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Silva, Rodrigo de Jesus; Universidade de São Paulo; Garavello, Maria Elisa de Paula Eduardo; Universidade de São Paulo. |
This study reviews the debate concerning socioeconomic impacts of established protected areas on local populations. On one side, there are those who defend the idea that protected areas may assist in poverty reduction by generating alternative sources of income, and on the other hand, those who argue just the opposite, due to the eminent expropriation of the land. Thus, the relationship between protected areas and poverty is evaluated through development indexes (Human Development Index and Gini Coefficient) and by contrary assumptions. Through a disaggregated analysis method of “strict protected” and “sustainable use”, the proposal was to evaluate, in the context of Brazilian Cerrado, if the presence of protected areas has influence on the local social... |
Tipo: Indicadores de desenvolvimento |
Palavras-chave: poverty; Resource use; Protected areas Ecologia Teórica. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciBiolSci/article/view/12480 |
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Schmidt, Thomas G.; Osterburg, Bernhard. |
How can we estimate the negative externalities of agriculture at the national level, and attribute these to specific production activities and outputs? The paper presents a method that calculates the mass flow in the whole agricultural sector including inputs from other sectors, and that allows to analyse resource use and emissions, e.g. of greenhouse gases. Data inputs are the German economic accounts for agriculture, farm structural survey and market statistics, as well as environmental statistics. In the framework of the German agricultural sector model RAUMIS, material flows within the agricultural sector are described, as well as inputs from other German sectors and imports. Through a processanalytical approach, all information is integrated and... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: SEEA; Input-Output Analysis; Agriculture; Resource use; Trade; Emissions; Carbon footprint; Livestock Production/Industries; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/91268 |
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Turner, Nancy J; University of Victoria; nturner@uvic.ca; Gregory, Robin; Decision Research & Value Scope Research, Inc.; rgregory@interchange.ubc.ca; Brooks, Cheryl; Indigenuity Consulting Group; cheryl@indigenuity.ca; Failing, Lee; Compass Resource Management; lfailing@compassrm.com; Satterfield, Terre; University of British Columbia; satterfd@interchange.ubc.ca. |
This paper explores the need for a broader and more inclusive approach to decisions about land and resources, one that recognizes the legitimacy of cultural values and traditional knowledge in environmental decision making and policy. Invisible losses are those not widely recognized or accounted for in decisions about resource planning and decision making in resource- and land-use negotiations precisely because they involve considerations that tend to be ignored by managers and scientists or because they are often indirect or cumulative, resulting from a complex, often cumulative series of events, decisions, choices, or policies. First Nations communities in western North America have experienced many such losses that, together, have resulted in a decline... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight |
Palavras-chave: First Nations; Decision making; Resource use; Negotiations; Cultural values. |
Ano: 2008 |
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Kopp, Dorothee; Robert, Marianne; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Mehault, Sonia. |
For the ecosystem approach to fisheries management, understanding population dynamics and ecosystem resilience in response to the landing obligation acted by the reform of the European Common Fishery Policy (CFP) is currently an important avenue of research. This study attempts to assess the impact of the new CFP on marine food webs. Total carbon and nitrogen loss induced by a discard ban were estimated for the ecosystem of the Bay of Biscay based on French At-Sea Observer data and carbon and nitrogen content of discarded fish. Changes in predator diets were estimated by comparing two Bayesian mixing models, one mimicking the current situation and the second the application of the new CFP (removing the discarded species that would be landed from the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Fishery discards; Discard ban; Bay of Biscay; Organic input; Resource use. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00308/41895/41229.pdf |
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