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An environmentally relevant mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) disrupts mitochondrial function, lipid metabolism and neurotransmission in the brain of exposed zebrafish and their unexposed F2 offspring ArchiMer
Blanc, Mélanie; Alfonso, Sebastien; Bégout, Marie-laure; Barrachina, Célia; Hyötyläinen, Tuulia; Keiter, Steffen H.; Cousin, Xavier.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are persistent organic pollutants still present in aquatic environments despite their total or partial ban. Previously, we observed that an environmentally realistic mixture of these compounds affects energy balance, growth, and reproduction in exposed zebrafish (F0), and behavior in their unexposed offspring (F1-F4). In the present work, we performed lipidomic and transcriptomic analyses on brains of zebrafish (F0-F2) from exposed and control lineages to identify molecular changes that could explain the observed phenotypes. The use of both technologies highlighted that F0 zebrafish displayed impaired mitochondrial function and lipid metabolism regulation (depletion in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Danio rerio; Persistent-organic pollutant; Neurotoxicity; Brain metabolism; RNA-Seq.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Análise de dados de RNA-Seq utilizando o Galaxy. Infoteca-e
Neste documento, serão apresentados métodos computacionais para facilitar o processo de análise de dados de RNA-Seq, por meio de ferramentas acessíveis via navegadores. Esta metodologia possibilita o processamento distribuído e o compartilhamento de grandes volumes de dados de RNA-Seq, com o objetivo de efetivamente identificarmos as diferenças de expressão de genes para elucidar mecanismos biológicos ligados à produtividade e a doenças.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bioinformática; Plataforma Galaxy; RNA-Seq; Expressão gênica; Bioinformatics; Gene expression.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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La secuenciación de transcritos con RNA-Seq es hoy en día una de las técnicas más populares en los estudios transcriptómicos. Relativamente reciente, esta técnica ha permitido la secuenciación de transcritos de RNA en una escala y profundidad no alcanzada por otras técnicas anteriores. Sin embargo, el alcance de las conclusiones que se pueden sacar depende estrictamente de un proceso adecuado, desde el diseño experimental hasta el análisis bioinformático de los datos. Dadas las diferencias en el proceso transcripcional de las células eucariotas y procariotas, el análisis de RNA-Seq deberá tener ciertas consideraciones dependiendo del tipo de organismo estudiado. En esta revisión se exponen los principales factores a tener en cuenta para lograr un análisis...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Análisis bioinformático; Diseño experimental; Procariotas; RNA-Seq.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Combinação de abordagens de análises de novo e guiadas pelo genoma para explorar dados de RNA-Seq de sementes oleaginosas para anotação de vias de ácidos graxos. Infoteca-e
Elaeis guineensis (dendê), Jatropha curcas (pinhão-manso) e Ricinus communis (mamona) produzem ácidos graxos que podem ser utilizados como fonte renovável na matriz energética, apresentando um grande potencial biotecnológico para as indústrias da área. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar transcritos relacionados com a síntese de ácidos graxos e inferir a sua presença em vias metabólicas. Para isso, o RNA total de sementes destas três espécies foi extraído e sequenciado. Os transcritomas foram montados utilizando abordagens de novo e guiados pelo genoma e filtrados com o programa Evidential Gene para a obtenção de resultados robustos. Uma base de dados contendo 527 sequências de 170 códigos de enzimas únicos de 12 vias de metabolismo de ácidos graxos...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pinhão-manso; RNA-Seq; Vias metabólicas; Dendê; Mamona; Elaeis Guineensis; Jatropha Curcas; Ricinus Communis.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Comparative transcriptome profile of the leaf elongation zone of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) eibi1 mutant and its isogenic wild type Genet. Mol. Biol.
Zhou,Qin; Wang,Aidong; Duan,Ruijun; Yan,Jun; Zhao,Gang; Nevo,Eviatar; Chen,Guoxiong.
Abstract The naturally occurring wild barley mutant eibi1/hvabcg31 suffers from severe water loss due to the permeable leaf cuticle. Eibi1/HvABCG31 encodes a full ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, HvABCG31, playing a role in cutin deposition in the elongation zone of growing barley leaves. The eibi1 allele has pleiotropic effects on the appearance of leaves, plant stature, fertility, spike and grain size, and rate of germination. Comparative transcriptome profile of the leaf elongation zone of the eibi1 mutant as well as its isogenic wild type showed that various pathogenesis-related genes were up-regulated in the eibi1 mutant. The known cuticle-related genes that we analyzed did not show significant expression difference between the mutant and wild...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ABC transporter; Defense genes; Desiccation tolerance; Plant cuticle; RNA-Seq.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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De novo assembly and annotation of the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata transcriptome ArchiMer
Harney, Ewan; Dubief, Bruno; Boudry, Pierre; Basuyaux, Olivier; Schilhabel, Markus B.; Huchette, Sylvain; Paillard, Christine; Nunes, Flavia.
The European abalone Haliotis tuberculata is a delicacy and consequently a commercially valuable gastropod species. Aquaculture production and wild populations are subjected to multiple climate-associated stressors and anthropogenic pressures, including rising sea-surface temperatures, ocean acidification and an emerging pathogenic Vibrio infection. Transcript expression data provides a valuable resource for understanding abalone responses to variation in the biotic and abiotic environment. To generate an extensive transcriptome, we performed next-generation sequencing of RNA on larvae exposed to temperature and pH variation and on haemolymph of adults from two wild populations after experimental infection with Vibrio harveyi. We obtained more than 1.5...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: RNA-Seq; Mollusca; Gastropoda; Development; Vibrio harveyi; Climate change.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Genome-wide gene expression patterns in dikaryon of the basidiomycete fungus Pleurotus ostreatus BJM
Liu,Tianxiang; Li,Huiru; Ding,Yatong; Qi,Yuancheng; Gao,Yuqian; Song,Andong; Shen,Jinwen; Qiu,Liyou.
Abstract Dikarya is a subkingdom of fungi that includes Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. The gene expression patterns of dikaryon are poorly understood. In this study, we bred a dikaryon DK13 × 3 by mating monokaryons MK13 and MK3, which were from the basidiospores of Pleurotus ostreatus TD300. Using RNA-Seq, we obtained the transcriptomes of the three strains. We found that the total transcript numbers in the transcriptomes of the three strains were all more than ten thousand, and the expression profile in DK13 × 3 was more similar to MK13 than MK3. However, the genes involved in macromolecule utilization, cellular material synthesis, stress-resistance and signal transduction were much more up-regulated in the dikaryon than its constituent monokaryons. All...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Differential gene expression; Monoallelic expression; Monokaryon; RNA editing; RNA-Seq.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Molecular mechanisms of acclimation to long‐term elevated temperature exposure in marine symbioses ArchiMer
Alves Monteiro, H.j.; Brahmi, C.; Mayfield, A.b.; Vidal‐dupiol, J.; Lapeyre, B.; Le Luyer, Jeremy.
Seawater temperature rise in French Polynesia has repeatedly resulted in the bleaching of corals and giant clams. Because giant clams possess distinctive ectosymbiotic features, they represent a unique and powerful model for comparing molecular pathways involved in 1) maintenance of symbiosis and 2) acquisition of thermo‐tolerance among coral reef organisms. Herein, we explored the physiological and transcriptomic responses of the clam hosts and their photosynthetically active symbionts over a 65‐day experiment in which clams were exposed to either normal or environmentally relevant elevated seawater temperatures. Additionally, we used metabarcoding data coupled with in situ sampling/survey data to explore the relative importance of holobiont adaptation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Co-expression network analysis; Giant clams; Metabarcoding; RNA-Seq; Symbiodiniaceae; Thermo-acclimation.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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The anti-fecundity effect of 5-azacytidine (5-AzaC) on Schistosoma mansoni is linked to dis-regulated transcription, translation and stem cell activities ArchiMer
Geyer, Kathrin K.; Munshi, Sabrina E.; Vickers, Martin; Squance, Michael; Wilkinson, Toby J.; Berrar, Daniel; Chaparro, Cristian; Swain, Martin T.; Hoffmann, Karl F..
Uncontrolled host immunological reactions directed against tissue-trapped eggs precipitate a potentially lethal, pathological cascade responsible for schistosomiasis. Blocking schistosome egg production, therefore, presents a strategy for simultaneously reducing immunopathology as well as limiting disease transmission in endemic or emerging areas. We recently demonstrated that the ribonucleoside analogue 5-azacytidine (5-AzaC) inhibited Schistosoma mansoni oviposition, egg maturation and ovarian development. While these anti-fecundity effects were associated with a loss of DNA methylation, other molecular processes affected by 5-AzaC were not examined at the time. By comparing the transcriptomes of 5-AzaC-treated females to controls, we provide evidence...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Schistosoma mansoni; Epigenetics; 5-Azacytidine; Fecundity; RNA-Seq; Protein synthesis; Stem cells.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Transcriptome sequencing and expression profiling of genes involved in the response to abiotic stress in Medicago ruthenica Genet. Mol. Biol.
Shu,Yongjun; Li,Wei; Zhao,Jinyue; Liu,Ying; Guo,Changhong.
Abstract Medicago ruthenica is a perennial forage legume with the remarkable ability to survive under unfavorable environmental conditions. It has been identified as an excellent species of Medicago that can adapt to various environmental stresses including low temperature, drought, and salinity. To investigate its potential as a genetic resource, we performed transcriptome sequencing and analysis in M. ruthenica under abiotic stresses. We generated >120 million reads from six cDNA libraries, resulting in 79,249 unique transcripts, most of which were highly similar to transcripts from M. truncatula (44,608, 56.3%) and alfalfa (M. sativa, 48,023, 60.6%). Based on gene expression profiles, 2,721 transcripts were identified as abiotic stress responsive...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Medicago ruthenica; RNA-Seq; Transcription factor (TF); Abiotic stress; Reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Ano: 2018 URL:
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