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A 5.3‐million‐year history of monsoonal precipitation in northwestern Australia 5
Stuut, Jan‐berend W.; De Deckker, Patrick; Saavedra‐pellitero, Mariem; Bassinot, Franck; Drury, Anna‐joy; Walczak, Maureen H.; Nagashima, Kana; Murayama, Masafumi.
New proxy records from deep‐sea sediment cores from the northwestern continental margin of Western Australian reveal a 5.3 million‐year (Ma) history of aridity and tropical‐monsoon activity in northwestern Australia. Following the warm and dry early Pliocene (~5.3 Ma), the northwestern Australian continent experienced a gradual increase in humidity peaking at about 3.8 Ma with higher than present‐day rainfall. Between 3.8 and about 2.8 Ma, climate became progressively more arid with more rainfall variability. Coinciding with the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciations and the intensification of the northern hemisphere monsoon, aridity continued to increase overall from 2.8 Ma until today, with greater variance in precipitation and an increased...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleoclimate; Monsoon; Australia; Runoff; Pliocene; Quaternary.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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A continuous tephrostratigraphic record from the Labrador Sea spanning the last 65 ka 5
Rutledal, Sunniva; Haflidason, Hafkidi; Berben, Sarah Mp; Griem, Lisa; Jansen, Eystein.
Volcanic ash preserved in marine sediment sequences is key for independent synchronization of palaeoclimate records within and across different climate archives. Here we present a continuous tephrostratigraphic record from the Labrador Sea, spanning the last 65.5 ka, an area and time period that has not been investigated in detail within the established North Atlantic tephra framework. We investigated marine sediment core GS16]204] 22CC for increased tephra occurrences and geochemically analysed the major element composition of tephra shards to identify their source volcano(es). In total we observed eight tephra zones, of which five concentration peaks show isochronous features that can be used as independent tie]points in future studies. The main...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine tephra; North Atlantic; Quaternary; Tephra isochrons; Tephrochronology.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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A critical evaluation of coastal erosion in Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil 42
Dillenburg,Sérgio R.; Esteves,Luciana S.; Tomazelli,Luiz J..
Evidences of coastal erosion in Rio Grande do Sul have been obtained by three methods: (a) analysis of the long-term morphodynamics and stratigraphy of coastal barriers, (b) annual shoreline mapping using the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS), and (c) local beach profile measurements. The first method reflects coastal erosion as continuity of the geological evolution in the last 5 ka, taking place mainly along the southern half of gentle coastal projections. The second method represents a shorter temporal scale and indicates that approximately 80% of the coast is eroding. Beach profiling has been measured in very few places that are distant from each other since the early 1990s; consequently, their results reflect local and very short time...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coastal evolution; Quaternary; Shoreline changes; Coastal barriers; Sediment budget.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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A late Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record of the Banda Sea: Chronostratigraphy, orbital forcing, and paleoceanographic implications 5
Chen, Chih-wei; Wei, Kuo-yen; Mii, Horng-sheng; Yang, Tien-nan.
A detailed oxygen isotope time-scale based on planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides sacculifer at site MD012380 in the Banda Sea was established for the past 820 kyrs by correlating the record to the astronomically tuned benthic oxygen isotope chronology of MD972143. Ages for marine isotope stratigraphic (MIS) events from 2.0 back to 21.1 were designated for this western tropical Pacific record. Spectral analysis of the 6180 time-series reveals distinct periodicities of 100, 41, and 23 kyrs, indicating strong orbital forcing, yet the power of each band varies through time. The time-series of three other paleo-proxies, namely, coarse fraction (CF), lightness of sediments and delta C-13 of Globigerinoides saccidifer, were subjected to cross-spectral...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Age model; Oxygen isotope stratigraphy; Quaternary; Banda Sea.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A review of rare and less well known extant marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst taxa of the orders Gonyaulacales and Suessiales from the Northern Hemisphere 5
Limoges, Audrey; Van Nieuwenhove, Nicolas; Head, Martin J.; Mertens, Kenneth; Pospelova, Vera; Rochon, André.
Dinoflagellate resting cysts with rare exception produce the only discrete link between the biology of extant dinoflagellate species and their fossil record. The geological preservability of such cysts allows them to be used for quantitative paleoecological reconstructions, especially in the Quaternary, and for biostratigraphy and the calibration of molecular clocks with the geological record. This contribution reviews and updates the taxonomy of 27 uncommon dinoflagellate cyst species and morphotypes belonging to the orders Gonyaulacales and Suessiales with occurrences in upper Quaternary marine sediments of the Northern Hemisphere. Comparative descriptions and illustrations are provided along with the biological affinity of each taxon where known and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dinoflagellate cysts; Gonyaulacales; Suessiales; Marine sediment; Quaternary.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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An overview and brief description of common marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst taxa occurring in surface sediments of the Northern Hemisphere 5
Van Nieuwenhove, Nicolas; Head, Martin J.; Limoges, Audrey; Pospelova, Vera; Mertens, Kenneth; Matthiessen, Jens; De Schepper, Stijn; De Vernal, Anne; Eynaud, Frédérique; Londeix, Laurent; Marret, Fabienne; Penaud, Aurélie; Radi, Taoufik; Rochon, André.
Organic-walled resting cysts of planktonic dinoflagellates occur commonly in modern marine sediment where they represent, with rare exceptions, the only geologically preservable part of the life cycle. Although many species do not produce fossilizable resting cysts, upper Quaternary sediments contain a diverse cyst record that is used frequently for paleoenvironmental reconstruction and stratigraphic analysis. Reconstructions of past sea-surface conditions rely on an understanding of the distributions of dinoflagellate cysts in modern sediments linked to their respective environmental parameters, underpinned by sound taxonomy and standardized nomenclature. Stratigraphic studies additionally require knowledge of morphological details to distinguish extant...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dinoflagellate cysts; Marine; Quaternary; Gymnodiniales; Gonyaulacales; Peridiniales.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Controls on Holocene denudation rates in mountainous environments under Mediterranean climate 5
Molliex, S.; Jouet, Gwenael; Freslon, Nicolas; Bourles, D. L.; Authemayou, C.; Moreau, Julien; Rabineau, Marina.
The Mediterranean domain is characterized by a specific climate resulting from the close interplay between atmospheric and marine processes and strongly differentiated regional topographies. Corsica Island, a mountainous area located in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea is particularly suitable to quantify regional denudation rates in the framework of a source-to-sink approach. Indeed, fluvial sedimentation in East-Corsica margin is almost exclusively limited to its alluvial plain and offshore domain and its basement is mainly constituted of quartz-rich crystalline rocks allowing cosmogenic nuclide Be-10 measurements. In this paper, Holocene denudation rates of catchments from the eastern part of the island of Corsica are quantified relying on in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Be-10-derived denudation rates; Schmidt Hammer; Quaternary; Quantitative geomorphology; Weathering.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Cycles sédimentaires dans le système turbiditique du Congo : nature et origine 5
Picot, Marie.
Turbidite systems are huge submarine sedimentary fans located off rivers, at the foot of the continental slope. They constitute the most distal terrigeneous deposits of a fluvial system. Their internal structure, defined as a stacking of channel-levee systems, show architectural changes through time. Forcing factors of these architectural changesare still poorly understood, and the respective role of internal (related to the own functioning of the system) or external forcing factors (climate, seal-level variations, tectonics) remains debated. To better understand the role of these controlling factors, a detailed study of the Congo system architecture was carried out. This study was conducted as part of the Reprezaï research project (Ifremer/IUEM, since...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Système turbiditique; Congo; Quaternaire terminal; Cycles sédimentaires; Progradation et rétrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paléoclimat; Sismique; Carottes sédimentaires; Turbidite system; Congo; Quaternary; Sedimentary cycles; Progradation; Retrogradation; Avulsion; Lobes; Paleoclimate; Geophysical data; Sedimentary cores Thèse.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Development patterns of fringing and barrier reefs in New Caledonia (southwest Pacific) 5
Cabioch, G; Correge, T; Turpin, L; Castellaro, C; Recy, J.
In New Caledonia, core data indicate that the fringing reefs grew during the last interglacial and the Holocene, while the barrier reefs developed during several high sea level stands of the Quaternary. These growth periods are archived in a 128-m-long core from Ilot Amedee, offshore of Noumea. Directly upon the peridotitic substrate (reached at 126.50 m), a basal unit comprising abundant rhodoliths, molluscs and rare corals is characteristic of the pioneer stage of barrier reef development. Above it, a severely calcitized unit contains corals, molluscs and abundant micritic levels. Then, a sequence punctuated by several minor discontinuities and by a downward increase in diagenetic alteration is found. At 47 m core depth, a unit, which is thought to be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Croissance récifale; Néotectonique; Nouvelle-Calédonie; Quaternaire; Reef growth; Neotectonics; New Caledonia; Quaternary.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Didelphidae marsupials (Mammalia, Didelphimorphia) from the Late Pleistocene deposit of the Gruta dos Moura Cave, northern Brazil 42
Nova,Patricia Villa; Avilla,Leonardo S.; Oliveira,Édison V..
The present study acknowledges the diversity of fossil marsupials from the Gruta dos Moura cave, as well as environmental and climatic aspects during the Quaternary. The results show that this is the largest diversity of Pleistocene marsupials recorded in a single cave: Didelphis albiventris, D. aurita, Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Marmosa murina, Monodelphis brevicaudata, M. domesticaand Sairadelphys tocantinensis. Furthermore, the described specimens are also part of the only fossil assemblage unequivocally referable to the late Pleistocene. Paleontological studies suggest an intimate association with dry and open environments with high abundance of water sources. Since most of the identified taxa are characteristic of open forests and gallery...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mammals; Didelphidae; Marsupials; Northern Brazil; Quaternary; Late Pleistocene.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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ABSTRACT The first record of the Neolicaphrium recens Frenguelli, 1921 (Mammalia, Litopterna) from Pleistocene deposits of the Río Dulce, Rio Hondo Department, Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina, is reported. The morphology and morphometry observed in the specimen MPAT073 is coincident with the diagnostic characteristics of that species. This finding represents the northernmost and westernmost record of the species, and thus extends its geographical distribution. Geological data suggest that the material comes from a still unnamed Pleistocene stratigraphic unit.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Proteroteridae; Termas de Río Hondo; Northwestern Argentina; Río Dulce; Quaternary.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Fossil record of the Andean rat, Andinomys edax (Rodentia: Cricetidae), in Argentina 81
Ortiz,Pablo E.; Jayat,J. Pablo.
Andinomys edax (Rodentia, Cricetidae) has a broad distribution in the Central Andean region. The fossil record is restricted to only three localities from Lower-Middle Pleistocene in Bolivia to Upper Holocene in Argentina. Recent field work in northwestern Argentina produced five new paleontological localities: Las Juntas, Catamarca (13.4 - 12.95 kyr BP); Inca Cueva 4, Jujuy (11 - 9 kyr BP); Tafí del Valle, Tucumán (10.25 - 9.75 kyr BP); Los Viscos, Catamarca (1.88 kyr bp); and La Cueva, Jujuy (0.95 kyr BP). The paleontological data indicate that A. edax has been a ubiquitous sigmodontine in northwestern Argentina since the Upper Pleistocene.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Northwestern Argentina; Paleontological record; Quaternary.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Geochemical provenance of sediments from the northern East China Sea document a gradual migration of the Asian Monsoon belt over the past 400,000 years 5
Beny, Francois; Toucanne, Samuel; Skonieczny, Charlotte; Bayon, Germain; Ziegler, Martin.
The reconstruction of the long-term evolution of the East Asian Monsoon remains controversial. In this study, we aim to give a new outlook on this evolution by studying a 400 kyr long sediment record (U1429) from the northern East China Sea recovered during IODP Expedition 346. Neodymium isotopic ratios and rare earth element concentrations of different grain-size fractions reveal significant provenance changes of the sediments in the East China Sea between East Asian continental sources (mainly Yellow River) and sediment contributions from the Japanese Archipelago. These provenance changes are interpreted as the direct impact of sea level changes, due to the reorganization of East Asian river mouth locations and ocean circulation on the East China Sea...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monsoon; Eastern Asia; East China sea; Quaternary; Radiogenic isotopes; Neodymium; Rare earth elements.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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High-resolution migration history of the Subtropical High/Trade Wind system of the northeastern Pacific during the last similar to 55 years: Implications for glacial atmospheric reorganization 5
Cheshire, Heather; Thurow, Juergen.
Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, is a restricted basin located under the present-day wet/dry subtropical divide (similar to 27 degrees N) and is ideally circumstanced for detecting variations in the North Pacific Subtropical High (NPSH)/Trade Wind system. Controlled by climate cell boundary displacement, NPSH midwinter location was the primary influence on timing and intensity of upwelling seasons in Guaymas Basin. Analysis of high-resolution X-ray fluoresence data and sediment fabric log from 75% laminated Core MD02-2517/2515, western Guaymas Basin, reveals systematic changes in NPSH behavior over the last similar to 55 kyr BP. Southward displacement of the wet/dry subtropical divide controlled upwelling-related diatom productivity, while sea level and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Quaternary; Paleoceanography; X-ray fluorescence; Laminated sediment.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Independent tephrochronological evidence for rapid and synchronous oceanic and atmospheric temperature rises over the Greenland stadial-interstadial transitions between ca. 32 and 40 ka b2k 5
Berben, Sarah M.p.; Dokken, Trond M.; Abbott, Peter M.; Cook, Eliza; Sadatzki, Henrik; Simon, Margit H; Jansen, Eystein.
Understanding the dynamics that drove past abrupt climate changes, such as the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, depends on combined proxy evidence from disparate archives. To identify leads, lags and synchronicity between different climate system components, independent and robust chronologies are required. Cryptotephrochronology is a key geochronological tool as cryptotephra horizons can act as isochrons linking disparate and/or distant records. Here, we investigated marine sediment core MD99-2284 from the Norwegian Sea to look for previously identified Greenland ice core cryptotephra horizons and define time-parallel markers between the archives. We explored potential secondary transport and depositional mechanisms that could hamper the isochronous...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Quaternary; Paleoclimatology; Paleoceanography; North Atlantic; Sedimentology; Marine cores; Ice cores; Cryptotephrochronology; DO-Events; Synchronization.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Interglacials of the last 800,000 years 5
Berger, A.; Crucifix, M.; Hodell, D. A.; Mangili, C.; Mcmanus, J. F.; Otto-bliesner, B.; Pol, K.; Raynaud, D.; Skinner, L. C.; Tzedakis, P. C.; Wolff, E. W.; Yin, Q. Z.; Abe-ouchi, A.; Barbante, C.; Brovkin, V.; Cacho, I.; Capron, E.; Ferretti, P.; Ganopolski, A.; Grimalt, J. O.; Hoenisch, B.; Kawamura, K.; Landais, A.; Margari, V.; Martrat, B.; Masson-delmotte, V.; Mokeddem, Zohra; Parrenin, F.; Prokopenko, A. A.; Rashid, H.; Schulz, M.; Riveiros, N. Vazquez.
Interglacials, including the present (Holocene) period, are warm, low land ice extent (high sea level), end-members of glacial cycles. Based on a sea level definition, we identify eleven interglacials in the last 800,000years, a result that is robust to alternative definitions. Data compilations suggest that despite spatial heterogeneity, Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5e (last interglacial) and 11c (similar to 400ka ago) were globally strong (warm), while MIS 13a (similar to 500ka ago) was cool at many locations. A step change in strength of interglacials at 450ka is apparent only in atmospheric CO2 and in Antarctic and deep ocean temperature. The onset of an interglacial (glacial termination) seems to require a reducing precession parameter (increasing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Interglacials; Review; Quaternary.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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La Isla Santa Clara, testigo morfoestructural de la evolución geodinámica plio-cuaternaria y actual del Golfo de Guayaquil. 20
Santana, E.; Dumont, J.F..
Este contexto estratigráfico y estructural, hace que la Isla Santa Clara sea un testigo directo de los eventos neotectónicos del Golfo de Guayaquil. El estudio realizado en la Isla Santa Clara se ha desarrollado bajo dos objetivos: 1. Obtener datos detallados de la evolución temprana y actual de la Isla, en base a nuevos datos de estratigrafía y morfología, 2. Encuadrar la evolución de la Isla dentro del contexto sismotectónico y estructural del Golfo de Guayaquil, a fin de precisar la localización de las fallas potencialmente activas.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stratigraphy; Structural geology; Tectonophysics; Quaternary; Bathymetric data; Oceanic islands; Stratigraphy; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Lacustrine-fluvial interactions in Australia's Riverine Plains 5
Kemp, Justine; Pietsch, Timothy; Gontz, Allen; Olley, Jon.
Climatic forcing of fluvial systems has been a pre-occupation of geomorphological studies in Australia since the 1940s. In the Riverine Plain, southeastern Australia, the stable tectonic setting and absence of glaciation have combined to produce sediment loads that are amongst the lowest in the world. Surficial sediments and landforms exceed 140,000 yr in age, and geomorphological change recorded in the fluvial, fluvio-lacustrine and aeolian features have provided a well-studied record of Quaternary environmental change over the last glacial cycle. The region includes the Willandra Lakes, whose distinctive lunette lakes preserve a history of water-level variations and ecological change that is the cornerstone of Australian Quaternary chronostratigraphy....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lake Mungo; Willandra Lakes; Lachlan River; Palaeohydrology; Electromagnetic survey; Palaeochannels; Quaternary; LGM.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Late Holocene paleoenvironments of the floodplain of the Solimões River, Central Amazonia, based on the palynological record of Lake Cabaliana 39
Sá,Natália de Paula; Absy,Maria Lúcia; Soares,Emílio Alberto Amaral.
ABSTRACT The core PD-67 of 160 cm depth was collected from the delta of Lake Cabaliana situated on the Solimões River. Seventeen samples were removed for palynological and sedimentological analysis and three for radiocarbon analysis. Two dry periods, both in the Late Holocene, were observed (2800-2550 cal yr BP, 1450-550 cal yr BP) separated by a wetter phase (2550-1450 cal yr BP). In 2800-2550 cal yr BP, varzea forests of Alchornea, Symmeria, Cecropia, Alternanthera and Asteraceae were predominant. Beginning in 2,550-1450 cal yr BP, the varzea was characterized by pioneer elements, such as Cassia, Laetia, Mabea, Symmeria and Cecropia, and by the expansion of Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Sagittaria, Montrichardia and Asteraceae. In 1450-550 cal yr BP the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amazon; Pollen; Quaternary; Rainfall; Terra firme forest.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Late Pleistocene echimyid rodents (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from northern Brazil 42
ABSTRACT Echimyidae (spiny rats, tree rats and the coypu) is the most diverse family of extant South American hystricognath rodents (caviomorphs). Today, they live in tropical forests (Amazonian, coastal and Andean forests), occasionally in more open xeric habitats in the Cerrado and Caatinga of northern South America, and open areas across the southern portion of the continent (Myocastor). The Quaternary fossil record of this family remains poorly studied. Here, we describe the fossil echimyids found in karst deposits from southern Tocantins, northern Brazil. The analyzed specimens are assigned to Thrichomys sp., Makalata cf. didelphoides and Proechimys sp. This is the first time that a fossil of Makalata is reported. The Pleistocene record of echimyids...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Caviomorphs; Echimyidae; Fossil record; Quaternary; South America.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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