalities. This documents is also focussed on the interaction of the different databases developed by the Ifremer's library.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Digital documentation; Open Access; Electronic theses; Publications; Institutional repository; Archimer; Documentation électronique; Libre Accès; Thèses en ligne; Post Publication; Open Access; Archive institutionnelle; Archimer.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Bibliographie analytique des publications de l'Office Scientifique et Technique des Pêches Maritimes 5
Ostpm, -.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; OSTPM; Research institute; Publications; Biology; Halieutics; Fisheries.
Ano: 1948 URL:
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Catálogo de publicações. 14
SANTOS, Q. S. C. dos.
Este trabalho foi elaborado com o objetivo de difundir a informação tecnológica gerada pela UEPAE de Rio Branco e contém todos os trabalhos desenvolvidos no período de 1976 a 1985.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Catálogo de publicações; Investigación agraria; Investigación y desarrollo; Instituciones de investigación; Publicaciones; Embrapa Acre; Rio Branco (AC); Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Pesquisa Agrícola; Instituição de Pesquisa; Agricultural research; Research and development; Research institutions; Publications.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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General trends in world biogeographic literature: a preliminary bibliometric analysis 92
Morrone,Juan J.; Guerrero,José C..
Records with the search string biogeograph* were collected from the Science Citation Index (SCI). A total of 3456 records were downloaded for the 1945-2006 period from titles of articles and reviews, and 10,543 records were downloaded for 1991-2006, taking into consideration also abstracts and keywords. Temporal trends of publications, geographical and institutional distribution of the research output, authorship, and core journals were evaluated. There were as many as 122 countries carrying out biogeographic research; in the most recent period, USA is the top producing country, followed by the United Kingdom, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, and Canada. There were 17,493 authors contributing to the field. During 1991-2006 there were 4098 organizations...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biogeography; Publications; Journals; Scientometrics; Science Citation Index.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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BOCK,Brian C; PÁEZ,Vivian P.
ABSTRACT The citations contained in a recent literature review on the freshwater turtle and tortoise species of Colombia were analyzed. Publishing rates on these species have been increasing exponentially since the 1950s, although many of the publications would not be detected using internet-based literature searches. The most common topics of publications were systematics and phylogeography, nesting ecology, and management. In the 1970s and 1980s, the rate of publishing on the ecology and genetics of Colombian populations lagged behind the rate of publishing on these topics for populations of Colombian freshwater turtle and tortoise species located in other countries, but currently the production of the two regions is comparable. Also, in other countries...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Knowledge; Literature; Meta-analysis; Publications; Testudines.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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