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Death of dogs and cats during grooming procedures: a little known reality in Brazil MV&Z
Maria, Anna Carolina Barbosa Esteves; de Siqueira, Adriana; Salvagni, Fernanda Aucielo; Maiorka, Paulo César.
With the growth of the pet market and its innovations, ownersof dogs and cats have increasingly alternatives for the health andwelfare of their animals. Establishments of bathing and groomingare becoming more popular, as many owners do not have thetime and ability to provide the adequate hygiene of their pets.However, many pet owners and even veterinarians are unawarethat dogs and cats can die during bathing or grooming, due tostress. Death related to stress may happen to sick or healthyanimals, regardless of breed, age or sex. In the bathing andgrooming environment, the presence of stressors is inevitable,but some rules must be followed to minimize the stress in theseanimals. This paper aims to provide information about the causeof death of these animals...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forensic veterinary medicine; Grooming; Stress; Pulmonary hemorrhage; Trauma; Cruelty Medicina veterinária legal; Pet shop; Estresse; Hemorragia pulmonary; Trauma; Maus-tratos.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Evaluation of tracheal wash of horses with exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage treated with furosemide Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Hegedüs,R.M.; Michima,L.E.S.; Souza,V.R.C.; Dutra,G.H.P.; Fernandes,W.R.; Coelho,C.S..
Avaliaram-se os efeitos da furosemida sobre o lavado traqueal de eqüinos portadores de hemorragia pulmonar induzida pelo exercício (HPIE). Nove animais foram distribuídos em três grupos experimentais: grupo-controle, formado por três eqüinos hígidos e não portadores da doença; grupo 1, com três eqüinos portadores e não submetidos a tratamento; e grupo 2, com três eqüinos portadores da doença e tratados com furosemida na dose de 1mg/kg, quatro horas antes da atividade atlética. As amostras do lavado traqueal foram obtidas duas horas após o exercício físico e sua avaliação demonstrou que o uso do medicamento reduziu a severidade da HPIE, refletida pela redução no número relativo de hemossiderófagos (de 7,8% no grupo 1 para 4,2% no grupo 2) e no número de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Equine; Pulmonary hemorrhage; Tracheal wash; Furosemide.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Pathology and pathophysiology of pulmonary manifestations in leptospirosis BJID
Dolhnikoff,Marisa; Mauad,Thais; Bethlem,Eduardo P.; Carvalho,Carlos Roberto Ribeiro.
Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonosis occurring as large outbreaks throughout the world caused by Leptospira interrogans. The incidence of pulmonary involvement in leptospirosis has been reported to be increasing in the last years, affecting up to 70% of the patients. Alveolar hemorrhage presented as dyspnea and hemoptysis is the main pulmonary manifestation. The emergence of massive hemoptysis and acute respiratory distress syndrome has characterized the recent changes reported in the clinical patterns of leptospirosis. The pulmonary involvement has been emerged as a serious life threat, becoming the main cause of death due to leptospirosis in some countries. In this review we present the main clinical and pathological manifestations of pulmonary...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leptospirosis; Pulmonary hemorrhage; Diffuse alveolar damage.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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