Registros recuperados: 241 | |
Bosetti, Valentina; De Cian, Enrica. |
In this paper we argue that when a subgroup of countries cooperate on emission reduction, the optimal response of non-signatory countries reflects the interaction between three potentially opposing factors, the incentive to free-ride on the benefits of cooperation, the incentive to expand the demand of fossil fuels, and the incentive to adopt cleaner technologies introduced by the coalition. Using an Integrated Assessment Model with a game theoretic structure we find that cost-benefit considerations would lead OECD countries to undertake a moderate, but increasing abatement effort (in line with the pledges subscribed in Copenhagen). Even if emission reductions are moderate, OECD countries find it optimal to allocate part of their resources to energy... |
Tipo: Working Paper |
Palavras-chave: Technology Spillovers; Climate Change; Partial Cooperation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q54; Q55; C72. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/119104 |
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Massetti, Emanuele. |
The aim of the paper is to present evidence that China and India are, and will remain, two very different actors in international negotiations to control global warming. We base our conclusions on historical data and on scenarios until 2050. The Business-as-Usual scenario (BaU) is compared to four Emissions Tax scenarios to draw insights on major transformations in energy use and in energy supply and to assess the possible contribution of China and India to a future international climate architecture. We study whether or not the Copenhagen intensity targets require more action than the BaU scenario and we assess whether the emissions reductions induced by the four tax scenarios are compatible with the G8 and MEF pledge to reduce global emissions by 50% in... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Climate Change; China; India; Energy Efficiency; Energy and Development; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q32; Q43; Q54; Q43; O53; P52. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/101378 |
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Jiahua, Pan; Yan, Zheng; Markandya, Anil. |
Climate change poses great risks for China, which makes adaptation an essential response. However, adaptation planning and implementation are still at a preliminary stage with respect to the theoretical framework and methodology. This article focuses on the status, problems and basic needs as regards adaptation to climate change, and outlines the operational framework that the government is seeking to pursue for China’s adapting to climate change. The conclusion is that, to satisfy the basic needs of development, it is necessary to clarify development-oriented and incremental adaptation. Furthermore measures to enhance adaptive capacity can be classified as infrastructure-based, technology-based and institutional. Lastly the authors stress the importance... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Incremental adaptation; Development-oriented adaptation; Approaches for adaptation; Economic analysis of adaptation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q54; Q56; Q58. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/117619 |
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Michetti, Melania; Nunes Rosa, Renato. |
This paper analyzes the role of afforestation-reforestation and timber management activities, and their major and secondary economic effects in stabilizing climate during the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. In particular, with a Computable General Equilibrium framework, the ICES model, it is inferred how forest carbon sequestration fits within the European domestic portfolio of a 2020-20 and 2020-30 climate stabilization policy. Afforestation and land use are accounted for by introducing their effects in the model. This is done by relying on carbon sequestration curves provided by Sohngen (2005), which describe the average annual cost of sequestration for selected world regions. Results show that afforestation and timber management could... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Climate Change; General Equilibrium Modelling; Forestry; Afforestation; Environmental Economics and Policy; D58; Q23; Q24; Q52; Q54. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/99641 |
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Leblois, Antoine; Quirion, Philippe. |
In many low-income countries, agriculture is mostly rain-fed and yields highly depend on climatic factors. Furthermore, farmers have little access to traditional crop insurance, which suffers from high information asymmetry and transaction costs. Insurances based on meteorological indices could fill this gap since they do not face such drawbacks. However their implementation has been slow so far. In this article, we first describe the most advanced projects that have taken place in developing countries using these types of crop insurances. We then describe the methodology that has been used to design such projects, in order to choose the meteorological index, the indemnity schedule and the insurance premium. We finally draw an agenda for research in... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Agriculture; Insurance; Climatic Risk; Environmental Economics and Policy; G21; O12; Q12; Q18; Q54. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/91004 |
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Boubacar, Inoussa. |
A standardized precipitation index is used in a regression analysis to quantify the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity in Sahel. I first estimate a Malmquist productivity index and its efficiency and technical change components. I further assess the statistical significance of the indices by estimating some confidence intervals via a bootstrap method. In the second stage of the analysis, I use a Probit model to estimate the extent to which climate variables affect agricultural productivity. It appears that agricultural performance has been disastrous in many Sahelian countries from 1970 to 2000. Using a comparable cross-country measure of drought, I provide evidence that precipitation variability is constraining not only Sahel’s... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Productivity; Agriculture; Sahel; International Development; Production Economics; O13; O55; Q54. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/56321 |
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Ganewatta, Gaminda; Grahlmann, Linda; Handmer, John. |
Allocating scare resources for fire management strategies requires information on the extent of economic losses from bushfires and the efficiency of alternatives. Despite the severity of bushfires, there is no agreed approach in Australia for estimating economic losses from fires nor for evaluating the economic efficiency of alternative suppression strategies. The poster proposes approaches to assess the economic effects of bushfires on local and state economies and sets out models to evaluate the economic efficiency of two key bushfire management strategies: presuppression and suppression. The first model arises from questions concerning the value of pre-suppression (before the fire) fuel reduction activities, and the estimation of an economically optimal... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; A11; H4; Q51; Q54. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/25278 |
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Vergano, Lucia; Umgiesser, Georg; Nunes, Paulo A.L.D.. |
Due to its hydro-geological features, the lagoon of Venice is especially vulnerable to climate change. In particular, it is strongly affected by gradual global warming that brings about the so-called ‘acqua alta’ (high water) phenomenon with greater frequency and intensity. In order to protect the city of Venice from the more and more frequent phenomenon of flooding, some protective measures have been adopted. Among them, the system of mobile barriers commonly known as MOSE: however, by separating the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea, it interferes with ship traffic and has negative impacts on port activities. Against this background, the aim of the present work is to provide an estimate of the direct costs of ship traffic interruption due to the functioning... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Climate Change; ‘Acqua Alta’; MOSE; Ship Traffic; Direct Costs; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q51; Q54. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/59474 |
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Kolikow, Steven; Kragt, Marit Ellen; Mugera, Amin W.. |
This paper has been published in a peer-reviewed conference as: Kragt, M.E., Mugera, A. & Kolikow, S. (2013) An interdisciplinary framework of limits and barriers to agricultural climate change adaptation. In: Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. & Boland J. (Eds) MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Adelaide, 1-6 December 2013, pp. 593–599. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-3-1. Session B2: http://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim2013/B2/kragt.pdf |
Tipo: Working Paper |
Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Agriculture; Australia; Broad-acre Farming; Conceptual Modelling; Climate Change; Epistemology; Interdisciplinary Research; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Q12; Q54. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/120467 |
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Galarraga, Ibon; Oses, Nuria; Markandya, Anil; Chiabai, Aline; Khantun, Kaysara. |
As a consequence of Climate Change sea level rise as well as a change in the intensity and propensity of rain are expected in the Basque Country. Valuing the costs and benefits of adapting to these changes becomes an important piece of information for the planning process. This paper develops two methodological frameworks. The first one devoted to estimating the economic impacts to urban areas of an increase in the risk of flooding. The values estimated for the Nervión river in the city of Amurrio (Álava) indicate that the average expected damage will increase in 15 per cent as a consequence of CC (from €56,097 to €64,451). For an extreme episode the total loss could increase to €20 million. The second framework is oriented towards the valuation of the... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Climate change impacts; Economic valuation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q51; Q54. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/117620 |
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Registros recuperados: 241 | |