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Do Sales Matter? Evidence from UK Food Retailing AgEcon
Lloyd, Tim A.; Morgan, C. Wyn; McCorriston, Steve; Zgovu, Evious.
This paper assesses the role of sales as a feature of price dynamics using scanner data. The study analyses a unique, high frequency panel of supermarket prices consisting of over 230,000 weekly price observations on around 500 products in 15 categories of food stocked by the UK’s seven largest retail chains. In all, 1,700 weekly time series are available at the barcode-specific level including branded and own-label products. The data allows the frequency, magnitude and duration of sales to be analysed in greater detail than has hitherto been possible with UK data. The main results are: (i) sales are a key feature of aggregate price variation with around 40 per cent of price variation being accounted for by sales once price differences for each UPC level...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Sales; Price variation; Retail; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; L16; L66; Q13..
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Retail and Wholesale Market Power in Organic Foods AgEcon
Richards, Timothy J.; Acharya, Ram N.; Molina, Ignacio.
The demand for organic fresh fruits and vegetable continues to grow at a rate far higher than the rest of the produce industry. The cost of meeting organic certification standards, however, has meant that supply has been slow to adjust. With limited supply, we hypothesize that organic suppliers enjoy more market power in bargaining over their share of the retail-production cost margin for fresh apples. We test this hypothesis using a random parameters, generalized extreme value demand model (mixed logit) combined with a structural model of retail and wholesale pricing that allows conduct to vary by product attributes (organic or non-organic) and time. We find that organic growers do indeed earn a larger share of the total margin than non-organic...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organics; Market power; Mixed logit; Game theory; Non-linear pricing.; Industrial Organization; C35; D12; D43; L13; L41; Q13..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The competitiveness situation of the EU meat processing and beverage manufacturing sectors AgEcon
Fischer, Christian; Schornberg, Sebastian.
The status of competitiveness for the two most important food and beverage manufacturing sector s (meat processing and beverage manufacturing) in 13 EU countries is analysed empirically, using 1995 - 2002 Eurostat data. After a review of earlier agribusiness competitiveness studies an industial competitiveness index is proposed as a composite measure for multidimensional economic performance, covering profitability, productivity and output growth. The index approach enables relative competitiveness comparisons across industries, countries and over time. The results show that during 1999 - 2002 as compared to 1995 - 1998 for both sectors overall competitiveness in real terms slightly increased. At the same time, overall competitiveness seems to also have...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: European Union; Competitiveness; Meat processing; Beverage manufacturing; Index; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries; F23; L66; Q13..
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Jongeneel, Roelof A.; Tonini, Axel.
In the so-called Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 'Health Check' the European Commission has recently proposed gradual transitional measures to allow a 'soft landing' of the milk sector to quota expiry. The aim of this paper is to support policy makers to get better insights in the implications of some of the most important economic assumptions and empirical choices made in partial equilibrium models focusing on dairy. Three partial equilibrium models are considered: the Agricultural Member states MODeling (AGMEMOD) model, the Common Agricultural Policy SIMulation (CAPSIM) model, and the European Dairy Industry Model (EDIM). The paper analyzes how the most important economic supply components, as they are part of the three key dairy models, affect milk...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Milk quota rents; Supply response; Shifters; Dairy policy; Equilibrium models.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Political Economy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C01; C02; Q12; Q13..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The Role of Market Power in Agricultural Contracts AgEcon
Cordero Salas, Paula.
I study the economic consequences of shifting bargaining power in relational contracts through interventions such as the formation of a Bargaining Group (BG) for the side of sellers in a market where buyers traditionally hold significant market power. Existing theories of relational contracts predict that such a power transfer will have no impact on market efficiency. In contexts where enforcement institutions are weak, a standard assumption from existing theories of relational contracts - the existence of an enforceable base payment - may not hold. In this case, I show that a transfer of bargaining power can erode market efficiency in a dynamic relational contracting environment, which contradicts findings from existing models of relational contracting....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Contracts; Incomplete enforcement; Bargaining group; Distribution; Institutions; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Industrial Organization; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; International Development; D86; K12; L14; O12; Q13..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Towards an appropriate comprehension of innovation sources in agrifood cooperatives AgEcon
Segovia, Cristina; Sanchez, Manuel.
The existing typologies of innovation sources rely on classification criterions which are excessively generalist and developed under the consideration of private owned organisations. The present paper seeks to shed light on the special structural and operative features of agrifood cooperatives demanding a more comprehensive classification of innovation sources. A sample from the agrifood cooperative industry was selected as the scenario of the empirical research. Findings reveal a classification proposal of innovation sources into four differentiated groups (managers, technology, market and normative context) with regard to the management orientation of change (strategic vs. technical/legal) and the strength motivating the innovation (internal vs. external).
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agrifood cooperatives; Innovation sources; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q13..
Ano: 2010 URL:
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