Silva, Vinícius Lopes da; Silva, Fabiano Ferreira da; Silva, Robério Rodrigues; Teixeira, Fábio Andrade; Costa-Lopes, Lívia Santos; Souza, Danilo Ribeiro de. |
The behavior of crossbreed cows, milked in the presence or absence of their calves, was analyzed. The trial was conducted on the Dairy Cattle Sector of UESB School of Animal Science in Itapetinga BA Brazil. Twenty crossbreedHolsteinx Gir cows were distributed in a randomized block design with 10 replications for each treatment for the experimental period of 31 days, during lactation. Results were analyzed by nonparametric chi-square test at 5% significance, except the variables time at the milking sector and milk production which were evaluated by analysis of variance and F test at 5% probability. Although cows with the presence of calves during milking had higher reactivity, behavioral activities and more time in the milking sector, milk production was... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: lactation; Production; Reactivity; Time. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciAnimSci/article/view/22959 |
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Moraes, Andreia Barros de; Poli, Cesar Henrique Espírito Candal; Fischer, Vivian; Fajardo, Neuza Maria; Aita, Marta Farias; Porciuncula, Gabriela Caillava da. |
Mortality of perinatal lambs and low weight at weaning cause huge liabilities to farmers. Current study describes maternal-filial behavior and evaluates the use of maternal behavior score (MBS) to estimate the behavior of ewes and lambs soon after birth, and correlate it with lamb mortality and performance during lactation. Thirty-seven Corriedale ewes were used in a completely randomized design. MBS was assessed up to 24 hours after birth, taking into consideration the distance of the ewe from the lamb at the approach of a person. Maternal behavior, placental weight, weight gain of the lambs until weaning and their survival rate were also evaluated until two hours after lambing. More than 90% of the ewes had adequate maternal behavior, with parental care,... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Lambing; Reactivity; Survival; Weaning.. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciAnimSci/article/view/29923 |
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Fernandes,André Rabelo; Faro,Lenira El; Vercesi Filho,Anibal Eugênio; Machado,Carlos Henrique Cavallari; Barbero,Leandro Martins; Bittar,Eustáquio Resende; Igarasi,Mauricio Scoton. |
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic evolution of milk production, udder morphology, and animal behavior of Gir dairy cattle. Data were obtained on the predicted breeding values for milk yield of 60,226 cows born from 1968 to 2015 and standardized predicted breeding values for udder conformation and milking behavior of 7,635 cows born from 1987 to 2015. The influence of tested bulls on genetic trends was discussed, with special focus on the period after 1993, the year when the predicted breeding values of the first group of tested bulls were released. The traits of interest were 305-d milk yield, fore udder attachment, rear udder height, rear udder width, teat length, teat thickness, ease of milking, and reactivity. Significant... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Linear traits; Mammary system; Reactivity; Teat morphology; Udder attachment. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-35982019000100304 |
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