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A biophysical model of S. aurita early life history in the northern Gulf of Guinea 5
Kone, Vamara; Lett, Christophe; Penven, Pierrick; Bourles, Bernard; Djakoure, Sandrine.
S. aurita is the most abundant small pelagic fish in the northern Gulf of Guinea. Its reproduction and recruitment depend crucially on environmental conditions. We developed a biophysical model of S. aurita early life history by coupling offline an individual-based model with the regional oceanic modeling system (ROMS). We used this model to investigate the main factors driving variability in eggs and larval dispersal and survival in the northern Gulf of Guinea. Precisely, individuals were released from different spawning areas along the coast and tracked for a period of 28 days corresponding to their planktonic phase. Individuals that remained in the coastal recruitment areas at an age more than 7 days, at which they can supposedly actively retain...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrodynamic model; Individual-based model; S. aurita early life stage; Recruitment; Upwelling; Northern Gulf of Guinea.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A hierarchical Bayesian model for embedding larval drift and habitat models in integrated life cycles for exploited fish 5
Rochette, Sebastien; Le Pape, Olivier; Vigneau, Joel; Rivot, Etienne.
This paper proposes a hierarchical Bayesian framework for modeling the life cycle of marine exploited fish with a spatial perspective. The application was developed for a nursery-dependent fish species, the common sole (Solea solea), on the Eastern Channel population (Western Europe). The approach combined processes of different natures and various sources of observations within an integrated framework for life-cycle modeling: (1) outputs of an individual-based model for larval drift and survival that provided yearly estimates of the dispersion and mortality of eggs and larvae, from spawning grounds to settlement in several coastal nurseries; (2) a habitat suitability model, based on juvenile trawl surveys coupled with a geographic information system, to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Channel (Western Europe); Habitat suitability model; Hierarchical Bayesian model; Hydrodynamic models; Integrated model; Larval drift; Life cycle; Nursery; Recruitment; Sole; Solea solea; Spatially structured.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Análisis secuencial de la población de polaca (Micromesistius australis) en el período 1987-1997 ajustado con valores de rendimiento por unidad de esfuerzo de pesqueros comerciales. 20
Wöhler, O.C.; Cordo, H.D.; Hansen, J.E.; Cassia, M.C..
The current status of southern blue whiting Micromesistius australis stock is described. A single, closed fish population is assumed to inhabit the SW Atlantic. Based on catch data corresponding to years 1987-1997, a sequential analysis on the stock is carried out (Cohort Analysis). Under an adaptative framework, catch per unit of effort data from commercial vessels are used to fit the model. Two commercial fleets are used in the fitting, i.e. Polish vessels (1987-1994)and Argentine surimi factory vessels (1991-1997). Results indicate that both, total stock biomass and spawning stock biomass would have declined. Total biomass would have decreased from a maximum close to 1.4 million tons in 1990 down to 0.5 mt in 1997 whereas the current spawning stock...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Fishery management; Catch/effort; Recruitment; Biomass; Demersal fisheries; Demersal fisheries; Stock assessment; Fishery management; Biomass; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Applications and Interviews. A Structural Analysis of Two-Sided Simultaneous Search 31
Wolthoff, Ronald P..
Much of the job search literature assumes bilateral meetings between workers and firms. This ignores the frictions that arise when meetings are actually multilateral. I analyze the magnitude of these frictions by presenting an equilibrium job search model with an endogenous number of contacts. Workers contact firms by applying to vacancies, whereas firms contact applicants by interviewing them. Sending applications and interviewing applicants are costly activities but increase the probability to match. In equilibrium, contract dispersion arises and workers spread their applications over the different contract types. Estimation of the model on the Employment Opportunities Pilot Projects data set provides values for the cost of an application, the cost of an...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Directed Search; Recruitment; Stable Matching; Labor Market Frictions; Structural Estimation; Efficiency; Policy Analysis; Labor and Human Capital; J64; J31; D83.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Atlas demographique des populations de poissons d'eau douce d'Afrique 31
Moreau, J.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Torres, F.S.B.; Pauly, Daniel.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Freshwater fish; Population dynamics; Stock assessment; Growth curves; Catch/effort; Recruitment; Fishery biology; Africa; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Biodiversidad de corales, gorgonias y esponjas en un sector del golfo de Ana María 20
González-Díaz, P.; Perera-Pérez, O.; Pérez-García, J. A.; Hernández-Fernández, L..
La investigación se realizó en los meses de octubre de 2011 y marzo de 2012. A partir del análisis de imágenes satelitales se seleccionaron 41 sitios en el sector central del golfo de Ana María, región surcentral de Cuba. En dichos sitios se llevó a cabo el inventario de corales, gorgonias y esponjas. Para los corales, se analizó, además, el estado de salud. El inventario se realizó en los ecosistemas de manglar, pastizales y arrecifes de coral (biotopos de cabezos y fondos areno-rocosos). El número de especies encontradas de corales fue de 41; de gorgonias, 23 y de esponjas, 41. Los corales más abundantes fueron Porites astreoides, Millepora alcicornis, Siderastrea siderea, Siderastrea radians, Agaricia agaricites. La mayor biodiversidad se...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coral; Sponges; Recruitment; Biodiversity.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Biologia reprodutiva de Aegla castro Schmitt (Crustacea, Anomura, Aeglidae) no Buraco do Padre, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brasil 104
Swiech-Ayoub,Bianca de Paula; Masunari,Setuko.
The reproductive biology of Aegla caslro Schmitt, 1942 from Buraco do Padre, Ponta Grossa, Paraná State, was analyzed. The sampling was done monthly, from February/97 to January/98 with aid of hand net and screens at three stations, under an effort of 120 minutes. The mean air temperature ranged from 15.0ºC (May, July, September and October) to 24.3ºC (December and January), and the water temperature from 15.8ºC (July) to 22.3ºC (December). The dissolved oxygen oscillated from 95.7% (March) to 100.2% saturation (August) and the pH from 6.1 (July) to 7.2 (September). A total of 827 specimens were obtained among which 384 males, 311 females and 132 juveniles. Males predominated over females, but the sex ratio followed the standard model of 1:1. Juveniles...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aegla castro; Reproduction; Recruitment; Ponta Grossa; Paraná State.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Biologia reprodutiva e ecologia de Aegla leptoaectyla Buckup & Rossi (Crustacea, Anomura, Aeglidae) 104
Noro,Clarissa Köhler; Buckup,Ludwig.
The crustaeeans of Aeglidae family oeeur in South America's fresh water enviranments, featuring as important links in the food chains. The present article has the intention to give an acount of the results from investigations made from April/2000 to July/2001 on the biological and ecological features of Aegla leptodactyla Buckup & Rossi, 1977, an endemic species from the headwaters of the Rio Pelotas Basin in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The sampling was performed at the Rio da Divisa, tributary of Rio Pelotas, municipal district of São José dos Ausentes, Rio Grande do Sul. The animais were collected with a hand net (puçá) at four different sites of the river. High contents of dissolved oxygen was verified, with a medium value of 108% and alow...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aegla leptodactyla; Habitat; Reproduction; Recruitment.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Biophysical modelling of larval drift, growth and survival for the prediction of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) recruitment in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) 5
Allain, Gwenhael; Petitgas, Pierre; Lazure, Pascal; Grellier, Patrick.
Fish recruitment is the result of the integration of small-scale processes affecting larval survival over a season and large oceanic areas. A hydrodynamic model was used to explore and model these physical-biological interaction mechanisms and then to perform the integration from individual to population scales in order to provide recruitment predictions for fisheries management. This method was applied to the case of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic). The main data available to investigate survival mechanisms were past growth (otolith) records of larvae and juveniles sampled at sea. The drift history of these individuals was reconstructed by a backtracking procedure using hydrodynamic simulations. The relationships...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Recruitment; Physical biological interactions; Individual based models; Biscay; Anchovy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Campagnes expérimentales de chalutage en mer du Nord et Manche Orientale. Volume I. Les campagnes I.B.T.S. 1997 & 1998 5
Verin, Yves; Dufour, Jean-louis.
Since 1976, France participates to the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS), coordinated by the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES). The main objective of the survey which is carried out on board of a research vessel, is to obtain annual forecasts of recruitment for the various commercial fish species of the North Sea. These estimates are used by ICES Working Groups to assess these various stocks and to propose management measures for the following year. In addition, the data collected during these surveys concern biological and abundance analysis of main commercial fish species exploited by European countries in the North Sea. The results of studies are published in scientific papers and have improved knowledge in this field....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mer du Nord. CIEM; Recrutement; Stocks de poissons; Indices d'abondance; Chalutage; Campagne d'échantillonnage; Mer du Nord; [CES; Recruitment; Fish stocks; Abundance indices; Trawling; Survey..
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Can stochastic variations in recruitment induce long-term fluctuations in the carrying capacity? 5
Fromentin, Jean-marc.
Long-term fluctuations in fish abundance are generally attributed to low frequency processes, such as human exploitation and/or environmental and climatic changes. Based on recent studies and simple simulations, this manuscript shows how long-term fluctuations in the carrying capacity and/or spawning stock biomass of a long-live species, such as the Atlantic bluefin tuna, may simply arise from stochastic variations in the recruitment. The implications of such a feature are discussed and compared among different Atlantic tunas and tuna-like species.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Long-term fluctuations; Recruitment; Atlantic tunas; Stochastic variations; Life history; Lifespan; Spawning stock biomass.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Caso de Estudio No. 2: Estado de la pesquería de la langosta espinosa (Panulirus argus) y su relación con factores ambientales y antrópicos en Cuba 20
Puga, R.; Piñeiro, R.; Capetillo, N.; de León, M.E.; Cobas, S..
Las capturas de langosta espinosa Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) en Cuba alcanzaron sus mayores volúmenes en la década de 1980 con un promedio anual de 11565 ton. En la década de 1990, la captura descendió a un promedio de 9327 ton, lo cual se ha visto agudizado entre 2000 y 2007 con un promedio de 6262 ton y una mayor variabilidad de las capturas, a pesar de un perfeccionamiento del sistema de manejo pesquero dado por: la disminución del esfuerzo pesquero y de la tasa de mortalidad por pesca desde 1999, el aumento del período de veda desde 2001 y el incremento gradual de la talla mínima legal de captura a partir de 2004. Los análisis más recientes sobre el estado de esta pesquería fueron presentados en el Quinto Taller Regional sobre la...
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Lobster fisheries; Fisheries; Environment management; Recruitment; Coastal zone management; Fisheries; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Colonisation d'un récif frangeant de l'île de La Réunion par les larves de poissons coralliens 5
Durville, P; Bosc, P; Galzin, R; Conand, C.
The colonization of a fringing reef of Reunion Island by fish larvae takes place essentially from August to February with two peaks, in August-September, when the water temperatures are coldest, and in February when they are at a maximum. The number of fishes, as well as the number of sampled species, present similar values over two consecutive years with, nevertheless, a strong variation in the species involved. In Reunion Island, the number of post-larvae which colonise the reef is one hundred to four hundred times lower than on larger and more structured reefs. This phenomenon could be explained by the geographical characteristics of the island. The stock control of the adult fish in Reunion could largely be the result of the arrival of post-larvae on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Colonisation larvaire; Recrutement; Poisson corallien; Récif frangeant; Île de La Réunion; Larval colonization; Recruitment; Coral fish; Fringing reef; Reunion Island.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Comparison of airborne lidar with echosounders: a case study in the coastal Atlantic waters of southern Europe 5
Carrera, Pablo; Churnside, J.h.; Boyra, G; Marques, V; Scalabrin, Carla; Uriarte, A.
The feasibility of using airborne lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) was studied to assess the early juvenile fractions of the main pelagic fish species of the coastal Atlantic waters of southern Europe (anchovy, sardine, mackerel, and horse mackerel). Field comparisons with more established echosounder methods were undertaken in the summers of 1998 and 1999 during the recruitment period of sardine and anchovy in the selected areas, in the presence of a variety of oceanographic and environmental conditions. Backscattered energies as well as the types of target recorded by both devices were compared. The distributions of energies and the shape of the targets were generally similar for both techniques, with moderate numerical correlation between sensors,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: West Iberian Peninsula; Sardine; Recruitment; Echosounder; Bay of Biscay; Anchovy; Airborne lidar.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Conservation status and bio-ecology of Brycon orbignyanus (Characiformes: Bryconidae), an endemic fish species from the Paraná River basin (Brazil) threatened with extinction 83
Tonella,Lívia Helena; Dias,Rosa Maria; Vitorino Junior,Oscar Barroso; Fugi,Rosemara; Agostinho,Angelo Antonio.
ABSTRACT Brycon orbignyanus is an endemic species from La Plata basin whose stocks have been presenting significant reductions throughout the Paraná River. Brycon orbignyanus is categorized as an endangered species. This study evaluated aspects of the bio-ecology of this species that may be related to this threat, highlighting its distribution, abundance, and diet as well as the corresponding relationships between its recruitment and flood regimes. Data were obtained from different parts of the upper Paraná River (stretches free and regulated by dams) from 1986 to 2010 with more detailed data collected from the free remnant of this basin. The results indicate that no records for species exist at more than half of the sampling points located in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dam; Diet; Floodplain; Ontogeny; Recruitment.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Crise de la production des coques (Cerastoderma edule ) en baie de Somme. 1. Synthese des connaissances biologiques. 5
Desprez, M; Ducrotoy, J; Elkaim, B.
In this paper, the results collected since 1978 on the cockle (Cerastoderma edule) in the Bay of Somme have been recapitulated. A synthesis is brought up about causes of the bivalve population collapse which was portended as early as 1982 from the animal cinetics study. In order to back up the discussion, the main results dealing with the biology and ecology of the species are recalled in illustrated form. A review of the international literature leads to a comment upon the diagrams. A comparison with data from European estuaries tends to take climatic and oceanic disturbances into account as well as local pollution such as eutrophication which is probable on the littoral of Picardy.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Clam fisheries; Stock assessment; Recruitment; Population dynamics; Marine mollusks.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Crypsis in early benthic phases of Brachyuran Decapod Crustaceans in central Chile 97
Although common and in some cases of commercial value, little is known about the mechanisms and processes that affect the distribution and abundance of many species of decapod crustaceans, particularly in Chile. All of these species have planktonic larvae that must settle and recruit before becoming part of the adult segments of their populations. For several of these species we have detected the presence of a variety of color morphs in newly settled individuals. The existence of these morphs in Chilean species is comparable with those observed in other latitudes (e.g., coast of the Gulf of Maine). On the other hand, it is characteristic that the occurrence of these patterns only appears during the early juvenile stages and that after reaching a certain...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Crypsis; Behavior; Brachyuran Decapods; Settlement; Recruitment; Central Chile.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Cycles saisonniers, reproduction et qualite des ovocytes chez Pecten maximus en rade de Brest 5
Paulet, Yves-marie; Bekhadra, Farida; Devauchelle, Nicole; Donval, Anne; Dorange, Germaine.
This work is part of the program, "recruitment determinism in scallops" initiated in 1992 by the "Contrat de Baie". The aim of this research was to explain interannual abundance fluctuations observed for Pecten maximus, in the Bay of Brest. To this end an analytical approach to the life cycle of the species was undertaken to determine its critical phases. A phase may be considered as "critical" if the mortality rate at its level varies from one year to the other. Using data from 1989 to 1994, a precise time-table of the "physiological year" of the scallop in the Bay of Brest was determined. Fecundity and gamete production kinetics were estimated from the annual variation in the weight indices of the gonad. In the laboratory, egg quality was estimated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; Recruitment; Reproductive cycle; Digestion.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Cymatium muricinum and other ranellid gastropods: major predators of cultured tridacnid clams. 31
Govan, Hugh.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Predators; Predation; Clam culture; Feeding behaviour; Reproduction; Recruitment; Environmental factors; Cymatium muricinum; Tridacnidae; Farm Management.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Demographic response of a population of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis to climate and longline fishery bycatch 5
Barbraud, Christophe; Marteau, Cedric; Ridoux, Vincent; Delord, Karine; Weimerskirch, Henri.
1. Fisheries can affect non-target species through bycatch, and climate change may act simultaneously on their population dynamics. Estimating the relative impact of fisheries and climate on non-target species remains a challenge for many populations because the spatio-temporal distribution of individuals remains poorly known and available demographic information is incomplete. <br>2. We used population survey data, capture-mark-recapture methods, population modelling and the demographic invariant method to investigate the effects of climate and fisheries on the demography of a predator species affected by bycatch. These complementary approaches were used to help account for different sources of uncertainty. <br>3. The white-chinned petrel...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Survival; Demographic invariants; El Nino; Longline fishing; Population model; Procellaria aequinoctialis; Recruitment.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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