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Aquaculture, restocking and stock enhancement as an answer to the scallop fisheries management crisis in the areas of Brest and Saint-Brieuc (Brittany) 5
Paquotte, Philippe.
Since the beginning of the century, scallop fisheries in France have known successive phases of expansion and recession. Although a system of fishing licences has been implemented, the number of fishermen involved in the scallop fishery has increased and huge investments have been made. The important fishing effortduring this period has induced a serions stock depletion, and output has dropped to less than 2 000 m.t. per year since 1986. Hence, the remunerations of capital and labour have dramatically decreased. As early as 1973, attempts have been made to use aquaculture methods for the management of thisstock, following the successful Japanese model. Because of insufficient amounts of spat available from the wild, hatchery and nursery techniques have...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock enhancement; Restocking; Scallop; Fishing licence; Aquaculture; SEM; Surpeuplement; Repeuplement; Coquille Saint Jacques; Licence de pêche; Aquaculture.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Can we identify wild-born salmon from parentage assignment data? A case study in the Garonne-Dordogne rivers salmon restoration programme in France 5
Vandeputte, Marc; Bestin, Anastasia; Fauchet, Louarn; Allamellou, Jean-michel; Bosc, Stéphane; Menchi, Olivier; Haffray, Pierrick.
Parentage assignment with genomic markers provides an opportunity to monitor salmon restocking programs. Most of the time, it is used to study the fate of hatchery-born fish in those programs, as well as the genetic impacts of restocking. In such analyses, only fish that are assigned to their parents are considered. In the Garonne-Dordogne river basin in France, native salmon have disappeared, and supportive breeding is being used to try to reinstate a self-sustained population. It is therefore of primary importance to assess the numbers of wild-born returning salmon, which could appear as wrongly assigned or not assigned, depending on the power of the marker set and on the size of the mating plan. We used the genotypes at nine microsatellites of the 5800...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Parentage assignment; Restocking; Fisheries.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Caractérisation de l’adaptation comportementale des téléostéens en élevage : plasticité et effets de la domestication 5
Benhaim, David.
The farming of aquatic animals has started recently in comparison with that of terrestrial species which domestication started 10 500 years ago. Aquaculture is however the fastest growing animal food-production sector. This sector has now to face several challenges threatening its sustainability. Indeed, aquaculture future largely depends upon the reduction of the reliance on feeds based ingredients derived from wild fishery resources, upon a better knowledge of fish domestication process and of the adaptation mechanisms and related welfare potential. The present work aims at a better understanding of the adaptation to farming conditions through a behavioural approach based on the comparison between wild vs. domesticated populations of three species: a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Plasticité; Domestication; Bien-être; Comportement alimentaire; Activité de nage; Personnalité; Aliment végétal; Labyrinthe; Statut physiologique; Croissance; Aquaculture; Repeuplement; Adaptation; Plasticity; Learning; Domestication; Welfare; Feeding behaviour; Swimming activity; Personality; Plant-based diet; Maze; Physiological status; Growth; Aquaculture; Restocking.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Duration of the pre-settlement period of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) under laboratory conditions 52
Ventura,Robson; Silva,Ubiratã de Assis Teixeira da; Perbiche-Neves,Gilmar; Ostrensky,Antonio; Boeger,Walter Antonio Pereira; Pie,Marcio Roberto.
The goal of the present study was to determine the most appropriate time to release the immatures of Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus) produced in the laboratory into the natural environments. Specifically, the time when the megalopae sought the mangrove sediment to excavate the burrows was determined, as well as the time necessary for their metamorphosis into the first juvenile stage. Results indicated that the megalopae of U. cordatus reared in the laboratory took three to ten days (median = 6) after their molt to excavated burrows in the sediment. The average time for the megalopae to molt into juveniles was 12.6 days (SD = 2.3).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ucides cordatus; Restocking; Larval rearing; Settlement; Megalopae; Juvenile.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Dynamique temporelle de la contribution du repeuplement en stades précoces de truite (Salmo Trutta l.) dans la population en place et dans la pêche sur le doubs franco-suisse. 5
Champigneulle, A.; Degiorgi, F.; Raymond, J. C.; Cachera, S..
The technique of otoliths fluoromarking has been used to evaluate at a large scale the practices of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) stocking (540 000 - 570 000/year, most of them as sac fry) for three cohorts 1994-95-96 in a part of the River Doubs having a length of 40 km and fragmented in three zones (upstream, median, downstream) by three hydroelectric dams. For each of the three cohorts, there is a rather high contribution (23 to 60% according to the zone) of the stocked fry to the automnal 0+ standing population. The mass marking of all the stocked fry allowed to show that the dynamics of the contribution of the two components of recruitment (natural or stocked) differed. Indeed, the contribution of stocking decreased with time when measured in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Salmo trutta; Repeuplement; Marquage; Otolithes; Pêche; Salmo trutta; Restocking; Marking; Otoliths; Angling.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Early life behavioural differences in wild caught and domesticated sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) 5
Benhaim, David; Pean, Samuel; Lucas, Gael; Blanc, Nancy; Chatain, Beatrice; Begout, Marie-laure.
Behavioural studies comparing hatchery and wild-caught fish are useful to improve selection for aquaculture and restocking programmes. We examined swimming behaviour characteristics in wild captured and domesticated sea bass juveniles before and after eliciting a startle response at 8 different ages and always on naive individuals. We specifically investigated whether domestication impacts juvenile sea bass behaviour and whether the first months of captivity induce behavioural modifications in wild juveniles. An apparatus was designed to mimic a predator attack by presenting a sudden visual and mechanical stimuli simultaneously in 8 arenas where single individuals were placed and video recorded. The reactivity response was evaluated and different swimming...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Domestication; Swimming activity; Restocking; Selection; Coping styles.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Genetic differences for behaviour in juveniles from two strains of brown trout suggest an effect of domestication history 5
Benhaim, David; Guyomard, Rene; Chatain, Beatrice; Quillet, Edwige; Begout, Marie-laure.
Because captivity constitutes a drastic environmental change, domestication is expected to induce a rapid genetic selection for behavioural traits. In this study, we searched for genetic differences in behaviour among brown trout juveniles from two strains differing for their domestication history, i.e. an almost pure native wild Mediterranean population (W) and an Atlantic domesticated strain (D). In order to assess pure genetic differences among strains, males from the two origins were mated with Mediterranean females to produce two experimental crosses (WW and WD). The swimming activity characteristics of individual WW and WD juveniles were compared before and after the application of a stress (light switched off suddenly, followed by a 5-min period of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Domestication; Genotyping; Microsatellite; Swimming activity; Restocking.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Genetic diversity and aquaculture conservation for a threatened Neotropical catfish 83
Farias,Renata S.; Silva,Bruno C. N. R.; Nascimento,Wilka V. G.; Silva,Gênison C.; Luz,Ronald K.; Prosdocimi,Francisco; Figueiredo,Rozzanno A. C. R.; Carvalho,Daniel C.; Coimbra,Maria R. M..
Abstract Due to the ecological importance of Lophiosilurus alexandri, the present work evaluated its genetic representativeness by comparing wild stocks to broodstocks that were kept at three restocking hatcheries along the São Francisco River. A total of 97 samples were genotyped for newly developed microsatellite markers. Low levels of genetic diversity (average alleles number of 4.2 alleles) were detected in all cases, being more severe in captive groups. Significant pairwise FST and DEST values, Structure, and DAPC analyses showed that wild animals were structured in two groups, and a third group was formed by captive animals, evidencing the need to adopt genetic criteria to retain genetic diversity in the hatcheries. For this reason, three full-sib...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lophiosilurus alexandri; Low genetic diversity; Relatedness estimator; Restocking; Sedentary behavior.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Production artificielle de naissain de coquilles Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus (L.). Premiers résultats en rade de Brest 5
Buestel, Dominique; Cochard, Jean-claude; Dao, Jean-claude; Gerard, Andre.
Artificial production from natural spawners could be a way of getting big quantities of spat of Pecten maximus, ln the method described, larval phase (until a size of 250 microns) occurs in a hatchery, post-Iarval phase (from 250 µ until 3 millimeters) in a nursery, and first growth period directly into the sea (from 2 mm to a size of 25-30 mm), The fifst results obtained, production of several thousand of individuals good enough for reseeding, seem to be transposable to a larger scale.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Restocking; Intermediate culture; Hatchery; Nursery; Pecten maximus; Repeuplement; Prégrossissement; Ecloserie; Nurserie; Pecten maximus.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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