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Agricultura familiar e programas de desenvolvimento rural no Alto Jequitinhonha AgEcon
Ribeiro, Eduardo Magalhaes; Galizoni, Flavia Maria; Silvestre, Luiz Henrique Aparecido; Calixto, Juliana Sena; Assis, Thiago Rodrigo de Paula; Ayres, Eduardo Barbosa.
The agrarian conditions and the low relative levels of the socioeconomic indicators cause the area of the “High Jequitinhonha Valley”, in the northeast of the State of Minas Gerais, to be considered one of the most complex areas of Brazil. For this reason several governanmental administrations have recommended rural development programs. Most of these efforts, however, have not produced adequate results. This article analyzes the relationships between public programs and family farming, making a survey of the methods and results of the last three decades. It concludes that there is a need to incorporate the specificities of history, environment and culture into the rural programs. It is suggested that the programs take into consideration the experience...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Family farming; Rural extension; Rural development; Public programs; Jequitinhonha Valley.; Agribusiness; R58; Q15.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Agro-food chain: an innovative paradigm for food and rural policy analysis and agro-food chain segments’ systemic performance at regional level AgEcon
Samoggia, Antonella; Maccani, Paola; Marchi, Alan.
The food chain concept is an increasingly common theoretical instrument for food and rural development policy and many countries adopt the so-called “new rural paradigm”, so to integrate different sectoral policies. This paper aims at adopting the food chain paradigm in order to analyse the regional agro-food system and to sustain the design and delivery of consistent inter-sectoral policies. It adopts the netchain concept (Lazzarini et al, 2001) and the theory of governance patterns in global value chains (Gereffi et al, 2005). Results show this innovative approach contributes to better understand and stimulate economic performance of the whole agro-food network.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural policy; Region; Agro-food chain; Performance; Intersectoral approach; Community/Rural/Urban Development; O18; Q18; R11; R58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Analysis of Technical Efficiency and Varietal Differences in Pistachio Production in Iran Using a Meta-Frontier Analysis AgEcon
Boshrabadi, Hossain Mehrabi; Villano, Renato A.; Fleming, Euan M..
This paper reports on an analysis of technical efficiency and varietal differences in pistachio production in Iran. A random sample of 475 farmers was selected from the province of Kerman in 2003 and 2004. In this study, farmers are classified into three groups according to the variety of tree they planted. The three main varieties of pistachio trees planted are Kalleh- Ghuchi, Fandoghi and Akbari. The technical efficiency indices are computed using three approaches. First, a standard stochastic production frontier was employed using pooled data. Secondly, stochastic frontier production functions were estimated for each variety (separately). Lastly, the meta-frontier approach was used because production varieties and technologies are expected to differ...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Pistachio; Stochastic meta-frontier; Production function; Technical efficiency; Iranian agriculture; Productivity Analysis; C21; Q12; Q16; Q55; R58.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Approaches to the efficiency measurement of small business development AgEcon
Filimonova, Natalya; Basharina, Svetlana.
Small entrepreneurship state in Russia is still under its potential and demands for effective strategic management of regional authorities. Business performance indicators currently being used in regional management are old fashioned and they not effective in evaluation of performance of small enterprises. The authors calls for introducing a balanced system of quantitative indicators which, they believe, are more useful in measuring processes and results of small entrepreneurship.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Small business; Efficiency indicators for entrepreneurship; Strategic management in regions; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Marketing; Production Economics; L26; P25; R58.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bulgarian rural development policy implementation and new rural paradigm AgEcon
Peneva, Mariya Marinova; Kopeva, Diana Ilieva.
The role of Rural Development Policy is growing nowadays. As an EU member state Bulgaria started implementation of Rural Development Policy. The paper analyse the level of achievement of the Rural Development Programme’s objectives in Bulgaria. The programme started in 2008 and most of the measures are implemented. But effective payments have been done only under eight measures. The vast majority of financed projects are for investments mainly in agriculture (for perennial crops production, buildings, machineries and equipment). In the paper are specified opportunities and challenges of the rural development policy in Bulgaria in order to be consistent with the new rural paradigm.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural development; New rural paradigm; Rural development policy; Bulgaria; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Q10; Q18; R58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Hilkevics, Sergejs; Stefenberga, Dace.
State system of innovative business support was created in Latvia during last years and the first conclusions about the efficiency of this system can be made at present time. To evaluate the efficiency of innovative business support system it is necessary to compare in some way innovative and non-innovative companies. The main task of this article is to provide the frame for innovative and non-innovative business comparison and describe on the base of this frame the main differences between innovative and non-innovative companies in Latvia at present time. The main result of investigation is the conclusion that at present time innovative business has certain advantages for development in Latvia, especially in regions, because the main weak point of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Innovative business; Business functions; Regional economic development; Public Economics; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; O31; O32; R58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Changes in rural areas of Ukraine: problems and opportunities AgEcon
Moroz, Serhiy Mykolayovych.
The paper describes the main tendencies and perspectives of development of rural areas in Ukraine. It emphasizes that the key reason of existing socio-economic issues in rural regions is the absence of well-defined rural development policy. Thus, it is necessary for Ukraine to implement long-term rural policy, as it takes place in countries of the European Union. Rural development should be based on the territorial approach. The special attention should be paid to the creation of local action groups. Hence, it is essential to introduce a program, similar to the LEADER initiative, to use local possibilities, and to implement the bottom-up approach for the solution of rural issues. Also, special strategies should be developed to expand non-farm rural...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural development; Rural policy; Ukraine; Community/Rural/Urban Development; R11; R58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Robinson, Kenneth L.; Lyson, Thomas A.; Christy, Ralph D..
The free market-based policies of the corporate community model have skewed economic development across the South. For many small, rural communities, the consequences of global capitalism have resulted in declining real wages, high underemployment, and increasing rates of income inequality. Backed by recent scholarship and grassroots movements that suggest both civic engagement and the presence of smaller-scale, locally controlled enerprises can help determine whether communities prosper or decline, this paper explores the links between social structure and rural development in the South. The goal is to expand our understanding of civic community theory as an alternative to the neoclassical economic model of development. Using a local problem-solving...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Civic community; Economic growth; Rural development; Social capital; Southern United States; Community/Rural/Urban Development; R11; O21; R58.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Community Response to Forestry Transition in Rural Canada: Analysis of Media and Census Data for Six Case Study Communities in New Brunswick and British Columbia AgEcon
Smith, Mark; Parkins, John R..
The forest economy is in transition across Canada. Faced with high dollar values, increasing competition within the global market, high input costs for energy, labour and fibre, and growing expectations for environmental performance, the forest sector is undergoing significant economic transitions as companies across the country cut costs, close mills and shed jobs. This report contributes to our understanding of community response to mill closure with a detailed description of six case study communities during a period of forest industry mill closures. Three communities are in British Columbia (Mackenzie, Quesnel and Fort St. James) and three communities are in New Brunswick (Dalhousie, Nackawic and Mirimachi). Empirical information is derived from...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Media analysis; Rural sociology; Community development; Rural development; Social change; Community/Rural/Urban Development; R52; R58; Q33.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Kantelhardt, Jochen; Ganzert, Christian; Kramer, Christine.
The Common European Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform not only has an impact on agriculture but also has significant effects on nature and the environment. This is specifically caused by decoupling direct payments from agricultural production, which will increase the market orientation of agriculture, and the implementation of Cross Compliance. Based on an empirical analysis of the consequences of the CAP reform in eight German regions, a number of key aspects for a future environmentally friendly development of the agrarian policy are suggested. The results indicate that the CAP reform currently does not increase the proportion of environmentally friendly production systems significantly. Cross Compliance is shown to have certain positive effects; it...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Reform Of The Common European Agricultural Policy; Decoupling Of Direct Payments; Cross Compliance; Regional Embeddedness Of Farmers; Intrinsic Motivation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q15; Q58; R58.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cultural Diversity and Economic Performance: Evidence from European Regions AgEcon
Bellini, Elena; Ottaviano, Gianmarco I.P.; Pinelli, Dino; Prarolo, Giovanni.
We investigate the relationship between diversity and productivity in Europe using an original dataset covering the NUTS 3 regions of 12 countries of the EU15 (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, former Western Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom). In so doing, we follow the empirical methodology developed by Ottaviano and Peri (2006a) in the case of US cities. The main idea is that, as cultural diversity may affect both production and consumption through positive or negative externalities, the joint estimation of price and income equations is needed to identify the dominant effect. Based on this methodology, we find that diversity is positively correlated with productivity. Moreover, we find evidence...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Cultural Diversity; Economic Performance; Productivity; Europe; Community/Rural/Urban Development; O5; O11; O57; R5; R58.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Decision Support System for Evaluating Rural Water Supply Infrastructure Scenarios AgEcon
Stoecker, Arthur L.; Sanders, Dee Ann; Whitacre, Brian E..
This paper seeks to develop a methodology that will be useful for rural water districts in assessing the future of their water systems infrastructure. In particular, the use of free water simulation software and publicly available data on population, roads, and terrain present rural water systems with the opportunity to analyze their existing distribution system and forecast where problems are likely to occur. This methodology will allow various alternatives (such as consolidation with a neighboring system, or pipe upgrades) to be evaluated and the costs of implementing these alternatives to be explored. Finally, different avenues for funding the associated costs can be summarized and presented to the community, including the steps needed to apply for...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural Water; Infrastructure; Simulation; EPANET; Community/Rural/Urban Development; R53; R58.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Decoupled Payments and the Localization of Activities AgEcon
Daniel, Karine; Kilkenny, Maureen.
This article considers the impacts of (de)coupled farm sector support on the locations of farming and agro-industrial activity. An economic geography model is developed which has two types of regions, one with extensive agricultural production (rural), the other with intensive farming that is more densely populated (urban). The farm and agro-industrial sectors are vertically linked. A service sector that is not directly linked to either basic industry is also explicit. We show that coupled and decoupled subsidies affect the spatial distribution of farming, industry, and service sector activity. Support that is provided to all farmers regardless of crop, thus semi-decoupled, increases spatial agglomeration. Support targeted to farmers of particular crops,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Location; Agriculture; Economic geography; Decoupling; Agricultural Finance; R12; R58; Q18.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Rothe, Andrea; Lissitsa, Alexej.
This Discussion Paper focuses on developments of the agricultural sector in the federal states of the former Eastern Germany after German reunification. Descriptive analysis is involved to display problems of transition process and changes in agricultural production and structures. The results of the analysis report considerable differences in the agricultural sector between New and Old Federal States after 15 years after the reunification. These differences are especially to find in a variety of existing legal forms, considerably higher share of rented land, lower cattle stock as well as larger farm size of the farms in the New Federal States. Observed structural changes of the German agricultural sector display that due to European Union measures the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: New Bundeslaender; Transition; Agricultural structure; P20; R30; R58; Agricultural and Food Policy; Political Economy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Patsuk, Olga.
At present Russian economy is undergoing the same trends of the modern economic development, which take place in developed countries. These processes comprise globalization, advanced development of the service industries, post-industrial society formation, intellectual component expansion in the results of any industry, informatization of the society, running out of traditional sources of social and economic growth. In such conditions search for new ways and factors of the regional self-development is critical.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Social and economic development of the territories; Regional economy.; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; R11; R58; UDC: 332.1.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Distributional Impacts of Agritourism in the Arkansas Delta Byways region AgEcon
Das, Biswa R.; Rainey, Daniel V..
Replaced with revised version of paper 06/16/09.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: ARIMA; Agritourism Demand; Economic Impact Analysis; Rural Economic Development; Agribusiness; Community/Rural/Urban Development; R15; R58.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Economic Impacts of Regional Approaches to Rural Development: Initial Evidence on the Delta Regional Authority AgEcon
Pender, John L.; Reeder, Richard J..
This study assesses the initial economic outcomes of the Delta Regional Authority (DRA), which began funding rural development projects in the Mississippi Delta region in 2002. The study focuses on non-metropolitan DRA counties and similar counties elsewhere in the Mississippi Delta region and the southeast, using a quasi-experimental approach that combines matching methods, double and triple difference and switching regression estimation. We find that per capita income and transfer payments grew more rapidly in DRA counties than similar non-DRA counties, and that these impacts are larger in counties in which DRA spending was larger. Each additional dollar of DRA spending per capita is associated with an increase of $15 in personal income per capita...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural economic development programs; Economic impacts; Mississippi Delta; Delta Regional Authority; Matching estimators; Double difference; Triple difference estimation; Switching regression; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; R58; R11; O18; C21.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Economics of Sugar-Based Ethanol Production and Related Policy Issues AgEcon
Outlaw, Joe L.; Ribera, Luis A.; Richardson, James W.; da Silva, Jorge; Bryant, Henry L.; Klose, Steven L..
The feasibility of integrating ethanol production into an existing sugar mill was analyzed by a stochastic spreadsheet model. As the price of corn continues to rise, ethanol producers will eventually need to look at other feedstock alternatives. Sugarcane has been proven to work well in the production of ethanol in Brazil. The results indicated existing U.S. sugar mills could economically switch to ethanol production. As imports into the United States threaten to undermine the U.S. sugar program, sugarcane producers have a viable alternative. At the very least, the alternative exists to diversify their income streams with ethanol production.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Ethanol; Feasibility analysis; Simulation analysis; Sugarcane; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; R51; R58; O22.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Effects of Socio-Institutional and Emotional Factors of Japanese Farmland Rental Transactions AgEcon
Kunimitsu, Yoji.
Farmland reallocation between farmers through rental transactions is critical for improving Japanese rice productivity. This study examined effects of socio-institutional and emotional factors as well as economic factors on rental transactions. A stochastic choice model was applied to contingent valuation data by considering regional heteroscedasticity. Empirical results showed (1) existence of economic inefficiencies, 3% loss of economic surplus due to socio-institutional restriction, which is probably reflected in transaction costs; (2) a 15% reduction in surplus due to emotional reluctance of farmers; and (3) strong influences of rice price, wages, and geographical location on the rental rate and agreement level.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Contingent valuation questionnaire; Economic inefficiency; Regional heteroscedasticity; Rental agreement level; Rental rate; Stochastic choice model; Crop Production/Industries; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Land Economics/Use; C25; D44; Q12; Q15; Q38; R58.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Efficiency of LEADER Programmes in the creation of tangible and intangible outputs: a Data Envelopment Analysis application to Local Action Groups performances AgEcon
Lopolito, Antonio; Giannoccaro, Giacomo; Prosperi, Maurizio.
An emerging requirement for the evaluation of the rural development policy is the adoption of an objective method accounting for both material and immaterial achievements, and measuring the performance in order to understand the degree of accomplishment of policy objectives. In this paper we propose a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach capable of dealing with economic and social indicators, to measure the (relative) technical efficiency of a set of Local Action Groups (LAGs) operating within the LEADER programme. An evaluation exercise referred to eight LAGs located in Italy, is provided to demonstrate the effects of the inclusion of social capital indicator in the evaluation of the LAGs’ performances. In particular, the DEA allows to measure the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural Development; LEADER; Social capital; DEA; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q18; R58.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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