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A Joint Estimation Method to Combine Dichotomous Choice CVM Models with Count Data TCM Models Corrected for Truncation and Endogenous Stratification AgEcon
Gonzalez, Juan Marcos; Loomis, John B.; Gonzalez-Caban, Armando.
We update the joint estimation of revealed and stated preference data of previously published research to allow for joint estimation of the Travel Cost Method (TCM) portion using count data models. The TCM estimation also corrects for truncation and endogenous stratification as well as overdispersion. The joint estimation allows for testing consistency of behavior between revealed and stated preference data rather than imposing it. We find little gain in estimation efficiency, but our joint estimation might make a significant improvement in estimation efficiency when the contingent valuation scenarios involve major changes in site quality not reflected in the TCM data.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Contingent valuation models; Joint estimation; Nonmarket valuation; Recreation; Travel cost models; Agribusiness; Demand and Price Analysis; Productivity Analysis; Q51.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bhat, Gajanan; Bergstrom, John C.; Bowker, James Michael; Cordell, H. Ken.
This paper provides a methodology for the estimation of recreational demand functions and values using an ecoregional approach. Ten ecoregions in the continental US were defined based on similarly functioning ecosystem characters. The individual travel cost method was employed to estimate the recreational demand functions for activities such as motorboating and waterskiing, developed and primative camping, coldwater fishing, sightseeing and pleasure driving, and big game hunting for each ecoregions. Estimates of per trip net income value range from $12.93 to $218.38 while per day estimates range from $4.31 to $109.19. While our ecoregional approach differs conceptually from previous work, our results appear consistent with the previous travel cost...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Recreation; Ecoregion; Travel cost method; Truncated poisson model; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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An Improved Method for Calibrating Purchase Intentions in Stated Preference Demand Models AgEcon
Davies, Stephen P.; Loomis, John B..
The Orbit demand model allows the magnitude of the calibration to stated purchase intentions to vary based on the magnitude of the stated quantities. Using an empirical example of stated trips, we find that the extent of calibration varies substantially with less correction needed at small stated trips (–25%) but larger corrections at higher quantities of stated visits (–48%). We extend the Orbit model to calculate consumer surplus per stated trip of $26. Combining the calibrations in stated trips and value per trip, the Orbit model provides estimates of annual benefits from 60% to 111% less than the count data model.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Hypothetical bias; Orbit; Ordered probit model; Travel cost model; Recreation; Stated preference; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Financial Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Marketing; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; D12; H44; Q26; Q51.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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An integrated simulation model to evaluate national policies for the abatement of agricultural nutrients in the Baltic Sea AgEcon
Hyytiainen, Kari; Ahtiainen, Heini; Heikkila, Jaakko; Helin, Janne; Huhtala, Anni; Iho, Antti; Koikkalainen, Kauko; Miettinen, Antti; Pouta, Eija; Vesterinen, Janne.
This study introduces a prototype model for evaluating policies to abate agricultural nutrients in the Baltic Sea from a Finnish national point of view. The stochastic simulation model integrates nutrient dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sea basins adjoining the Finnish coast, nutrient loads from land and other sources, benefits from nutrient abatement (in the form of recreation and other ecosystem services) and the costs of agricultural abatement activities. The aim of this study is to present the overall structure of the model and to demonstrate its potential using preliminary parameters. The model is made flexible for further improvements in all of its ecological and economic components. Results of a sensitivity analysis suggest that...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Nutrient abatement; Monte Carlo simulation; Recreation; Valuation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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An Overview and Assessment of The Economics of Leisure AgEcon
Tisdell, Clement A..
This is a draft of the introductory chapter for The Economics of Leisure which is being published by Edward Elgar Publishing Pty Ltd, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, Massachusetts, by whom all rights are reserved. It will appear in The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series, in two volumes. The draft Table of Contents for these volumes are set out in the Appendix to this paper. Feedback is welcome
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Leisure; Recreation; Work-leisure choices; Neoclassical economics; Welfare; Taxation; Public Economics; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Kuriyama, Koichi; Hanemann, W. Michael; Pendleton, Linwood.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Random utility model; Travel cost method; Recreation; Environmental valuation; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q26.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Ask a Hypothetical Question, Get a Valuable Answer? AgEcon
Azevedo, Christopher D.; Herriges, Joseph A.; Kling, Catherine L..
This paper models the recreation demand for Iowa wetlands, combining survey data on both actual usage patterns (i.e., revealed preferences) and anticipated changes to those patterns under hypothetical increases in trip costs (i.e., stated preferences). We formulate and test specific hypotheses concerning potential sources of bias in each data type. We consistently reject consistency between the two data sources, both in terms of implied wetland values and underlying preference parameters. Careful attention is paid to the interpretations of the test results, noting particularly how the interpretation of the same results can vary with the "school of thought" of the reader.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Revealed preference; Stated preference; Recreation; Wetlands; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean: Legal and Economic Perspectives AgEcon
Markandya, Anil; Arnold, S.; Cassinelli, Mariaester; Taylor, Tim J..
This paper examines existing measures taken to protect the coastal zones of the Mediterranean Sea and assesses their success. A summary of the main pressures facing these zones is given, followed by an analysis of the legislation covering coastal zone development in ten countries: Algeria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Israel, Italy, Malta, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. We find that not all of these states have legislation specifically covering coastal zones, but there is concern in all areas that the legislation is not working, We also look at the costs and benefits of controlling coastal development. Firstly, a literature review of valuation studies identifies a range of values placed on developed and undeveloped coastline for both users and local property...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Coastal Zone Management; Legislation; Littoral; Mediterranean; Recreation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q5.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Did the Great Recession Reduce Visitor Spending and Willingness to Pay for Nature Based Recreation? Evidence from 2006 and 2009 AgEcon
Loomis, John B.; Keske, Catherine M.; Lohman, Greta.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Visitor Expenditures; Recreation; Contingent valuation; Hiking; Colorado; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Roberts, Lisa A.; Leitch, Jay A..
The objective of this study was to estimate some economic values of Mud Lake, a managed, lacustrine wetland on the Minnesota-South Dakota border. Several outputs of Mud Lake were identified and an economic value was estimated for each. Flood control was valued at approximately $440 per acre, based on dollar damages prevented; water supply, using public utility revenues, was valued at $94 per acre; fish/wildlife habitat, recreation, and aesthetics were valued at about $21 per acre using the Contingent Valuation Method; and corrective expenditures were used to evaluate water quality at a negative per acre value of $180. When capitalized at 6 percent, the estimated total annual value of these four outputs is $6,250 per acre. These values can assist...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Wetland; Outputs; Economic valuation; Flood control; Water supply; Water quality; Recreation; Aesthetics; Fish/wildlife habitat; Contingent valuation method; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Effects of Great Barrier Reef Degradation on Recreational Demand: A Contingent Behaviour Approach AgEcon
Kragt, Marit Ellen; Roebeling, Peter C.; Ruijs, Arjan.
Agricultural run-off from the Great Barrier Reef catchment area may cause degradation of coral reefs, affecting the tourism sector that relies on healthy reefs for its income generation. A Contingent Behaviour approach is used to determine the effect of reef degradation on demand for recreational dive and snorkel trips, for a case study of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Australia. We assessed how reef degradation affects GBR tourism and to what extent reef-trip demand depends on the visitors' socio-economic characteristics. A count data model is developed, and results indicate that an average visitor would undertake about 60% less trips to the GBR per year, given a combined 80%, 30% and 70% decrease in coral cover, coral diversity and fish diversity,...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Coral reef; Recreation; Contingent Behaviour model; Count data models; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q26; Q51; Q57.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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El desarrollo del turismo en Celestún, Yucatán, México y sus efectos en el medio ambiente OceanDocs
Ayala Arcipreste, M.E..
El modelo de desarrollo turístico seguido por México durante los últimos 30 años ha privilegiado el concepto del turismo masivo de “sol y playa”, como motor de crecimiento económico y desarrollo a través de polos turísticos sin embargo ha generado graves repercusiones ambientales tanto en detrimento del destino turístico como de la sociedad anfitriona. En la Península de Yucatán particularmente en el estado de Yucatán se están impulsando planes para el desarrollo de nuevos destinos turísticos y cuyas consecuencias a futuro parece no se contemplan. Uno de estos destinos potenciales es Celestún, un ejemplo interesante para el estudio de esta problemática debido en parte a su riqueza natural que confecciona el producto turístico. Nuestro objetivo es plantear,...
Tipo: Conference Material Palavras-chave: Man-induced effects; Recreation; Environmental impact; Recreation; Environmental impact; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Ojumu, Oluwagbemiga; Hite, Diane; Fields, Deacue.
Individuals and households reveal their willingness to pay to enjoy environmental and natural resource services by engaging in outdoor recreation activities. The state of Alabama and the Black-Belt region possess significant recreational fishing resources whose qualities could be improved through public and private management innovations. To measure the value of such interventions, a baseline estimate of recreational fishing demand and potential for increasing the demand by on-site improvements needs to established. Using direct mail survey, count data obtained on individual angler characteristics, expenditures on fishing equipment, and destinations and expenditures on time and travel for each trip taken. In addition, the kinds and quantities of fish...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Recreation; Negative-Binomial; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Public Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Factors Influencing Lease Revenue and Non-industrial Landowners' Willingness to allow Hunting Access AgEcon
Hussain, Anwar; Munn, Ian A.; Loden, Emily K.; Grado, Stephen C.; Jones, Daryl W..
Despite the fact that earnings associated with selling hunting leases could significantly contribute to landowners' incomes, only a small minority of them allow access on their lands for a fee. Based on a sample survey of Mississippi state landowners, we analyzed landowners' willingness to participate in supplying leases as well as factors influencing lease revenue per fee acre. While landowners' decision to allow hunting access and factors influencing lease revenue per acre were jointly modeled consistent with Heckman's analysis of sample selectivity bias, the hunting lease revenue function was specified in accordance with Rosen's hedonic pricing theory. Empirical results showed landowners' concerns about control over their land, loss of privacy and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Marginal lands; Mississippi; Incentive programs; Recreation; Wildlife enterprises; Farm Management; Q510; Q260.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Farm-Based Recreation: A Statistical Profile AgEcon
Brown, Dennis M.; Reeder, Richard J..
Farm-based recreation provides an important niche market for farmers, but limited empirical information is available on the topic. Access to two USDA databases, the 2004 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) and the 2000 National Survey on Recreation and the Environment, provided researchers with a deeper understanding of who operates farm-based recreation enterprises, such as hunting and fishing operations, horseback riding businesses, on-farm rodeos, and petting zoos. Regression analysis identified the importance of various farmer and farm characteristics, as well as local and regional factors associated with farmer operation of, and income derived from, farm-based recreation.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agritourism; Recreation; ARMS; NSRE; Rural development; Tourism; Farms; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management; Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Linking Revealed and Stated Preferences to Test External Validity AgEcon
Herriges, Joseph A.; Kling, Catherine L.; Azevedo, Christopher D..
A new turn in the research agenda of environmental valuation is under way. Rather than treating stated preference (SP) and revealed preference (RP) as competing valuation techniques, analysts have begun to view them as complementary, where the strengths of each approach can be used to provide more precise and possibly more accurate benefit estimates. In this paper, we reexamine the models and motives for combining revealed and stated preference data. First, we note that because the different kinds of SP data contain different amounts of information, they may indicate different degrees of consistency with RP data. We also reconsider the interpretation of "consistent" or "inconsistent" findings of RP and SP data. We argue that while the conventional approach...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Recreation; Environmental Valuation; Wetlands; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Lansford, Notie H., Jr.; Jones, Lonnie L..
Efficient allocation of water requires knowledge of water's value in both consumptive and nonconsumptive uses. This study estimates the marginal value of water in lake recreational and aesthetic (RA) use. An hedonic price equation (employing the Box-Cox functional form) indicates lake front location, distance to lake, and scenic view are significant RA characteristics of housing. Water front properties command a premium price for the private access they offer. Beyond the water front, the marginal RA price falls rapidly with increasing distance, becoming asymptotic to some minimum. Twenty-two percent of housing price is found to be attributable to the RA component.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Aesthetic; Box-Cox; Hedonic; Housing; Lake; Nonmarket; Recreation; Water; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Marion Clawson's Contribution to Forestry AgEcon
Sedjo, Roger A..
Marion Clawson passed away in April 1998 at the age of 92. He was a giant in the field of resource and environmental economics who devoted the last decade and one-half of his professional career to forest and forest related issues. He produced over 30 professional books and hundreds of papers. This paper presents a broad overview of his career as an economist, with a focus on his work in and influence on forestry and forest policy. From the early 1970s through to his last professional book in 1983, and his final professional contributions in the mid 1990s, Clawson devoted most of his professional efforts to forest issues. His influence on forests and forest policy was substantial, especially in the context of public policy toward America's publicly owned...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Marion Clawson; Forest; Economics; Resources; Policy; Timber; Recreation; History; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; B31; Q10; Q20; Q23; Q24; Q26; Q28.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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McGranahan, David A..
Climate, topography, and water area are highly related to rural county population change over the past 25 years. A natural amenities index, derived and discussed here, captures much of this relationship. Average 1970-96 population change in nonmetropolitan counties was I percent among counties low on the natural amenities index and 120 percent among counties high on the index. Most retirement counties and recreation counties score in the top quarter of the amenities index. Employment change is also highly related to natural amenities, although more so over the past 25 years than in the current decade. The importance of particular amentities varies by region. In the Midwest, for example, people are drawn to lakes for recreation and retirement, while...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Natural amenities; Population change; Retirement; Recreation; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Potential Economic Effects of Post-CRP Land Management in Southwest North Dakota AgEcon
Bangsund, Dean A.; Hodur, Nancy M.; Leistritz, F. Larry; Nudell, Daniel J..
The uncertain future of the Conservation Reserve Program has created substantial interest for agricultural producers, rural businesses, community leaders, sportsmen, and wildlife organizations. Many regions of the upper Great Plains have participated heavily in the CRP as evidenced by program acreage reaching land enrollment limits; however, current enrollment and re-enrollment criterion are expected to substantially reduce CRP acreage in many parts of the Great Plains. The divergence of interests between pursing post-CRP lands for agricultural production versus retaining the wildlife habitat and wildlife populations supported on CRP lands presents land owners and agricultural producers with important land management decisions over the next several years....
Tipo: Technical Report Palavras-chave: North Dakota; Conservation Reserve Program; Recreation; Agriculture; Land Management; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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