Registros recuperados: 22 | |
Monori, Istvan. |
A vizsgált juhászatok a hazai átlagtól eltérő fajtaösszetételűek és nagyobb nyájméretűek, de a nagyobb állományokhoz korszerűtlen technológia társul, ami korlátozza a potenciális hozamok elérését. A költségek szerkezetéből kitűnik, hogy a takarmányköltségek mellett a személyi jellegű költségek aránya igen magas a vizsgált gazdaságok állománykoncentrációja ellenére is, ami utal az évtizedek óta elavult tartástechnológiára is. A fajtacsoportonkénti bevételekben szembetűnő a tejelő juhászatok kimagasló teljesítménye, míg a húshasznú és keresztezett fajtáknál ez alig haladja meg a merinó fajtacsoportét. A méretcsoportok szerinti árbevétel a 300–600 anyajuh/nyáj méretű gazdaságokban jelentősen meghaladja a kisebb és nagyobb méretkategóriába tartozó juhászatok... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Juhászat; Technológia; Árbevétel; Támogatás; Sheep farming; Technology; Revenue; Subsidy; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/99186 |
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Aakre, Dwight G.; Haugen, Ronald H.; Swenson, Andrew L.. |
The National Corn Growers Association Public Policy Team’s Base Revenue Projection Program (BRP) and the Revenue Countercyclical Program (RCCP) were analyzed. The analysis was done for corn using the BRP-RCCP calculator, as developed by the National Corn Growers Association. Three representative counties (Richland, Barnes and Foster) were chosen in North Dakota. Historic and projected data were used to analyze 2002 to 2010 crop years. A comparison of the BRP-RCCP programs to the current farm program was done. For 2002 to 2005, Barnes County would have received more total payments under the BRP-RCCP program than with the current farm program. The gain would have been $24.12 per acre during the four years. Richland and Foster counties would have received... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Farm bill; Corn; Countercyclical payments; Revenue; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/7302 |
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Aakre, Dwight G.; Haugen, Ronald H.; Swenson, Andrew L.. |
The National Corn Growers Association Public Policy Team’s Base Revenue Projection Program (BRP) and the Revenue Countercyclical Program (RCCP) were analyzed. The analysis was done for soybeans using the BRP-RCCP calculator, as developed by the National Corn Growers Association. Three representative counties (Cass, Stutsman and Benson) were chosen in North Dakota. Historic and projected data were used to analyze 2002 to 2010 crop years. A comparison of the BRP-RCCP programs to the current farm program was done. From 2002 to 2005, all counties would have received more payments with the BRP-RCCP program than they would have received under the current farm program. Benson County would benefit the most from this program, receiving $58.56 per acre more during... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Farm bill; Soybeans; Countercyclical payments; Revenue; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/7301 |
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Aakre, Dwight G.; Haugen, Ronald H.; Swenson, Andrew L.. |
The National Corn Growers Association Public Policy Team’s Base Revenue Projection Program (BRP) and the Revenue Countercyclical Program (RCCP) were analyzed. The analysis was done for spring wheat using the BRP-RCCP calculator, as developed by the National Corn Growers Association. Three representative counties (Hettinger, Ward and Cavalier) were chosen in North Dakota. Historic and projected data were used to analyze 2002 to 2010 crop years. A comparison of the BRP-RCCP programs to the current farm program was done. From 2002 to 2005, Ward County would have received nearly identical payments under the BRP-RCCP program and the current farm program. The Hettinger County farm would have received considerably more under the BRP-RCCP program - $76.87 per... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Farm bill; Wheat; Countercyclical payments; Revenue; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/7300 |
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Lima,Natália Ludmila Lins; Ribeiro,Carolina Resende de Freitas; Sá,Hemilly Cristina Menezes de; Leopoldino-Júnior,Izac; Cavalcanti,Luigi Francis Lima; Santana,Ronan Aparecido Valadares; Furusho-Garcia,Iraides Ferreira; Pereira,Idalmo Garcia. |
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate residual feed intake (RFI), residual intake and body weight gain (RIG) and their relationship with other traits of efficiency, performance, and economic analysis of sheep. Lambs (n = 102) were evaluated during 56 days and a herd consisting of 500 ewes was simulated with the mean of dry matter intake (DMI) and final body weight of the lambs, the same as that of the experimental lambs. The lambs were fed hay-based diet of Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.), corn, and soybean in the voluminous:concentrate ratio of 35:65. Residual feed intake and RIG were correlated with DMI, feed conversion ratio, and feed efficiency. Residual intake and body weight gain were positively correlated with average daily gain, relative... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Cost; Profit; Revenue; RFI; RIG; Sheep. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-35982017001000821 |
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Babcock, Bruce A.; Hart, Chad E.; Adams, Gary M.; Westhoff, Patrick C.. |
This paper presents a detailed report of the representative farm analysis (summarized in FAPRI Policy Working Paper #01-00). At the request of several members of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the U.S. Senate, we have continued to analyze the impacts of the Farmers' Risk Management Act of 1999 (S. 1666) and the Risk Management for the 21st Century Act (S. 1580). Earlier analysis reported in FAPRI Policy Working Paper #04-99 concentrated on the aggregate net farm income and government outlay impacts. The representative farm analysis is conducted for several types of farms, including both irrigated and non-irrigated cotton farms in Tom Green County, Texas; dryland wheat farms in Morton County, North Dakota and Sumner County, Kansas;... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Crop insurance; Farm analysis; Representative farm analysis; Revenue; Risk and Uncertainty. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/18389 |
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Zarate, Nestor Antonio Heredia; UFGD; Vieira, Maria do Carmo; UFGD; Graciano, João Dimas; UFGD; Giuliani, Artur Renan; UFGD; Helmich, Marcelo; UFGD; Gomes, Hellen Elaine; UFGD. |
O objetivo do trabalho foi conhecer algumas características biométricas, a produtividade e a renda bruta de quatro clones de taro cultivados em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico de textura argilosa. Foram estudados os clones Macaquinho, Japonês, Chinês e Cascudo, no delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições. As plantas dos taros Chinês e Cascudo apresentaram as maiores altura e massa fresca de folhas Os valores de diâmetro e comprimento dos RM, do diâmetro dos RF comerciais e do comprimento dos RF não-comerciais e as porcentagens de massas seca de folhas, RM e RF variaram entre clones. Os quatro clones estudados não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas nos valores de produção (t há-1) de massa fresca de rizomas-mãe (variação de... |
Palavras-chave: Agronomia Colocasia esculenta; Variedades; Produtividade; Renda Colocasia esculenta; Varieties; Yeld; Revenue. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciAgron/article/view/479 |
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Rodgers, Trudi; Webster, Stewart. |
Resource rents represent a return to the community for the exclusive use of resources and therefore are quite distinct from the recovery of governmental regulatory or operating costs. While the current framework for resource rents in Australian primary industries is providing financial benefit for Australian governments, it is uncertain whether the current policy settings are providing an appropriate community return. This paper discusses the theory underpinning resource rents and conducts a multijurisdictional comparison focusing on the minerals and fisheries industries to aid analysis of the role resource rent taxation plays in the existing management of Australian primary industries. |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Resource rents; Taxation; Revenue; Minerals; Fisheries; Government; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/10396 |
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McManus,Concepta; Pinto,Bruno Freitas; Martins,Rafhael Felipe Saraiva; Louvandini,Helder; Paiva,Samuel Rezende; Braccini Neto,José; Paim,Tiago do Prado. |
Three production systems for sheep (Low - L, Medium - M and High - H technology), with increasing technological levels, were studied under conditions in the Center-west of Brazil, to determine economic weights and selection indices of important traits. Receipts and costs were simulated using an economic simulator to calculate the structure of the operational costs. Only characteristics that were responsible for more than 10% of the profit were studied, which included: number of weaned lambs, food consumption (ewe and lamb), weight of carcass and weight of female lambs sold for reproduction. Regardless of the index used (profitability or yield) or system (L, M or H), the economic weights are larger for the number of lambs weaned per ewe. With improvement in... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Correlations; Costs; Heritability; Profit; Revenue. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-35982011001200014 |
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Registros recuperados: 22 | |