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Age and growth of the dog snapper Lutjanus jocu (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in Abrolhos Bank, Northeastern Brazil 83
Previero,Marília; Minte-Vera,Carolina V.; Freitas,Matheus Oliveira; Moura,Rodrigo Leão de; Dei Tos,Claudenice.
We determined the age and growth of the dog snapper (Lutjanus jocu), caught in the region of Abrolhos Bank, Bahia State, by the fishermen from coastal communities of Prado, Alcobaça, Caravelas, and Nova Viçosa. We examined 205 sectioned otoliths of fish caught by harpoon, longline, hand line, and gill nets (14.5 to 79.5 cm fork length). The formation of each ring was considered annual. The sectioned otoliths showed between 0 and 29 rings. Nearly half of the analyzed specimens had between 0 and 7 rings (88 of 205). Fish caught with nets in the estuarine region were the juvenile, while fish caught with lines and harpoons were the oldest. Two von Bertalanffy growth models were fitted to length-at-age data: one assuming constant variance of length-at-age (SVB)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lutjanidae; Otoliths; Reef fisheries.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Early stages of snapper-grouper exploitation in the Caribbean (Bay Islands, Honduras) 5
Gobert, Bertrand; Berthou, Patrick; Lopez, E; Lespagnol, Patrick; Turcios, Maria Dolores Oqueli; Macabiau, Christophe; Portillo, Pedro.
In the Caribbean, snappers (Lutjanidae) and groupers (Serranidae) are often heavily exploited by artisanal or industrial fisheries. This paper analyzes the catches of an artisanal fishery selectively targeting these species with a moderate fishing pressure in the Bay Islands (Honduras), and discusses the implications on the understanding of the early stages of development of reef fisheries. Although snappers and groupers are targeted with handlines and spearguns in the whole archipelago, the differences in species diversity and size structure of the catch reveals various exploitation patterns. In most areas, a depletion is observed for the most vulnerable snapper and grouper species, and most other species are mainly exploited in their juvenile phase;...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Top level predators; Selective fishing effort; Caribbean; Artisanal fisheries; Reef fisheries; Groupers; Snappers.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Etude diagnostic de la pêcherie de mulets sur la grande côte du Sénégal 20
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Mullet fisheries; Reproduction; Growth; Migrations; Ecology; Stocks; Landing statistics; Inland fisheries; Fishing gear; Exploitation; Canoe fisheries; Marketing; Artisanal fishing; Fishing licenses; Mesh regulations; Protected areas; Reef fisheries; Fishing effort.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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