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Artes de Pesca 1 (artes de malla): guía didáctica OceanDocs
Costa Labandera, M.N.; Dragonetti Saucero, J.P.; Fernández Amorín, S..
La pesca es una de las actividades humanas más antiguas. Los registros de su práctica se remontan a varios miles de años. Los productos que de ella se obtienen juegan un importante papel en la dieta humana como fuente de proteína animal, minerales y ácidos grasos esenciales, entre otros. La inmensidad del océano y su biodiversidad, dio lugar por mucho tiempo a la creencia de que el mar era una fuente ilimitada de recursos, capaz de sustentar la población humana indefinidamente. Nada parecía alertar sobre la necesidad de usar métodos de pesca racionales, ni sobre las serias consecuencias ambientales que puede conllevar la actividad pesquera. El perfeccionamiento de buques pesqueros y de las técnicas de navegación determinó un explosivo crecimiento de la...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Gear selectivity; Fishery resources; Resource conservation; Fishing gear; Fishery resources; Resource conservation; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Biodiversity and sustainable management of a tropical wetland lake ecosystem: A case study of Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya OceanDocs
Rasowo, J.O.; Abila, R.; Manyala, J..
Lake Kanyaboli and the surrounding Yala swamp wetland has been recognized as an important biodiversity hotspot. Recent population genetic and phylogenetic studies confirm the evolutionary importance of Lake Kanyaboli (Kenya) in preserving the cichlid fish fauna of Lake Victoria. The adjoining Yala swamp harbours the endangered swamp antelope Sitatunga (Tragecephalus spekii) and several papyrus endemic birds. The lake and adjoining swamp play a critical role in the livelihood of the local communities who heavily depend on the wetland resources. Current ongoing large scale land use changes within the swamp threaten the ecological integrity and functioning of this highly dynamic wetland ecosystem. It is therefore imperative that proper management and...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Wetlands; Biodiversity; Resource conservation; Inland waters; Ecosystem management; Ecological crisis; Tropical environment; Population genetics; Phylogenetics; Lake fisheries; Freshwater fish; Aquatic birds; Land use.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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DENDROGENE: genetic conservation within managed forest in Amazônia. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Conservação de recurso; Manejo sustentável; Projeto; Brasil; Dendrogene; Genetic resource; Resource conservation; Forest; Sustainability; Floresta; Recurso Genético; Amazonia.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Dynamique des populations marines exploitées. Tome 1. Concepts et modèles ArchiMer
Laurec, Alain; Le Guen, Jean-claude.
This book constitutes the first of a series of three volumes, the purpose of which is to cover the principal methods used in fish population dynamics. It is devoted to the definition of the main concepts, ami the presentation of the usual mathematical models. The second volume will deal with the fitting of the models, and the estimation of parameters. The third will be devoted to sampling problems. These volumes will be recollections of communications presented during ad hoc seminars, hold in Brest (GSG/COB) in 1980 and 1981. The first part deals with the basic concepts related to the two components whose relationship is being described by the population dynamics, namely the fish stock, to its relations with biological populations, and to the partition of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêche; Conservation de la ressource; Modèle mathématique; Dynamique des populations; Gestion de stock; Resource conservation; Mathematical models; Fishery resources; Stock assessment; Population dynamics.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Effects of land use changes on bird composition along River Njoro: A watershed of Lake Nakuru OceanDocs
Shivoga, W.A.; Ngugi, F.M.; Muchiri, M.S.; Miller, S.N..
The rift valley lakes and their associated watersheds are home for millions of resident and migratory waterfowl. However, they have been recently challenged by land use changes. Lake Nakuru (Kenya) supports diverse biological resources of global, regional and national importance. It is saline and River Njoro is its main source of freshwater. Deforestation, cultivation and urbanization in vital watershed areas have altered the hydrological regime of River Njoro. There is need to preserve and restore aquatic, riparian and terrestrial biological diversity in the watershed to be able to restore and maintain ecological health of Lake Nakuru. The impact of these recent land use changes on birds in the River Njoro Watershed is of concern to conservationists. This...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Land use; Aquatic birds; Urbanization; Resource conservation; Resource management; Migratory species; Environment management; Protected resources; Watersheds; Lake basins; Inland waters; Environmental effects; Species diversity; Riparian environments; Aquatic birds; Urbanization; Resource conservation; Resource management; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Explotación, usos y estado actual de la Cigua o Burgao Cittarium pica (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochidae) en la Costa continental del Caribe colombiano OceanDocs
Osorno Arango, A.; Díaz Merlano, J.M..
Exploitation, uses and current status of the West Indian topshell Cittarium pica (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Trochidae) along the Colombian Caribbean coast. The West Indian topshell, Cittarium pica is a common and conspicuous gastropod that thrives in Caribbean intertidal rocky shores and has been used for food by men since pre-Columbian times. Although, the exploitation of this resource is practiced only by artisanal fishermen and mainly for self-consumption, its abundance has noticeably reduced in the last ten years, so the species has been included in the endangered animal lists of several Caribbean countries, including Colombia. The present study was carried out to assess the current status of the population of C. pica along the Colombian Caribbean mainland...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine molluscs; Resource conservation; Resource conservation; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Farmers' Practices and Soil and Water Conservation Programs Open Agri
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
Palavras-chave: Watersheds; Bunding; Soil conservation; Soil degradation; Resource conservation; Participation; Land resources; Water harvesting; Subsidies; Moisture conservation.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Hacia una cuantificación de estrés ecológico en el embalse de Rincón del Bonete (Uruguay) OceanDocs
Amestoy, F.J..
La presente tesis respondió preguntas importantes para el conocimiento del embalse de Rincón del Bonete (EdRB) y para la obtención de los puntos de referencia para la determinación de estrés ecológico en el mismo. Los objetivos específicos comprendieron la determinación de los aspectos limnológicos más relevantes, la caracterización del embalse según su estado trófico, así como el conocimiento del estado de explotación de la especie íctica mas relevante desde el punto de vista comercial. Se determinaron indicadores que permitieron aportar información de base para cuantificar el grado de perturbación del embalse a fin de adoptar estrategias de conservación y manejo, así como definir las zonas más sensibles de impacto ambiental. Se evaluó la variabilidad...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: M40; Limnology; Environmental monitoring; Artificial lakes; Resource conservation; Ecological balance; Indicators; Echo surveys; Freshwater lakes; Experimental fishing; Biomass; Limnology; Environmental monitoring; Biomass; Artificial lakes; Resource conservation; Ecological balance; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Impact du milieu sur les nourricieres de poissons plats de la Baie de Seine ArchiMer
Duval, P.
This study has two objectives: (1) the knowledge of spatial and temporal characteristics of flat fish nursery grounds, and, (2) the determination of natural or man-induced factors affecting these nurseries: hydrodynamics, sediment properties, predation, competition, water quality, pollution. To protect these grounds the author proposes a fisheries management plan and an impact study before all port installations or all coastal equipment use.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Resource conservation; Predation; Juveniles; Flatfish fisheries; Pollution effects; Environmental impact; Estuarine fisheries; Nursery grounds.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Impacts of CIMMYT's International Training Linked to Long-Term Trials in Conservation Agriculture: 1996-2006 AgEcon
Svitakova, Jirina; Kosina, Petr; La Rovere, Roberto.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Education; Training courses; International cooperation; Research institutions; Natural resources; Resource conservation; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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La pesquería de la concha prieta (Anadara tuberculosa y Anadara similis) en el 2009: indicadores pesqueros y condición reproductiva en la zona sur y norte de Ecuador OceanDocs
Mora, E.; Moreno, J.; Jurado, V.; Flores, L..
Un análisis de los principales indicadores pesqueros (CPUE, esfuerzo y talla media de captura) fue realizado en base a información obtenida del seguimiento de la pesquería de la concha prieta durante el año 2009 en los sitios de desembarque más importantes. Los puertos de San Lorenzo y Hualtaco registraron los desembarques más altos (8.8 y 4.8 millones de conchas, respectivamente). Los rendimientos en CPUE oscilaron entre 95 y 122 conchas/conchero/día pesca,mientras que el esfuerzo promedio se encontró entre 38 y 331 concheros/día pesca. El porcentaje de conchas no comerciales fue superior al 45% (A. tuberculosa) y a 35% (A. similis) en cada puerto de desembarque. La condición reproductiva fue muy variable a lo largo del año en relación a los estadios de...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Cockle fisheries; Fishery surveys; Catch/effort; Sexual maturity; Size composition; Resource conservation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Ownership Risk, Investment, and the Use of Natural Resources AgEcon
Bohn, Henning; Deacon, Robert T..
The effect of insecure ownership on ordinary investment and on the exploitation of natural resources is examined. Insecure ownership is characterized as a positive probability that a typical asset or its future return will be confiscated. For empirical analysis, the probability of confiscation is modeled as a function of observable political attributes of countries, principally the type of government regime in power (democratic versus nondemocratic) and the prevalence of political violence or instability. A general index of ownership security is estimated from the political determinants of economy wide investment rates, and then introduced into models of petroleum and forest use. Ownership risk is found to have a significant, and quantitatively important...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ownership security; Investment; Resource conservation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q32; Q23; O00.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Pwani Yetu: Issue 4. April 1999.Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Pwani Yetu - The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Issue 1. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Pwani Yetu - The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Issue 10. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Pwani Yetu - The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Issue 11. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Pwani Yetu - The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Issue 12. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Pwani Yetu - The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Issue 13. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Pwani Yetu - The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Issue 14. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Pwani Yetu - The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Issue 2. OceanDocs
Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership.
The Newsletter of the Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership - Pwani Yetu - 'our coast', is produced every other month in both Kiswahili and English and circulated to all coastal management partners from national level, coastal communities and the private sector. Pwani Yetu reports on coastal and marine activities, including issues on conservation, environment, and social economic development. 'Research Group' TCMP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal zone management; Tanzania; Environmental management; Socioeconomic aspects; Resource conservation.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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