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Formulation and evaluation of buccoadhesive quetiapine fumarate tablets 60
Potu,Appa Rao; Pujari,Naresh; Burra,Shashidher; Veerareddy,Prabhakar Reddy.
The aim of present study was to develop and evaluate buccoadhesive Quetiapine Fumarate (QF) tablets, which is extensively metabolised by liver. Buccoadhesive tablets of QF were prepared using HPMC K4M, HPMC K15M and combination of carbopol and HPC as mucoadhesive polymers by direct compression method. Sodium deoxycholate was added to formulation to improve the permeation of drug. The formulations were tested for bioadhesion strength, ex vivo residence time, swelling time and in vitro dissolution studies and ex vivo permeation studies. Optimized formulation (F3) showed 92% in vitro release in 8 h and 67% permeation of drug through porcine buccal mucosa and followed fickian release mechanism with zero order kinetics. FTIR studies of optimized formulation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Quetiapine Fumarate; Bioadhesion; In vivo mucoadhesive behaviour.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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