Scorsone, Eric; Plerhoples, Christina. |
Municipal bonds have recently been of national interest and Michigan’s strained economy over the past decade has made bond issuance in the state of particular interest to a variety of stakeholders. Given the close connection between municipal bonds and property taxes, the fall-off in the housing market has placed significant strain on bonds within the state. This paper reviews the Michigan municipal bond condition and develops a new debt assessment indicator system. This system was tested using over 700 Michigan local governments. Based on this indicator system, a number of communities are experiencing significant fiscal stress. However, further examination reveals that at least some of these communities have in place short term plans to address such... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Municipal bonds; Public finance; Regional economics; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Public Economics; R5; R51. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/103093 |
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Gilly, B.; Cochet, Y.. |
The french Guyana sh rimp fishery has grown from the sixties, following the development of US a nd Japanese fleets. The EEZ delimitation in 1977 and the french policy towards promotion of french vessels allowed, since 1980, the emergence of french ship-owners. The paper analyses the recent economie evolution of the enterprises and underlines first the importance of this activity within regional economy, and second its dependance on imported inputs. The french policy leads to an incrcase of the share of the net added value that remains in the depanment, but it also come to a poor financial status of the french ship-owners. The data collected and given in this paper will be used to feed a bio-economic model o f the shrimp fishery. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Crevettes; Guyane Française; Valeur ajoutée; Eonomie régionale; Shrimps; French Guyana; Added value; Regional economics. |
Ano: 1988 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00449/56013/57528.pdf |
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