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Apports et distribution des résidus organochlorés à haut poids moléculaire dans la rade de Brest (milieu marin semi-fermé) 5
Marchand, Michel; Caprais, Jean-claude; Cossonmannevy, Ma; Moriniere, P.
The aim of this work is to study the input, transfer and distribution processes of chlorinated insecticides (lindane, DDT) and PCB residues in a semi-closed coastal marine environment. Measurements are made in sea water, rain water and sediment samples. Distribution coefficients between sea water and sediment are determined for several organochlorine insecticide and PCB compounds. The results show an important transfer of chlorinated residues from the atmosphere to the marine environment. The highest residue levels in the sediments are observed near other urban and industrial pollution sources. Analyses of mussels show that this mollusc can be used as a biological indicator of sea water pollution. Concentration factors are determined for lindane,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Organochlorés; Eau; Sédiments; Matière vivante; Rade de Brest; Organochlorine; Water; Sediments; Biota; Rade de Brest.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Captage de naissain de pectinidés en rade de Brest. Incidences sur les programmes d'aménagement. 5
Dao, Jean-claude; Caisey, Xavier.
Since 1973, spat collection bas been conducted by IFREMER in the bay of Brest. This collection aimed at providing juveniles of Pecten maximus (1973-77) and then Chlamys varia(1977-87) in order to improve the management of the fishing grounds of the two species. Since 1982, the efforts have been focussed on the P. maximus spat production through the hatchery/nursery systems and the intermediate culture. Juveniles are seeded above a minimum size to create an additional population. In parallel, the levels of spat yied/collector have been followed as a pre-recruit index. At present time, there is no increase of spat collection during 1985-1990. Moreover, the results rise up the question of water quality in the bay of Brest for this group apparently very...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pectinidés; Captage; Collecteurs; Rade de Brest; Scallop; Pectinids; Spat collection; Bay of Brest.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Définition d’un indice composition pour le phytoplancton en Manche- Atlantique, à partir des données du micro-phytoplancton du REPHY et des réseaux régionaux, et des mesures complémentaires de la flore phytoplanctonique acquises avec des techniques novatrices. Action 3 – Livrable 1. Propositions pour un indice de composition du phytoplancton, basé sur les résultats des méthodes microscopie, pigments et diversité génétique. Rapport final, février 2016 5
Hernandez Farinas, Tania; Brun, Melanie; Siano, Raffaele; Delmas, Daniel.
This deliverable is composed of two reports which propose indice of phytoplankton composition, based respectively on the results of pigment and genetic diversity methods, and the results of microscopy method. Proposals based on the results of pigment and genetic diversity methods. The present work is a continuation of several studies carried out in the past (Siano and Delmas, 2013, 2015) on investigating an indicator of phytoplankton diversity using two methods complementary to optical microscopy: the genetic diversity analyzed with metabarcoding (exhaustive analysis of the diversity and relative abundance of OTUs, i.e. groups of sequences identified by their genetic resemblance) and the pigmentary diversity (analysis of the diversity and abundance of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metabarcoding; OTUs; Pigments; Picophytoplancton; Indice composition; Niche ecologique; Mamiellophyceae; Chlorophylle b; Rade de Brest; Bretagne sud; Panache de la Gironde; Denombrements du micro-phytoplancton; Abondance totale; Monotonicite; Linearite; Pressions; Facade Manche-Atlantique; Metabarcoding; OTUs; Pigments; Picophytoplankton; Composition indice; Ecological niche; Mamiellophyceae; Chlorophyll b; Brest Bay; Southern Britain; Gironde plume; Micro-phytoplankton counts; Total abundance; Monotonicity; Linearity; Pressure; Channel-Atlantic coast.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Dynamique sédimentaire et évolution holocène d'un système macrotidal semi-fermé : l'exemple de la rade de Brest 5
Gregoire, Gwendoline.
The bay of Brest is a tide-dominated, semi-enclosed coastal basin, which is connected with two rivers (Aulne and Elorn). Its jagged shoreline and seabed morphology constitute an ideal setting to understand sedimentary transfer at the land-sea interface. In this aim, this study is divided in two different time scale. The first (a) focuses on the present-day sedimentary bedload dynamic and the second (b) on the reconstruction of the Holocene infilling, during the last marine transgression. (a) A analyse combining a sedimentology approach and numerical has highlighted the major control of the tidal currents. Swells and rivers have a minor impact, because the inherited morphology accentuates and promotes tidal currents. There are responsible of a shelly sandy...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamique sédimentaire; Holocène; Paléo-vallée; Estuaire; Système côtier; Rade de Brest; Carottages; Sismique-réflexion; Imagerie; Bathymétrie; Seismic reflection; Coastal system; Bay of Brest; Coring; Paleo-valley; Estuary; Sedimentary dynamic; Backscatter imagery; Bathymetry.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Ecologie trophique de l'espèce ingénieur Crepidula fornicata et implications pour le fonctionnement de son habitat 5
Androuin, Thibault.
The slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata) is an invasive species of European coasts. Protandric hermaphrodite, this gregarious species forms individuals' stacks which accumulate in high density on bottom. For a long time considered as a detrimental invader, the slipper limpet is also an ecosystem engineer, modifying its habitat both physically and biologically. It is model to study how invasive and engineer species can structure and modify the ecosystem that they colonize. In this Ph.D. thesis, these effects have been examined through the trophic functioning of habitats colonized by the slipper limpet, with a special reference to the primary benthic production. Experimental stimulation of subtidal microphytobenthos (MPB) has been demonstrated by the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Isotopes stables; Acides gras; Imagerie hyperspectrale; Microphytobenthos; Rade de Brest; Stable isotopes; Fatty acids; Hyperspectral imaging; Microphytobenthos; Bay of Brest.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Effets ingénieurs auto- et allogénique de l’espèce invasive Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 1758) sur la diversité structurelle et fonctionnelle des habitats benthiques colonisés de la rade de Brest 5
Vallee, Vincent.
The non-native slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 1758) has proliferated in the Bay of Brest during the 90s. This suspension-feeding gastropod has become a dominant species both in terms of density (> 2000 ind.m-2) and biomass (127 000 t fresh weight in 2000). C. fornicata is also an ecosystem engineer that modifies its habitat by the presence of its own shell (autogenic engineering) and by biodeposition of faeces and pseudo-faeces (allogenic engineering). Here, we tested the effects of C. fornicata on the colonized communities’ structural and functional diversity by distinguishing his auto- and allogenic engineering effects. One way these changes were studied along a gradient characterized by the total weight of slipper limpet (dead and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crepidula fornicata; Espèce ingénieur; Diversité structurelle; Diversité fonctionnelle; Analyse des traits biologiques; Rade de Brest; Crepidula fornicata; Ecosystem engineer; Structural diversity; Functional diversity; Biological traits analysis; Bay of Brest.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Evaluation directe du stock de praires Venus verrucosa en rade de Brest 5
Pitel, Mathilde; Fifas, Spyros; Berthou, Patrick.
In the 1960s, with a drop in the king scallop stock, the clam became a substitution resource with productions of over 400 tonnes. The drop in the production until the disruption of the fishery in the 1980s is the combined consequence of the increase of the fishing capacities with an unfavourable populating demographic strategy. Large deposits are fairly rare. In 7 years, only one age group, born in 1971, withstood the fishery. Many age groups of satisfactory abundance, from the end of the 80s on, combined with a total disruption of the fishery for a few years, lead to a recovery of the stock with fishing levels equivalent (today) to those of the 1950s. The clam, though less iconic than the king scallop in the local context, has now been for a number of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Campaign; Jeancani; Survey; Venus verrucosa; Clams; Bay of Brest; Brittany; Jeancani; Campagne à la mer; Venus verrucosa; Praires; Rade de Brest; Bretagne.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Evaluation du stock de praires en rade de Brest 5
Pitel, Mathilde; Martin, Stephane; Fifas, Spyros; Huet, Jerome; Berthou, Patrick.
Pendant les années 50, la praire a joué un rôle secondaire dans le contexte maritime local. Au cours des années 50, cette espèce était ciblée par une flottille différente de la coquille Saint-Jacques de la rade de Brest, à capacité de capture modeste (flottille du Relecq Kerhuon) permettant la réalisation des captures annuelles moyennes de l'ordre de 150 tonnes. La décennie 60, après l'effondrement du stock coquillier a vu la praire occuper une place de ressource de substitution pour atteindre des productions dépassant les 400 tonnes. Les premières étapes de l'évolution de cette pêcherie sont détaillées par Le Gall (1969) et Piboubès (1973). Petit à petit, la flottille s'est transformée (à partir des années 70, entrée progressive des goémoniers dans la...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Jeancani; Venus verrucosa; Clams; Bay of Brest; Brittany; Jeancani; Venus verrucosa; Ressource de substitution; Praires; Rade de Brest; Bretagne.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Evaluation du stock de praires en rade de Brest - 2001 5
Pitel, Mathilde; Fifas, Spyros; Huet, Jerome; Berthou, Patrick.
During the 1950s, the clam played only a bit part in the local maritime context. It was the focus of a different fleet than the king scallop fleet, with a lesser fishing capacity (fleet from the Relecq Kerhuon) and an average annual catch of around 150 tonnes. In the 1960s, with a drop in the king scallop stock, the clam became a substitution resource with productions of over 400 tonnes. The first stages of this evolution are detailed by Le Gall (1969) and Piboubès (1973). Slowly, the fleet developed (from the 70s on, with the progressive arrival of seaweed boats in the fishery) The drop of the production until the disruption of the fishery in the 1980s is the combined consequence of the increase of the fishing capacities with an unfavourable populating...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Venus verrucosa; Stock assessment; Clams; Bay of Brest; Brittany; Venus verrucosa; Évaluation de stock; Praires; Rade de Brest; Bretagne.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Les microplastiques : une menace en rade de Brest ? 5
Frere, Laura.
World production of plastics has increased steadily for the past decades leading to a major contamination of the worldwide aquatic ecosystems recently estimated at more than five trillion plastic pieces floating the surface of the oceans. Microplastics (plastic particles < 5 mm) are introduced into aquatic environments directly as industrial raw material (plastic pellets, cosmetics, clothing) or indirectly via the fragmentation of larger plastics. This emerging contaminant represents an increasing ecological concern for science and society. The present study focused on the microplastic contamination of the Bay of Brest (Brittany, France), a macrotidal coastal ecosystem characterized by intense anthropogenic activity. The main objectives were: (1) to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastiques; Micro-spectroscopie Raman; Matrices environnementales; Rade de Brest; Polluant organique; Communautés bactériennes; Microplastics; Micro-spectroscopy Raman; Environmental matrices; Bay of Brest; Organic pollutant; Bacterial communities.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Modélisation 0D des efflorescences d'Alexandrium en rade de Brest en compétition inter-spécifique 5
Le Gland, Guillaume.
Since 2010, planktonic algae Alexandrium minutum, cause of the PSP (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) syndrome, has been proliferating in early summer in the bay of Daoulas, within the roadstead of Brest. During this internship, a model has been designed in order to derive these blooms from physical parameters (temperature, irradiance, nutrient supply, dilution rate …). In the model, A.minutum competes with 50 other plankton species with randomly attributed optimal temperature and nutrient uptake abilities. It turns out to reproduce well the bloom of 2012, with a correct date of maximum concentration and a relevant order of magnitude. It reproduces the order of magnitude of 2013 concentrations, but the bloom then is too spread in time around the maximum....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alexandrium minutum; Phytoplancton; Efflorescence (bloom); Nutriments; Lumière; Température; Dilution; Absorption (uptake); Quota cellulaire; Croissance; Compétition; Modèle; Rade de Brest.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Projet Bargip. Action Nourriceries. Rapport final 5
Le Goff, Ronan; Villanueva, Ching-maria; Drogou, Mickael; De Pontual, Helene.
Objectifs du projet : Suite à la chute des rendements des captures professionnelles de bar européen Dicentrarchus labrax à partir des années 2010-2011, la DPMA  a demandé à l’Ifremer de mettre en place un programme de recherche visant à mieux connaitre la biologie de l’espèce et à acquérir des données permettant d’envisager sa gestion. Parmi les actions de recherche identifiées comme prioritaires, l’une portait sur les nourriceries de l’espèce. Il s’est agi au cours du projet de : - caractériser les habitats préférentiels des juvéniles de bar en travaillant sur deux nourriceries pilotes : estuaire de l’Aulne en rade de Brest et estuaire de la Loire, - développer un protocole (engin, méthodes, stratégie) d’échantillonnage permettant de produire des...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bar européen; Dicentrarchus labrax; Nourriceries; Indices d’abondance; Habitats; Protocole d’échantillonnage au moyen d’un chalut GOV; Test de marquage conventionnel; Rade de Brest; Estuaire de l’Aulne; Estuaire de la Loire.; European Sea Bass; Dicentrarchux labrax; Nurseries; Abundance indexes; Habitats; Sampling protocol with a high opening trawling net; Conventional tagging experimentation; Bay of Brest; Aulne estuary; Loire estuary.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Simulation de l'effet de 3 scénarios de réduction des teneurs de l'Elorn en nitrate sur l'eutrophisation de la rade de Brest 5
Menesguen, Alain.
This study commissioned by the Syndicat de l'Elorn et de la Rivière de Daoulas aimed at assessing on a mathemical modelling basis the impact of 3 scenarios of reduction of the loadings of Elorn river (imposed concentrations : 20, 15 et 10 mg/L NO3) on the status of ulva mass proliferation in the Moulin Blanc cowe (Bay of Brest). An ecological 3D model of N, P and Si cycling in the bay of Brest has been applied to a "reference situation": 2004 meteorological forcing combined to recent loadings of the new sewage plant. This model showed that: · the 3 reduction scenarios did not reduce significantly the early summer biomass of ulvae, but allowed to slightly reduce the subsequent summer and autumn levels of biomass (up to 20% reduction for 10 mg/L NO3). The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mathematical model; Dinoflagellate; Diatom; Ulva; Green tide; Nitrate; Moulin Blanc cowe; Elorn river; Bay of Brest; Modèle mathématique; Dinoflagellé; Diatomée; Ulve; Marée verte; Nitrate; Anse du Moulin Blanc; Elorn; Rade de Brest.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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