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Analyse des comportements financiers des entreprises et essais de typologie dans le secteur des peches artisanales 5
Foucault, François; Gerinette, Valérie; Lemaire, Catherine.
(Not controled OCR) The economic results of artisanal fishing enterprises are investigated through a sample of 300 to 700 artisanal vessels for which account books. The use of economic (such as added value) and financial ratios (solvency and financial autonomy) leads to identification of four groups of firms. Over the period, financial rentability and autonomy show obvious damaging that underlines the relance of a (current) analysis on the impact of public subsidies on the enterprises behaviour.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indebtness; Investment; Return; Small scale fisheries; SEM; Endettement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Pêche artisanale.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Large scale demonstrations at Farm Suwan : II. Report on cost and return 106
Prem Boonruang; Kamphol Adulavidhaya.
3 tables
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Sorghum; Production; Cost; Return; ข้าวโพด; ข้าวฟ่าง; การผลิต; ต้นทุน; ผลตอบแทน.
Ano: 1971 URL:
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Prêmio e risco na estocagem do café arábica 31
Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Alves, Marcelo de Castro; Santos, Maurinho Luiz dos.
The formation of agricultural stock has the important paper of softening the seasonal impacts, lessening the discrepancy among the prices in the harvest and time between harvests, contributing, like this, with the stabilization of the price. In that sense, the present article aimed at to analyze the financial viability in the Arabic stockpiling of coffee in the area of Viçosa -MG, being obtained for that the return and the stockpiling risk for every month of the year. In agreement with the results, the stockpiling of the coffee is a strategy financially viable, being a factor in the elevation of the return and decrease of the risk level, especially in what he/she concerns the stockpiling in the period of 8, 9 and 10 months and the sale of the coffee in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Coffee; Return; Risk.; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Rentabilidade e risco na estocagem do café pelos produtores na região de Viçosa - MG 31
Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Pereira, Matheus Wemerson Gomes; Santos, Vladimir Faria dos; Santos, Maurinho Luiz dos.
The objective of this article was to evaluate the yield and risk in the production and storage of the Arabian coffee. Cash flows are elaborated for coffee production in two productive systems, one with low productivity and other with high productivity. Twelve different scenarios are simulated, each one representing the returns and risks in the production and storage for every month of the year. The financial indicators Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (VPL) and Internal Rate of Return (TIR) and the indicator Average Cost (CMe), suggest that high productivity is important to increase profitability and to decrease the activity risk, being the best periods to sale coffee, on the part of the producers, the months that precede the harvest, January,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Financial Economics; Coffee; Return; Risk.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The activity time of the lesser bamboo bat, Tylonycteris pachypus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) 103
Zhang,Li-Biao; Wang,Fu-Min; Liu,Qi; Wei,Li.
The activity time of the lesser bamboo bat, Tylonycteris pachypus (Temminck, 1840), was investigated at two observation locations in southern China: Longzhou and Guiping. Two bouts of activity (post dusk and predawn), with an intervening period of night roosting at diurnal roosts, were identified. The period of activity within each bout was usually less than 30 minutes. The activity periods of individuals belonging to the Longzhou population right after dusk and just before dawn lasted longer than those of the the Guiping population. We also found that the nocturnal emergence time of T. pachypus from the Longzhou population happened earlier than in the Guiping population. These findings indicate that the activity time of T. pachypus was quite short at...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Activity period; Emergence; Return; Tylonycteris pachypus.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Viabilidade econômica da irrigação da cultura do café na região de Viçosa - MG 31
Aredes, Alan Figueiredo de; Santos, Maurinho Luiz dos; Rufino, Jose Luiz dos Santos; Reis, Bricio dos Santos.
The objective of this paper is analyze the economic viability of implanting different technological alternatives of irrigation in the culture of coffee in the municipal district of Viçosa-MG. Technical and financial parameters of coffee cultivation were analyzed in five different technological alternatives: (A) - no-irrigated production with low productivity, (B) - no-irrigated production with high productivity, (C) - irrigated production by leaking, (D) - irrigated production by leaking fertilizing, (E) - irrigated production by mesh. For each one of there alternatives, Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, the Rate Interns of Return Modified and the Payback Period, being made the risk simulations were performed using the Latin Hypercube method. Results...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Coffee; Return; Risk; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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การศึกษาต้นทุนและผลตอบแทนการผลิตผ้าไหมยกดอกลำพูน 106
Waraporn Pamuta; Tippawan Limunggura; Thamrong Mekhora.
The objectives of this research were to study costs and returns of Lamphun Brocade Thai Silk production and to compare the costs and returns of Lamphun Brocade Thai Silk Production between the producer who registered the geographical indications (GI) and the producer who did not register the geographical indications (Non-GI). The results showed that most of the silk producers were female, married, average age of 46 years, with the average 12.6 years of the experience in weaving. Most have been taught to weave from her parents. The average income per household was 303,356.66 baht per year, the average silk income per household was 231,818.33 baht per year. Financial resources came from loaning money and their own capital. In terms of silk suit production,...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Lamphun Brocade Thai Silk; Costs; Return; Geographical indications; GI registration; ผ้าไหมยกดอกลำพูน; ต้นทุน; ผลตอบแทน; การขึ้นทะเบียนสิ่งบ่งชี้ทางภูมิศาสตร์.
Ano: 2555 URL:
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