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Analyse des donneés collecteés lors des embarquements à bord des senneurs basés aux Seychelles (1986-1989) OceanDocs
de Montaudouin, X.; Hallier, J.-P.; Hassani, S..
The tuna purse seine fishery based in Seychelles is analysed using data collected by observers on board French, Spanish, Japanese and Soviet vessels. From 1986 to 1989, diffferent types of data were recorded such as meteorolical and oceanographic parameters, aspects and sizes of schools sighted, seiner activities, fishing characteristics (catch, yield, duration of fishing sets). Reliability of observers data with respect to catches is assessed by comparison with log data from French purse seiners.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Data collections; Purse seiners.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Attempts to tag large Atlantic bluefin tuna: Development of a methododolgy for future large scale deployments in the Mediterranean ArchiMer
Rouyer, Tristan; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Giordano, F; Wendling, B; Ellul, S; Ellul, G; Psaila, Ma; Deguara, S; Bernard, S; Kerzerho, V.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Large atlantic bluefin tuna; Mediterranean; Malta; Electronic tagging; Farming cages; Purse seiners.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Data-Recording System and Sampling Strategy in the Western Indian Ocean Purse-Seine Fishery OceanDocs
Thomas, A.; Dufour, O.; Pianet, R.; Morón, J..
The present data-recording system used in the Seychelles to compile the tuna purse-seine statistics in the WIO was established by ORSTOM at the beginning of the fishery (1982/3) for the French fleet, and then extended to the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) and Madagascar in 1991-92 for all fleets. After several modifications, it has been working efficiently for the last ten years, making it possible to build a very comprehensive tuna database for the purse-seine fleets since the beginning of the fishery. The extension to Madagascar started in 1992, within the framework of the Regional Tuna Project. A specific laboratory, the(Unité Statistique Thonière d’Antsiranana (USTA) was installed, the work being done in collaboration between ORSTOM, the Direction...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fishery statistics; Purse seiners; Fishery data.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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General statistics of the French purse-seine fishery in the Indian Ocean OceanDocs
Pianet, R..
This document presents a brief summary of the main general French purse-seiners activities in the Indian Ocean since the beginning of their fishery in 1981: catch by species and fishing type (log and free swimming schools), effort and sampling for sizes and species composition. The description of statistics gathering, sampling and processing procedures are reported in a specific document presented at the meeting (WPDCS/99/09).
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Fish catch statistics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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New sampling strategy for purse seiner fleets in the Atlantic and Indian oceans. OceanDocs
Herrera, M.A.; Evrat, F..
A new sampling system for Spanish, French and NEI purse-seiners was developed by French (ORSTOM) and Spanish scientists (I.E.O. and O.E.P.) working together on the European Union Program: “Analyse du schéma d’échantillonnage multispécifique des thonidés tropicaux”. The OEP and the ORSTOM have introduced it to the samplers, in three of the four most important tuna transhipment ports in the Indian Ocean as from March 1998. This sampling method does not take into account the differences between flags of vessels, but relies on 80 newly defined strata (2 types of schools, 4 quarters and 10 areas). Each sampling needs two rounds, with a target number depending on the species and size of the fish to be measured and counted per round. A target has been established...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Sampling; Purse seiners; Catching method.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Note sur les temps de recherches journaliers maximum des senneurs intertropicaux. OceanDocs
Fonteneau, A..
This document present the maximum daily duration of searching time by the purse seiners in intertropical areas. The daily duration of daylight varies according the latitude and season, and searching for tuna schools can be conducted only during this time (e.g. between the times of sunrise and of sunset). This maximum daily searching time should be routinely used and should preferably replace the constant 13 or 12 hours of standard daily searching time presently used for French and Spanish purse seiners in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries; Seasonality.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Preliminary report on the moratorium on the use of FADS by purse seiners in tuna fishing in Ghana OceanDocs
Bannerman, P..
ICCAT recommended a restricting periodically the use of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) by Tuna Purse seine vessels in the Atlantic Ocean. This recommendation was based on recent scientific evidence indicating the extensive destruction of juvenile tunas by this method of fishing. Ghana participated in the moratorium during the months of November 1999 to January 2000. A total of 5 Purse seine vessels operated from Tema, spending 238 days at sea with observers deployed onboard to monitor their fishing activities. Preliminary results show a reduction of approximately 40% in overall catches of the principal tuna species as compared to the same period in 1998-1999, with a likely decrease in quantities (weight) of the juvenile tunas taken by the Purse seines.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Baitboat; ICCAT; Moratorium; Juvenile tuna; Tuna fisheries; Purse seiners.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Seychelles Fishing Authority tuna bulletin year 2003 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels that are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ and from data collected via the tuna sampling programme conducted during transhipment in port Victoria. Sometimes there is a delay in these being received at SFA, especially during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel. Readers should note that many of the figures presented here are subject to revision (usually upwards) as more data become available. The date upon which the SFA database was closed prior to the generation of the statistical tables is shown at the head of each table. PURSE SEINERS...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: first quarter 1986 OceanDocs
The number of purse seiners active in the Western Indian Ocean during the first quarter of 1986 decreased from 38 in January to 36 in March, down from 49 vessels present during the same quarter in 1985. Fishing success during the first quarter of 1986 was higher than the first quarter of 1985, though not reaching the level of the first quarter of 1984.In past years, an increase in the proportion of yellow fin caught, compared to skipjack, has been observed to occur during the onset of the north-west monsoon in November and continued through July, only broken by a drop during April. In 1985 the increase did not commence until December. During January and February 1986, the proportion of yellow fin was high, but dropped during March, a month earlier than...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1988 OceanDocs
The number of purse seiners active in the Western Indian Ocean during the first quarter of 1988 dropped from 39 in January to 35 in March, compared to 41 at the end of 1987. Nevertheless, this represents an increase in the number of vessels over the same period of the previous year when there were 33 vessels. The year commenced with record catch rates of 19 MT/day for this quarter. As experienced in the previous year, yellow fin catch rates improved only as from January, representing 66% of the catch in January and increasing 79% in March. The catch rate for March averaged 22.7 MT/day, the highest catch rate ever recorded during this period for this fishery. The total catch by purse seiners in the Western Indian Ocean for 1987 has been estimated at...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1989 OceanDocs
The number of purse seiners active in the Western Indian Ocean remained high during the first quarter of 1989, ranging from 49 in January to 48 in March. This represents a significant increase in the number of vessels over the same period last year when an average of 36 vessels was in operation. Excellent fishing results prevailed throughout the first quarter of this year. Catch rates reached a record high, for that period, of 26 MT/day compared to 18 MT/day for the same period last year. The proportion of yellow fin in the catch dropped from 58% in January to 36% in March, with a corresponding increase in the proportion of skipjack from 40% to 63%. This is unusual for this time of the year, when yellow fin is the predominant species in the catch. The...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1990 OceanDocs
The number of purse seiners active in the Western Indian Ocean peaked to an all times high for the first quarter of 1990 ranging from 50 in January to 53 in March. This represents an increase over the same period last year when an average of 48 vessels was in operation. Fishing results were rather poor throughout the first quarter of this year. Catch rates increased only slightly from a low of 8.18 mt/day in December 1989 to 16.7 mt/day in March 1990. The proportion of yellow fin in the catch however increased considerably from 39% in December to 67% in February 1990, with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of skipjack in the catch. This is usual for this time of the years when yellow fin is the predominant species. The fishing pattern was...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1990 OceanDocs
The number of purse seiners active in the Western Indian Ocean peaked to an all times high for the first quarter of 1990 ranging from 50 in January to 53 in March. This represents an increase over the same period last year when an average of 48 vessels was in operation. Fishing results were rather poor throughout the first quarter of this year. Catch rates increased only slightly from a low of 8.18 mt/day in December 1989 to 16.7 mt/day in March 1990. The proportion of yellow fin in the catch however increased considerably from 39% in December to 67% in February 1990, with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of skipjack in the catch. This is usual for this time of the years when yellow fin is the predominant species. The fishing pattern was...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1991 OceanDocs
The number of purse seiners vessels active in the Western Indian Ocean remained constant at 43 from January to March. This represents a significant drop from last year 1st quarter average of 52 vessels. To date the fishing results appear to be better than those of the same period in 1990 with the catch rates being substantially higher. Yellowing tuna made up 88% of the catch in January and February dropping down to 67% in March which is the expected trend during this time of the year. The fishing pattern also followed a similar trend to previous years in that most vessels were active to the East of the Seychelles EEZ and moving South towards the Mozambique Channel in March.The total catch for purse seiners fishing in the Western Indian Ocean for 1990...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: First quarter 1992 OceanDocs
The number of purse seiners active in the western Indian Ocean averaged 53 during the first quarter compared to 41 vessels during the same period last year. Fishing activity was high during the first half of the year with a record for the month of March of 55 licensed vessels. The fishing results for the first quarter were not as good as those previously recorded in the last three years, however there are still 28 logbooks outstanding at the time of publication. Catch rates averaged 14.6 MT/day compared to 22MT/day in 1991 and 26MT/day in 1990. The high number of vessels licensed during the first quarter can be attributed to increased number of licenses issued to French and Japanese vessles. 1992 has been a notably strong El Nino year, giving rise to a...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries; Catch statistics.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1994 OceanDocs
Seychelles Fishing Authority.
Due to the inclusion of trips which started at the end of 1993 but which finished in early 1994 the 1993 total catch for the WIO has been revised upwards from 263,918 MT, published in the last Tuna Bulletin, to 275,058 MT. The initial estimate for the total WIO purse seine tuna catch for the first three months of 1994 is 61,159 MT (the figure of 70,000 MT published in the Globefish Bulletin 2/94 was based on an early estimate). However, this figure may also be revised upwards when trips starting in the first quarter of 1994 and finishing in second quarter are included in the next quarterly Tuna Bulletin of 1994. This compares with 71, 142 MT caught in the first three months of 1993. Some 2,173 days were fished in the first quarter of 1994 compared to...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1995 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort report forms (1ogs') returned from the fishing vessels which are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ. Sometimes there is a delay in these being received at SFA, especially after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel. Readers should be aware that many of the figures presented here are subject to revision (usually upwards) as more data become available. The date upon which the SFA database was closed prior to the generation of the statistical tables is now shown at the head of each table. Principal Points Purse seiners - The revised total catch for the Western Indian Ocean for 1994 is now 272,192 t. This is the...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1996 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels which are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ. Sometimes there is a delay in these being received at SFA, especially during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel. Readers should be aware that many of the figures presented here (especially the most recent) are subject to revision (usually upwards) as more data become available. The date upon which the SFA database was closed prior to the generation of the statistical tables is shown at the head of each table. Purse seiners Principal Points - The total purse seine tuna catch for the Western Indian...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin : first quarter 1997 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels which are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ. Sometimes there is a del{--y in these being received at SFA, especially during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel. Readers should be aware that many of the figures presented here (especially the most recent) are subject to revision (usually upwards) as more data become available. The date upon which the SFA database was closed prior to the generation of the statistical tables is shown at the head of each table. Purse seiners. PRINCIPAL POINTS: The total purse seine tuna catch for the Western Indian...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Seychelles tuna bulletin: first semester 1998 OceanDocs
Data used to generate the tables and figures presented here are based on daily catch and effort forms (logbooks) returned from fishing vessels which are licensed to fish in the Seychelles EEZ. Sometimes there is a delay in these being received at SFA, especially during and just after the second quarter of the year when most vessels are fishing in the Mozambique Channel. Readers should be aware that many of the figures presented here (especially the most recent) are subject to revision (usually upwards) as more data become available. The date upon which the SFA database was closed prior to the generation of the statistical tables is shown at the head of each table. Purse seiners. PRINCIPAL POINTS: The total purse seine tuna catch for the Western Indian...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Purse seiners; Catch statistics; Tuna fisheries.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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