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Key characteristics for tool choice in indicator-based sustainability assessment at farm level Ecology and Society
Marchand, Fleur; Social Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO); Ecosystem Management Research Group and IMDO, University of Antwerp ;; Debruyne, Lies; Social Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO);; Triste, Laure; Social Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO);; Gerrard, Catherine; The Organic Research Centre;; Padel, Susanne; The Organic Research Centre;; Lauwers, Ludwig; Social Sciences Unit, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO); Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ghent ;
Although the literature on sustainability assessment tools to support decision making in agriculture is rapidly growing, little attention has been paid to the actual tool choice. We focused on the choice of more complex integrated indicator-based tools at the farm level. The objective was to determine key characteristics as criteria for tool choice. This was done with an in-depth comparison of 2 cases: the Monitoring Tool for Integrated Farm Sustainability and the Public Goods Tool. They differ in characteristics that may influence tool choice: data, time, and budgetary requirements. With an enhanced framework, we derived 11 key characteristics to describe differences between the case tools. Based on the key characteristics, we defined 2 types of...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Farm level; Full assessment; Rapid assessment; Sustainability assessment tool; Tool choice.
Ano: 2014
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Using fish assemblages in different habitats to develop a management plan for the Upper Essequibo Conservation Concession, Guyana Biota Neotropica
Willink,Philip Wesley; Alexander,Eustace; Jones,Christopher Campbell.
The Upper Essequibo Conservation Concession is a reserve in central-eastern Guyana managed by Conservation International. The site is uninhabited by people and poorly studied. The first scientific fish survey was in 2007 in conjunction with the filming of the BBC nature documentary Lost Land of the Jaguar. Aquatic habitats were primarily flowing water, ranging from the main channel of the Essequibo River to small forest creeks. Ponds and seasonally flooded forests were uncommon. Large predatory fishes were abundant in the Essequibo River. Fishes tolerant of low oxygen levels were common in flooded forests and small forest creeks. There was zero similarity between the fish assemblages of the Essequibo River and flooded forests / small forest creeks. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquatic continuum; Flooded forests; Nature documentary; Rapid assessment; Fish.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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