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Genome sequencing of four strains of Phylotype I, II and IV of Ralstonia solanacearum that cause potato bacterial wilt in India BJM
Patil,Virupaksh U.; Girimalla,Vanishree; Sagar,Vinay; Chauhan,Rajinder Singh; Chakrabarti,Swarup Kumar.
Abstract Ralstonia solanacearum is a heterogeneous species complex causing bacterial wilts in more than 450 plant species distributed in 54 families. The complexity of the genome and the wide diversity existing within the species has led to the concept of R. solanacearum species complex (RsSC). Here we report the genome sequence of the four strains (RS2, RS25, RS48 and RS75) belonging to three of the four phylotypes of R. solanacearum that cause potato bacterial wilt in India. The genome sequence data would be a valuable resource for the evolutionary, epidemiological studies and quarantine of this phytopathogen.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Potato wilt; Ralstonia; Species Complex; Phylotype; Bipartite; Genome.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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