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Learning Surgical Anatomy in the Field of Microsurgical Reconstructive Surgery: A new Pedagogic Method on Human Fresh Cadavers International Journal of Morphology
Laroche,Carine; Vacher,Christian.
Microsurgical vascular anastomosis in reconstructive surgery learning is usually based on rat dissection. But this technique does not allow dissection of the flap, preparing of the recipient vessels training, and suturing in conditions as realistic as possible of the surgery. The aim of this study was to describe a technique of surgical anatomy learning on human fresh cadavers, easy to perform and to evaluate its pedagogic interest. In the first part of the study, six fresh cadavers have been dissected simulating 6 forearm flaps with growing difficulty. In the second part of the study, 30 residents in surgery were evaluated on their ability to recognize main anatomic structures and to perform microsurgical anastomosis, of forearm flaps anastomosed on...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anatomy; Cadavers; Microsurgery; Reconstructive surgery; Teaching.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The use of tubular subdermal and axial flaps in the correction of four cases of extensive lesions Ciência Rural
Huppes,Rafael Ricardo; Pazzini,Josiane Morais; Nardi²,Andrigo Barboza De; Castro,Jorge Luiz Costa; Gomes,Cristiano; Sprada²,Arícia Gomes; Pascolli²,Ana Lúcia.
ABSTRACT: The most common skin lesions in small animals result from trauma, burns, or surgical resection of large tumors. Given the high importance of reconstructive surgery associated with tumors in small animals, this study reports four cases of reconstructive surgery using subcutaneous and axial tubular flaps in animals with neoplastic lesions. Subdermal and axial tubular flaps are healthy alternatives for reconstructing wounds caused by large tumor resection in areas with poor tissue elasticity.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Reconstructive surgery; Axial flap; Subdermal flap; Cancer; Canine.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Version of Femoral Neck: A Cadaveric Dried Bone Study International Journal of Morphology
Khamanarong,Kimaporn; Hipkaeo,Wiphawi; Chatuparisute,Piyawan; Sae-Jung,Surachai; Tepsutamarat,Kaewjai.
The aim of this study was to measure the version of femoral neck on dried Thai human femora. The version of femoral neck varies widely. It is important to know the version of femoral neck in a particular population to undertake successful femoral neck reconstructive surgery. Paired 216 dried femora of adult Thais from the bone collection maintained in the Department of Anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, were used to measure the version of femoral neck. The mean+SD femoral anteversion (FNA) was 16.21+5.24 degrees. The 95% confidence interval of FNA was from 15.48 to 16.94 degrees. The 95% confidence intervals of male and female average FNA were 14.75 to 16.90 and 15.59 to 17.59 degrees respectively. There was no significance...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Version femoral neck; Dried femora; Reconstructive surgery.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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