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Influence of thickness on properties of plasticized oat starch films BABT
Galdeano,Melicia Cintia; Wilhelm,Allan Eduardo; Mali,Suzana; Grossmann,Maria Victória Eiras.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of thickness (between 80 and 120 µm) on apparent opacity, water vapor permeability and mechanical properties (tensile and puncture) of oat starch films plasticized with glycerol, sorbitol, glycerol:sorbitol mixture, urea and sucrose. Films were stored under 11, 57, 76 and 90% relative humidity (RH) to study the mechanical properties. It was observed that the higher the thickness, the higher was the opacity values. Films without the plasticizer were more opaque in comparison with the plasticized ones. Glycerol:sorbitol films presented increased elongation with increasing thickness at all RH. Puncture force showed a strong dependence on the film thickness, except for the films plasticized with sucrose. In...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plasticizers; Tensile; Puncture; Permeability; Opacity; Glycerol.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Mechanical resistance, biometric and physicochemical characteristics of tomato cultivars for industrial processing Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
VIEIRA,Darlene Ana de Paula; Caliari,Márcio; SOUZA,Eli Regina Barboza de; SOARES JÚNIOR,Manoel Soares.
Abstract In order to help the choice and recommendation of cultivars with the greater mechanical resistance of fruits, this research aimed to determine the mechanical resistance and biometric and physicochemical characteristics of tomato cultivars for industrial processing. Eleven processing tomato cultivar fruits cultivar were used (IT761, H9992, H9553, AP533, Advance, N901, BR-Sena, U2006, HY26, HY37 and HY68). Tomatoes firmness was influenced by several factors, including thickness, epidermal cell shape, and internal structures. In general terms, fruits more resistant to compression and puncture presented low longitudinal diameter (55-59 mm), cross-sectional diameter (42-45 mm), scar diameter (5.8-6.6 mm), pericarp thickness (5.9-7.7 mm), fresh weight...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Solanum lycopersicum L.; Epidermis; Fruit size; Puncture; Peduncle scar.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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