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Community Response to Forestry Transition in Rural Canada: Analysis of Media and Census Data for Six Case Study Communities in New Brunswick and British Columbia AgEcon
Smith, Mark; Parkins, John R..
The forest economy is in transition across Canada. Faced with high dollar values, increasing competition within the global market, high input costs for energy, labour and fibre, and growing expectations for environmental performance, the forest sector is undergoing significant economic transitions as companies across the country cut costs, close mills and shed jobs. This report contributes to our understanding of community response to mill closure with a detailed description of six case study communities during a period of forest industry mill closures. Three communities are in British Columbia (Mackenzie, Quesnel and Fort St. James) and three communities are in New Brunswick (Dalhousie, Nackawic and Mirimachi). Empirical information is derived from...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Media analysis; Rural sociology; Community development; Rural development; Social change; Community/Rural/Urban Development; R52; R58; Q33.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Optimal Resource Extraction Contracts Under Threat of Expropriation AgEcon
Engel, Eduardo M.R.A.; Fischer, Ronald.
The government contracts with a foreign firm to extract a natural resource that requires an upfront investment and which faces price uncertainty. In states where profits are high, there is a likelihood of expropriation, which generates a social cost that increases with the expropriated value. In this environment, the planner's optimal contract avoids states with high probability of expropriation. The contract can be implemented via a competitive auction with reasonable informational requirements. The bidding variable is a cap on the present value of discounted revenues, and the firm with the lowest bid wins the contract. The basic framework is extended to incorporate government subsidies, unenforceable investment effort and political moral hazard, and the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Taxation; Mining; Rent extraction; Royalty; Non-renewable natural resource; Present-value-of-revenue auction; Public Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty; Q33; Q34; Q38; H21; H25.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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