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Atlas électronique web de la pêche palangrière réunionnaise ArchiMer
Bourjea, Jerome; Evano, Hugues; Hoarau, Ludovic; Satra Le Bris, Catherine; Meillon, Julien; Saintilan, Alexandre; Goudard, Erwann; Ropert, Michel.
Cet atlas interactif de la pêcherie palangrière de l'océan Indien a été réalisé dans la suite du projet IOSSSESPADON. Il synthétise d’une part, l'historique de la pêche palangrière de l'océan Indien depuis les années 1950 (efforts de pêche et captures d'espadon – Xiphias gladius par période de 5 ans et par rectangle statistique de 5°) et d’autre part, l'évolution de l'activité de la flottille palangrière réunionnaise depuis 1994 (efforts de pêche, captures et rendements pour les principales espèces ciblées). Pour le volet relatif à la Réunion, les données sont présentées : 1- annuellement par rectangle statistique de 5° (1994 – 2014), 2- annuellement ou par trimestre par rectangle statistique de 1° -2006 – 2014). Cet outil interactif permet une...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlas; Cartographie; Pêche palangrière; Statistiques de pêche; Capture; Effort; Rendement; Océan Indien; Espadon; Thon Germon; Thon Albacore; Thon obèse; Grands pélagiques.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Compte-rendu de mission en Tunisie (14-20 Décembre 2006). Conchyliculture sur filière INSTM-IFREMER ArchiMer
Prou, Jean.
Chargé de la Coopération avec l'INSTM sur un projet de développement de filières, trois points ont été développés lors de cette mission : l'état d'avancement du projet, la participation de l'INSTM, les actions à mettre en oeuvre dans le cadre de la coopération IFREMER-INSTM.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Conchyliculture; Filières; Captage; Croissance; Rendement; Recommandation; Tunisie.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Elevage intensif de la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum dans les marais atlantiques: faisabilité biologique ArchiMer
Baud, Jean-pierre; Glize, Philippe; Haure, Joel; Garnier, Jacqueline.
Dans un élevage Intensif en claires expérimentales de palourdes japonaises semées à la taille de 28 mm et aux densités de 100, 200 et 300/m2, différentes rations alimentaires de la diatomée Skeletonema costatum. cultivée à partir d'eau salée souterraine, ont été testées de mars à novembre 1988. Pour la densité 100/m2, le taux de croissance n'est pas significativement différent avec des concentrations de pigment dans l'eau injectée comprises entre 31 et 126 µg.l(1) de Chia. Toutefois celui-ci est 1,5 fois supérieur à celui observé dans la claire témoin. Avec 1.8 kg.m-2 la biomasse finale représente 2 fois la charge récoltée dans la claire extensive. Après analyse, la densité de 300/m2 semble être le meilleur compromis pour l'élevage intensif même si la...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture intensive; Palourde japonaise; Ruditapes philippinarum; Marais maritime; Zootechnie; Densité; Croissance; Biomasse; Production; Rendement.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Etude des bases génétiques de la mortalité estivale et des relations avec la croissance chez les juvéniles de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Degremont, Lionel.
In order to study genetic variability for survival during summer mortality events in the oyster Crassostrea gigas, a first generation (G1) was bred in 2001. 17 G1 half-sib families (HSF) were obtained ; each HSF was reared in three sites along the French coast during the summer period. Significant differences in survival were observed among HSF indicating a genetic basis for survival. In 2002, several HSF were selected on their survival performances to constitute a divergent selection (G2) (outbreed and inbred). Significant differences in survival were found among these offspring of the 'high' and 'low' selected groups in several laboratory experiments and in all sites. Growth performance was not influenced by selection on survival. This confirms the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Juvenile; Genetic; Growth; Summer mortality; Crassostrea gigas; Juvéniles; Héritabilité; Rendement; Croissance; Mortalités estivales; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Etude préalable à la gestion des stocks de crustacés en Bretagne ArchiMer
Autissier, Isabelle; Coum, Andrée; Cuillandre, Jean Pierre; Veron, Gerard; Latrouite, Daniel.
At the end of the seventies, as fishing abundance (based on Catch Per Unit Effort) in crabs and lobster fishery steadily declined, operating expenses increased, and fishing boats changed strategy (changing metiers, covering larger distance to fishing areas, fishing seasons being extended, ...) professionals and scientists aimed to consider reinforcing management measures. To enlighten and support potential related decisions, the Comité Régional des Pêches et Cultures Marines de Bretagne (Regional Committee for fishing and farming in Brittany), together with the ISTPM (Ifremer since 1984), conducted a survey on the exploited populations and gave a review of the involved Breton fleet. This report shows the results of a survey conducted among fishermen,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landings; Catch rates; Fishing area; Fishing effort; Fleet; Brittany; Edible crab; Lobster; Spider crab; Apport; Rendement; Zone de pêche; Effort de pêche; Flottille; Bretagne; Tourteau; Homard; Araignée.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Intensive culture of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in marine ponds. The impact of rearing densities and feeding levels on growth rates and yields ArchiMer
Baud, Jean-pierre; Haure, Joel; Bodoy, Alain.
Intensive ongrowing (from 28 mm to the commercial size, 35 mm) of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum was studied in experimental raceways with a natural bottom of clay. The factors controlled were rearing density (100, 200, and 300 individuals/m2) and food concentration (34.0 and 68.1 µg.1-1 chlorophyll a). Food was produced from a batch culture of Skeletonema costatum in a large volume (50 m3), thanks to the fertile ground and saline water. Best results regarding final size were obtained in the vicinity of the inflow with a densilY of 100 individuals/m2. However it was a density of 300 individuals/m2 which appeared from the following results to be the optimal choice for intensive rearing: the survival rate was 84 %, the final biomass was 4 kg/m2 and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Skeletonema costatum; Elevage intensif; Marais maritime; Croissance; Rendement; Ruditapes philippinarum; Skeletonema costatum; Intensive rearing; Marine pond; Growth rate; Yield.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Les rendements par espèce de la pêche chalutière hauturière française de l'Atlantique Nord-Est entre 1972 et 1989 ArchiMer
Bertignac, Michel.
Multiple correspondance analysis and hierarchical ascending classification were used to study catch rate variations in the French deep-sea trawler fleet between 1972 and 1989. The use of these methods clarifies the sometimes complex relationships between catch rates of the main species landed within the total catch and allows a classification of the typical catch rate structures over this period. Factors such as year and fishing areas are those which best explain the observed variations; seasonal variations play a minor role. Catch rates increased and more species were caught between 1972 and 1989. The study shows the relationship between these developments and changes in fishing effort allocation strategies and in fleet structure. Trawlers which exploited...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêche multi-spécifique; Rendement; Analyse factorielle des correspondances multiples; Effort de pêche; Multispecies fishery; Catch rate; Multiple correspondance analysis; Fishing effort.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Optimisation de procédés innovants pour l'obtention de phycocolloïdes ArchiMer
Vauchel, Peggy.
Alginates are polysaccharides which are naturally present in the cell wall of brown algae and extracted because of their rheological properties. The alginate industry uses an extraction protocol, which central step, the carbonatation, is conducted in batch reactors. It is a high water, reagent and time demanding process. The main objective of this thesis is to optimize the alginate extraction process. A study of the existing process, focused on carbonatation step, enabled to highlight points which could be enhanced to optimize the extraction yield and the quality of extracted alginates. Stirring intensity and algae pieces size have been identified as parameters having an influence on the carbonatation reaction kinetics. A specific analysis on medullar and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alginate; Extraction; Laminaria digitata; Extrusion réactive; Optimisation; Modélisation; Distribution des temps de séjour; Cinétique; Rendement; Propriétés rhéologiques; Alginate; Extraction; Laminaria digitata; Reactive extrusion; Optimization; Modeling; Residence time distribution; Kinetics; Extraction yield; Rheological properties.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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