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Enriching Stakeholder participation through Environmental Valuation; Eliciting Preferences for a National Park Designation in Northern Ireland 31
Rowan, Emma; Longo, Alberto.
This paper provides the theoretical framework and describes the preliminary steps for combining collaborative planning and non-market valuation techniques to improve the decision making process and stakeholder involvement in land use decisions. Combining components of Collaborative Planning (CP) — a Planning theory seeking to achieve the highest level of consensus possible amongst all stakeholders — with non-market valuation techniques (Travel Cost Method and Contingent Behaviour) - widely used in environmental economics — this study attempts to elicit the preferences of the Northern Ireland population which could be affected by the proposed designation of a National Park. The CP elements of public participation are first used as an aid to design the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Travel cost; Contingent behaviour; Revealed preferences; Stated preferences; National park designation; Collaborative planning; Stakeholder involvement; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estimating Utility-Consistent Poverty Lines 31
Arndt, Channing; Simler, Kenneth R..
The “Cost of Basic Needs” (CBN) approach to drawing consumption-based poverty lines is widely applied and lays credible claim to being the best practice for estimating poverty measures. Unfortunately, a growing mass of evidence indicates that poverty estimates obtained under the CBN approach are often demonstrably utility inconsistent. Here, we introduce an information theoretic approach for estimating utility-consistent poverty lines. An example of the approach is provided for the case of Mozambique. The approach represents a powerful addition to the poverty analyst’s tool kit and enhances the attractiveness of the CBN approach for practical poverty measurement problems.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Poverty lines; Entropy estimation; Revealed preferences; Mozambique; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Fire and Recreational Values in Fire-Prone Forests: Exploring an Intertemporal Amenity Function Using Pooled RP-SP Data 31
Boxall, Peter C.; Englin, Jeffrey E..
An important consideration in managing fire-prone forests is the intertemporal impacts of forest fires. This analysis examines these impacts in a forest recreation setting by fitting a combined stated and revealed data set to explicitly model the effects of forest regrowth following a fire on recreation economic values. The results are particularly useful as they provide clear measures of the time path of recovery of forest amenity values following a fire.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Forest fire; Recreation valuation; Revealed preferences; Stated preference; Travel cost model; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Reducing Bias from Choice Experiments Estimates in the Demand for Recreation 31
Longo, Alberto; Rowan, Emma; Hutchinson, W. George.
In valuing the demand for recreation, the literature has grown from using revealed preference methods to applying stated preference methods, namely contingent valuation and choice modelling. Recent attempts have merged revealed and stated preference data to exploit the strengths of both sources of data. We use contingent behaviour and choice experiments data to show that, with choice experiments exercises, when respondents are asked to choose which improvement programme they prefer for a site with recreational opportunities, failing to consider the information explaining the number of visits that respondents intend to take to a recreational site under each hypothetical programme leads to biased coefficients estimates in the models for the choice...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Travel cost; Contingent behaviour; Choice experiments; Revealed preferences; Stated preferences; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q51; Q26.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Valuing the Changes in Herbicide Risks Resulting from Adoption of Roundup Ready Soybeans by U.S. Farmers: A Revealed-Preference Approach 31
Sydorovych, Olha; Marra, Michele C..
Valuing the Changes in Herbicide Risks Resulting from Adoption of Roundup Ready Soybeans by U.S. Farmers: A Revealed-Preference Approach
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Pesticide human and environmental risks; Revealed preferences; Roundup Ready soybeans; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty; Q51.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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