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Dinophysis acuminate (dinophyceae), une espèce à géométrie variable sur les côtes françaises 5
Lassus, Patrick; Marcaillou-le Baut, Claire.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Morphologie; Variabilité; Ultrastructure; Croissance; France; Dinophysis acuminata; Europe; Milieu marin; Zone côtière; Phytoplancton; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta; Morphology; Variability; Ultrastructure; Growth; France; Europe; Marine environment; Coastal zone; Phytoplankton; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Influence de l'azote et du phosphore sur la croissance et la toxicité de Prorocentrum lima (Ehrenberg) Dodge 5
Morlaix, Martine; Lassus, Patrick.
Very few attempts have been made in order to investigate the role of nutrients on cellular growth and toxin production in dinoflagellates associated with DSP (Diarrhetic Shellfish Poison). Some preliminary results are presented here, aiming at a better knowledge of inorganic nitrogen and organic phosphorus effects upon division rate and toxin content of Prorocentrum lima (PL2V spanish strain). Nitrogen have a positive effect on growth rate, up to a threshold value of 880muM.l-1. Above this threshold the rate decreases. There is no effect on toxin content since okadaic acid and DTX1 cell contents remain low (4.8 +/- 0.5 pg.cell.-1) and steady. Phosphorus effect upon division rate follows a non-linear relationship, whereas cellular toxic content is inversely...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Croissance; Toxicité; Concentration chimique; Division cellulaire; Production; Espagne; Phosphore; Azote; Europe; Nutriment; Milieu marin; Zone côtière; Ecotoxicologie; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta; Okadaïque acide; Prorocentrum lima; Growth; Toxicity; Chemical concentration; Cell division; Production; Spain; Phosphorus; Nitrogen; Europe; Nutrient; Marine environment; Coastal zone; Ecotoxicology; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Le complexe «Dinophysis acuminata»: identification des espèces le long des côtes françaises 5
Lassus, Patrick; Bardouil, Michele.
From seawater samples collected between 1984 and 1989 in 12 French coastal areas, a morphometric study have been realised on Dinophysis genera restricted to "acuminata" like species. Simple morphological criterias are given as suitable for discrimination of four dominant species occurring during toxic episodes in shellfish farms (Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning): Dinophysis c-closed-integral. sacculus, D. c-closed-integral. acuminata, Dinophysis sp. and D. c-closed-integral. norvegica. This last species cannot be included in the "acuminata complex" and produces temporary blooms along southern Brittany coasts. Pending a more precise diagnosis it is recommended to clarify the relationship between toxin composition and each species previously described.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Europe; Thallophyta; Algae; Répartition géographique; Systématique; Morphométrie; France; Zone littorale; Identification spécifique; Pyrrophycophyta; Répartition géographique; Systématique; Morphométrie; France; Zone littorale; Identification spécifique; Pyrrophycophyta; Dinophysis; Répartition géographique; Systématique; Europe; Thallophyta; Algae; Geographic distribution; Taxonomy; Morphometry; France; Littoral zone; Specific identification; Pyrrophycophyta; Geographic distribution; Taxonomy; Morphometry; France; Littoral zone; Specific identification; Pyrrophycophyta; Geographic distribution; Taxonomy; Morphometry.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Les dinophycées pélagiques et benthiques du Golfe de Gascogne sud de la Bretagne à Arcachon 5
Paulmier, Gerard.
Les microphytes planctoniques et benthiques du Golfe de Gascogne sont relativement diversifiés. Cette diversification est probablement en rapport avec la situation hydrologique particulière de cette région enrichie par des mélanges de masses d'eau de diverses origines et par des apports continentaux importants. Dans ce contexte, les dinophycées sont nombreuses et variées et occupent toutes les niches écologiques. 230 taxons ont été répertoriés. Quelques espèces sont connues pour provoquer périodiquement des colorations de la mer "eaux rouges" et quelques-unes sont maintenant redoutées pour leur toxicité.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone pélagique; Zone benthique; Phytoplancton; Diversité espèces; Niche écologique; Inventaire floristique; Cycle développement; Répartition géographique; Morphologie; Pyrrophycophyta; Golfe de Gascogne; Bretagne; Landes; Algae; Thallophyta; Océan Atlantique Nord; Océan Atlantique; France; Europe; Aquitaine; Pelagic zone; Benthic zone; Phytoplankton; Species diversity; Niche; Floral survey; Life cycle; Geographic distribution; Morphology; Pyrrophycophyta; Bay of Biscay; Bretagne; Landes; Algae; Thallophyta; North Atlantic; Atlantic Ocean; France; Europe; Aquitaine.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Présence d'un Protogonyaulax sp. sur le littoral atlantique français pendant l'hiver 1987 5
Lassus, Patrick; Bardouil, Michele.
A dinoflagellate belonging to Protogonyaulax genera and forming more than 20 cells chains was observed from November 1987 to February 1988 in Vilaine Bay and in the west ofIle d'Yeu (France). This species was not detected in coastal phytoplankton during preceding surveys. Close to Protogonyaulax affinis it seems to be a winter developing species for this coastal area. Vertical distribution shows in december a migration of the patch towards deeper layers. Increasing occurrences of species belonging to Protogonyaulax (Alexandrium Balech) genera inshore or coastal waters need to pay more attention to the taxonomy of such organisms. Some species are effectively well known as poisons producers.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pyrrophycophyta; Milieu marin; Morbihan; Vendée; Océan Atlantique Nord; Plancton; Morphologie; Algae; Thallophyta; Bretagne; France; Europe; Pays de Loire; Océan Atlantique; Pyrrophycophyta; Marine environment; Morbihan; Vendée; North Atlantic; Plankton; Morphology; Algae; Thallophyta; Bretagne; France; Europe; Pays de Loire; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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The repetitive and expanding occurrence of a green, bloom-forming dinoflagellate (Dinophyceae) on the coasts of France 5
Sournia, Alain; Belin, Catherine; Billard, Chantal; Catherine, Martial; Erard-le Denn, Evelyne; Fresnel, Jacqueline; Lassus, Patrick; Pastoureaud, Annie; Soulard, René.
A dinoflagellate has produced green-water events along the Atlantic and English Channel coasts of France since 1982. It differs morphologically from each of the 12 taxa or so of green gymnodinoid dinoflagellates previously known. As some morphological details, as well as their variability, remain to be ascertained, this organism is illustrated and described here under the provisional designation of Gymnodinium "sp. 1982". The presence of chlorophyll b has been confirmed by HPLC analysis but it could not be ascertained whether true chloroplasts are present, or symbionts. The distribution is coastal and estuarine. The number and intensity of the outbreaks may be related to river runoff and to the amount of preceding rainfall. An encysted stage is described....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bloom; Océan Atlantique; Manche; Morphologie; Chlorophylle b; Répartition géographique; Zone côtière; Milieu marin; Phytoplancton; Basse Normandie; France; Europe; Pyrrophycophyta; Algae; Thallophyta; Gymnodinium; BLOOMS; DINOFLAGELLATES; GREEN WATERS; GYMNODINIUM; PHYTOPLANKTON.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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