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Diet of the Red-backed Hawk (Buteo polyosoma) in a forested area of the Chilean Patagonia and its relation to the abundance of rodent prey 68
Figueroa Rojas,Ricardo A.; Corales Stappung,E. Soraya; Alvarado O.,Sergio.
The diet of Red-backed Hawk (Buteo polyosoma) was quantified by analyzing 40 pellets collected during winter and spring 1999 and winter 2000 in a forested area of Aysén, Chilean Patagonia. Rodents were the most numerous prey (82% of all prey), and accounted for the highest contribution to total biomass (83%). Among rodents, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus was the most consumed prey species, accounting for 70% of total number and 64% of total biomass. Birds accounted for less than 6% in number, but their biomass contribution was significantly higher (more than 15%). Insects constituted 12% in number, but less than 0.5% of total biomass. The Red-backed Hawk seemed to consume Oligoryzomys longicaudatus according to their field abundance. Also, it seemed to prey...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Buteo polyosoma; Chilean Patagonia; Diet; Oligoryzomys longicaudatus; Prey selection; Red-backed Hawk.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Flight behaviour of the Red-backed Hawk (Buteo polyosoma) during summer in Nevados de Chillán, Chile 68
Dellacasa M,Varia A; Figueroa R,Ricardo A; Alvarado O,Sergio A; Schlatter,Roberto P.
We describe the flight behaviour of the Red-backed Hawk (Buteo polyosoma) during summer in Nevados de Chillán, Chile. Flight types most often used were gliding, wind-hovering and soaring (36.7%, 29.4% and 27.8% of the flying time, respectively). Spent time in gliding and wind-hovering peaked at mid-afternoon (17:00-19:00 h). Conversely, soaring was highest between mid-morning (10:00-11:00 h) and mid-day (13:00-14:00 h). Red-backed Hawk individuals appeared to use these flight types in an opportunistically manner using advantageous microclimatic and topographic conditions.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Buteo polyosoma; Gliding; Hovering; Nevados de Chillán; Red-backed Hawk; Soaring.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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