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Quantitative Morphology Update: Image Analysis International Journal of Morphology
Fernandes-Santos,Caroline; Souza-Mello,Vanessa; Faria,Tatiane da Silva; Mandarim-de-Lacerda,Carlos Alberto.
Quantitative morphology is a reliable tool in developmental, clinical and aging biology. Quantitative data of histological improvement and/or impairment due to dietary manipulations or pharmacological interventions draws the attention of countless researchers worldwide. Morphometry allows a wide range of two-dimension analysis to be performed, whereas image segmentation allows the measurement of a single structure or the determination of the intensity of its color after adequate immunostaining or even the area occupied by a specific sort of cell. When it comes to unbiased analysis, consideration should be given to suitable tissue perfusion, fixation and embedding, avoiding artifacts. Furthermore, tissue shrinkage should be taken into account. In order to...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Quantitative morphology; Image analysis.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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The carotid body of the spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetic rat BJMBR
Clarke,J.A.; Daly,M. de B.; Ead,H.W.; Hennessy,E.M..
The carotid bodies from adult spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetic rats (strain BB/S) were perfusion-fixed at normal arterial blood pressure with 3% phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde and compared with the organs from control rats (strain BB/Sc) prepared in the same way. Serial 5-µm sections were cut, stained, and using an interactive image analysis system, were analysed to determine the volumes of the carotid body and its vascular and extravascular compartments. There was no evidence of systemic arterial disease in the carotid stem arteries in either group of animals, and the microvasculature of the organs appeared normal by light microscopy. The volume of the carotid body was unchanged 3 months after the onset of diabetes but was increased at 6 months....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Diabetic rat; Carotid body; Quantitative morphology; Vascular compartment.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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