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A new species of Microglanis (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae) from the Pacific slope of Ecuador 83
Tobes,Ibon; Falconí-López,Ana; Valdiviezo-Rivera,Jonathan; Provenzano-Rizzi,Francisco.
ABSTRACT A new species of catfish is described from the Esmeraldas River Basin, Pacific slope, northern Ecuador. Tentatively included in Microglanis, represents the second species of the genus inhabiting the Trans-Andean region. The new species is distinguished from known congeners by a unique combination of external characteristics: head and body color pattern, uniform, pale brown, yellowish or grayish, without any kind of blotches, bands or dots, only a lunate transverse band, dark or black, at caudal-fin origin; adipose-fin origin and forward without lighter or luminous areas. Compared with M. variegatus, the new species has morphometric differences, such as the distances between dorsal and pelvic fins, and between posterior nostrils. Some osteological...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diversity; Richness; Systematic; Taxonomy; Trans-Andean region.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Aphididae (Hemiptera) on ornamental plants in Córdoba (Argentina) 99
In 30 surveys across Cordoba city and surroundings (Argentina) I recorded, from November 2001 to May 2002, a total of 109 ornamental plants infested with aphid colonies. Surveys were conducted in the local botanical garden as well as homestead gardens and nurseries. Seventeen species of aphids were identified, 4 of which are new species in the area, from 47 ornamental plants. In a total of 59 plant/aphid associations, 38 new associations were found. I present the first record of aphids colonizing Cactaceae in Argentina. Most aphid colonies were medium and a high proportion (more than 40%) showed alate individuals. The most frequent aphid species, Aphis gossypii Glover and Aphis craccivora Koch were especially associated with the most frequent damages:...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aphids; Ornamental plants; Richness; Damages; Urban areas.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Asilidae (Diptera) of two Atlantic Forest protected areas of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil 42
ABSTRACT As few Asilidae inventories of Rio de Janeiro areas have been published, there are many data gaps. This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of richness, abundance and distribution of this family in this State. From January 2013 to March 2014, insects were collected monthly using Malaise traps and every two months using entomological nets in the Reserva Biológica União (REBIO), and Estação Ecológica Estadual de Guaxindiba (EEEG). 682 specimens of Asilidae were collected in the present study, distributed in 31 genera and 51 species (20 identified and 31 unidentified), 527 of REBIO (in 19 genera and 38 species - 14 identified and 24 unidentified), and 155 specimens of EEEG (in 12 genera and 19 species - 6 identified and 13 unidentified)....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Distribution; Richness; Tableland forest; Dense ombrophilous forest.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Assessment of fish assemblages in streams of different orders in the Upper Paraná River basin, Central Brazil 76
Vieira,Thiago B.; Tejerina-Garro,Francisco L..
The aim of this study was to test whether the richness observed and the biomass per trophic group of fish assemblages vary depending on the order (1st and 2nd) of the streams located in three different basins of the Upper Paraná River Basin, Central Brazil. Samples were collected between April and September, 2009, in 27 streams of the Meia Ponte, Piracanjuba and Santa Maria River basins. A total of 4,879 specimens were collected distributed in 59 species and 19 families. The statistical analyses carried out indicate that the observed richness and biomass of omnivore fish were influenced by the interaction of two factors: stream order and basin. The 2nd order streams located in the Santa Maria basin presented significant differences in the observed richness...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Trophic guilds; Omnivores; Richness; Biomass.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Avifauna en bosques manejados de Pinus patula en la Mojonera, Zacualtipán, Hidalgo 32
Chi Poot, Roger Antonio.
El presente trabajo se realizó en La Mojonera, Zacualtipán, Hidalgo, con la finalidad de determinar el efecto del manejo del bosque de Pinus patula sobre la riqueza de avifauna, durante la transición invierno-primavera 2004-2005. Se definieron tres condiciones del bosque de acuerdo a su historial de manejo. La Condición Uno (C1) pertenece a un bosque no intervenido por el proceso de corta (bosque natural); la Condición Dos (C2) estuvo constituida por rodales mayores a 12 años; y la Condición Tres (C3) por rodales menores de 12 años de edad. Para el muestreo de la vegetación, se establecieron 21 parcelas de 400 m2 (20X20m). En cada parcela se etiquetaron todos los individuos de especies arbóreas con DAP≥2 cm. Se identificaron, se registró su DAP, altura,...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Manejo del bosque; Avifauna; Abundancia; Riqueza; Maestría; Forestal; Forest management; Avian communities; Abundance; Richness.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Bird community in an Araucaria forest fragment in relation to changes in the surrounding landscape in Southern Brazil 76
Scherer-Neto,Pedro; Toledo,Maria Cecília B..
The dynamics of the bird community in a small forest fragment was evaluated along seven years in relation to changes in the surrounding landscape. The study area is an Araucaria forest fragment in Southern Brazil (state of Paraná). The sampling period covered the years 1988 through 1994 and the mark-release-recapture method was utilized. The landscape analysis was based on Landsat TM images, and changes in exotic tree plantations, native forest, open areas (agriculture, pasture, bare soil, and abandoned field), and "capoeira"(native vegetation < 2 m) were quantified. The relationship between landscape changes and changes in abundance diversity of forest birds, open-area birds, forest-edge birds, and bamboo specialists was evaluated. Richness estimates...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Richness; Abundance; Diversity; Long-term assessment; State of Paraná.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Boracéia Biological Station: an ornithological review 84
Cavarzere,Vagner; Moraes,Gabriel Parmezani; Silveira,Luís Fábio.
Boracéia Biological Station, near the city of Salesópolis, SP, is located in one of the most well-defined centers of endemism in eastern Brazil - the Serra do Mar Center. While the station was established only in 1954 under the auspices of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, the avifauna of this locality had already attracted the attention of ornithologists by the 1940s, when the first specimens were collected. Here we describe the ornithological history of the Boracéia Biological Station with a review of all the bird species recorded during more than 68 years, including recent transect and mist-netting records. Boracéia's records were found in museums, literature and unpublished reports that totaled 323 bird species when recent data is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Montane Atlantic forest; Transect counts; Mist-net; Richness; Ornithological collection.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Changes in Brazilian Drosophilidae (Diptera) assemblages across an urbanisation gradient 82
Gottschalk,Marco S.; De Toni,Daniela C.; Valente,Vera L.S.; Hofmann,Paulo R.P..
The present study aims to characterise the assemblages of Drosophilidae sampled from four sites subject to different levels of urbanisation, in the city of Florianópolis, South Brazil. Five samples were collected between August 2000 and August 2001 and five between August 2002 and August 2003 in each site. A gradual change in the dominant species was observed in the urbanisation gradient, with an increase in relative abundance of exotic species in urban areas. Among the native species, the relative abundance of Drosophila capricorni Dobzhansky &amp; Pavan had an expressive decrease. In the other hand the richness in the low urbanisation site increased, probably due to the presence of urban gardens. The diversity index did not vary significantly among...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Drosophila; Zaprionus; Ecology; Diversity; Richness.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Cladocerans (Crustacea, Anomopoda and Ctenopoda) from Cerrado of Central Brazil: Inventory of phytophilous community in natural wetlands 49
Sousa,Francisco Diogo Rocha; Elmoor-Loureiro,Lourdes Maria Abdu; Mendonça-Galvão,Luciana de.
The aim of this study was to inventory the cladoceran fauna in wetlands located in two large areas that protect fragments of Cerrado. Located in the Brasília National Park-DF and Campo de Instrução de Formosa-GO, these wetlands are formed by upwelling groundwater, with extensive vegetation cover. We found 24 species in the Brasília National Park and 30 in the Campo de Instrução de Formosa. The observed richness reached approximately 80% of the estimated values for both protected areas. Moreover, the community of cladocerans in the kind of environment studied appears to be influenced by depth, with higher values of richness and similarity in wetlands of higher average depths. However, shallow wetlands contributed to the total richness with exclusive...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: High Paraná River Basin; High São Francisco River Basin; Protected areas; Richness; Shallow wetlands.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Composition and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in a Brazilian Cerrado stream 76
Pio,Jéssica F. G.; Santiago,Eunice de F. E.; Copatti,Carlos E..
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyse the diversity and composition of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the dry and rainy seasons in a Brazilian Cerrado stream, where it was hypothesized that the dry season has higher diversity and it differs in terms of organism composition in relation to the rainy season. Sampling was carried out in the dry (May and August/2016 and August/2017) and rainy seasons (November/2016 and February and November/2017). Individuals were identified at the family level and classified according to functional feeding group (FFG). There were 3,776 individuals, in which Chironomidae was the most abundant taxon with 2,226 organisms. The FFG with the highest number of individuals and species richness were collector-gatherer and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Chironomidae; Functional feeding group; Seasonal variations; Richness.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Composition and trophic structure of the ichthyofauna from a stream downriver from Santo Antonio Falls in the Madeira River, Porto Velho, RO 49
Araújo,Túlio Raimundo de; Ribeiro,Ariana Cella; Doria,Carolina Rodrigues da Costa; Torrente-Vilara,Gislene.
Belmont Stream is the main tributary of the Madeira River in the area immediately downriver from the Santo Antonio Fall. Samplings were carried out using gill nets in the mouth of this stream between May 2005 and April 2006 and resulted in a list of 74 species. The analyses included values of composition, constancy of occurrence, species richness, abundance, Catch Per Unit of Effort and trophic structure about the ten most abundant species. Characiformes and Siluriformes were dominant order in the samples and Curimatidae (popularly known as "branquinhas") was the most abundant family, represented by Psectrogaster rutiloides (32.57% of the collected specimens), Potamorhina altamazonica (10.72%), and Potamorhina latior (7.79%). The most of species were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Richness; Dominance; CPUE; Migratory route; Amazon.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Comunidade de Euglossini (Hymenoptera, Apidae) das dunas litorâneas do Abaeté, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil 92
Viana,Blandina Felipe; Kleinert,Astrid Matos Peixoto; Neves,Edinaldo Luz das.
Community of Euglossini (Hymenoptera, Apidae) from the coastal sand dunes of Abaeté, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Euglossini community structure was analyzed by attracting males with the scents eucalyptol, eugenol, vanillin, benzyl benzoate and methyl salicylate, and by netting bees on flowers. The samplings took place three times a month along one year from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The scent baits attracted 670 individuals belonging to seven species of three genus. The predominant species were Euglossa cordata (Linnaeus, 1758) (76.6%) and Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 (21.8%). Euglossini males visited the scents along the whole year, being more abundant in May and in August. The most efficient fragrance was eucalyptol, attracting 624 individuals of five...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Community structure; Euglossini; Richness; Scent baits; Sand dunes.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Determinants of capture-recapture success: an evaluation of trapping methods to estimate population and community parameters for Atlantic forest small mammals 103
Barros,Camila S.; Püttker,Thomas; Pinotti,Bruno T.; Pardini,Renata.
ABSTRACT Efficiently obtaining high-quality data on animal populations and communities is paramount for ecological and conservation studies. In many instances these data come from live-trapping, the success of which depends on various factors, such as the interaction between the trap's mechanisms and the morphological or ecological characteristics of the animals, and weather conditions that can affect both trap efficiency and animal behavior. Integrative approaches that address the simultaneous effects of these factors on capture-recapture success are rare. Here we contribute to close this knowledge gap by focusing on a large capture-recapture dataset from three 2-ha grids monitored for approximately two years (totaling 55.000 traps-night) in the Morro...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Biodiversity survey; Demography; Richness; Trapping protocol..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Different slopes of a mountain can determine the structure of ferns and lycophytes communities in a tropical forest of Brazil 42
A community of Ferns and Lycophytes was investigated by comparing the occurrence of species on different slopes of a paleoisland in Southeastern Brazil. Our goal was to evaluate the hypothesis that slopes with different geographic orientations determine a differentiation of Atlantic Forest ferns and lycophytes community. We recorded these plants at slopes turned towards the continent and at slopes turned towards the open sea. Analysis consisted of a preliminary assessment on fern beta diversity, a Non Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) and a Student t-test to confirm if sites sampling units ordination was different at each axis. We further used the Pearson coefficient to relate fern species to the differentiation pattern and again Student's t-test to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic rain forest; Topography; Pteridophytes; Richness; Environmental factors.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Diversidad de cabras en los sistemas tradicionales de la montaña baja del estado de Guerrero, México. 32
García Bonilla, Dulce Violeta.
La caprinocultura ha sido una actividad económica importante en la Montaña de Guerrero, a través del pastoreo trashumante, conocido como haciendas volantes, en la época colonial y como actividad a pequeña escala más recientemente. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el sistema de producción de caprinos y relacionarlo con la diversidad de cabras presentes en las unidades familiares de producción. Se aplicaron 112 cuestionarios y se registró información de 863 cabras de 27 rebaños. En los cuestionarios se registró información del productor, su organización, lengua, recursos productivos, estructura del rebaño, prácticas de manejo y beneficios. Para determinar la diversidad de cabras se registró información del fenotipo y medidas zoométricas. Los datos...
Palavras-chave: Explotaciones caprinas; Productores; Riqueza; Tipo de cabra; Breeds; Farms goat; Farmers; Richness; Estrategias para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional; EDAR; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Diversity, composition and phenology of araneid orb-weavers (Araneae, Araneidae) associated with riparian forests in southern Brazil 76
Rodrigues,Everton N. L.; Mendonça Jr.,Milton de S.; Rodrigues,Patrícia E. S.; Ott,Ricardo.
The Araneidae is a speciose family including web-spinning spiders that are very abundant in various terrestrial ecosystems. Several studies demonstrate that changes in vegetation surrounding rivers, streams and brooks affect the associated araneofauna. The aim of this research was to compare differences found in diversity (abundance and richness), composition and phenology of Araneidae spiders sampled in different habitats in four riparian forest catchments in southern Brazil. Samples were taken from riparian forests in four rivers of Rio Grande do Sul State: Piratini, Camaquã, Sinos and Maquiné rivers, each in a different hydrographic basin. Samples were taken twice seasonally on each basin during two years, sampling the araneofauna of the tree-shrub...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Spiders; Habitats; Rio Grande do Sul; Abundance; Richness.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Diversity of anurans in dry forest fragments of a subtropical region in Brazil 42
ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify and compare the diversity between two areas within different matrices located in the Mesophytic Semideciduous Forest; to compare composition and diversity registered to other assemblages; and to evaluate which criteria used here were the most important when sampling them. Data was obtained from September 2011 to March 2012 from 10 sites with different habitats in two areas of mid northern state of Paraná, southern Brazil. We recorded 18 species. Alfa-diversity between the areas did not vary, but the population within one of them was more stable, suggesting better distribution and equity of species in the available habitat. Beta-diversity in the region was high; a result attributed to the species Dendropsophus nanus....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Semideciduous Forest; Inventory; Richness; Abundance; Comparison..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Diversity of Braconidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) of the Parque Natural Municipal de Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil 92
Gadelha,Sian de Souza; Penteado-Dias,Angelica Maria; Silva,Alexandre de Almeida e.
Braconidae is a highly diversified family of Hymenoptera and usually known by their role in biological control both in agricultural and natural ecosystems. Despite of that, little is known about its diversity in the Amazon region. The present work inventoried the braconid fauna of an Open Ombrophylous Forest with Palm Trees of the Parque Natural Municipal de Porto Velho, RO. Insects were collect from June/2008 to May/2009 using six Malaise traps in different parts of the reserve. A total of 377 wasps were captured, 17 subfamilies and 56 genera identified. Braconinae, Microgastrinae, Doryctinae and Rogadinae subfamilies were very abundant, and also the genera Aleiodes, Bracon, Capitonius, Compsobracon, Heterospilus, Hymenochaonia, Opius, Pedinotus, Rogas...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ichneumonoidea; Parasitoid wasps; Richness; Western Amazon.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Diversity of bryophytes in priority areas for conservation in the Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil 39
Silva,Mércia Patrícia Pereira; Pôrto,Kátia Cavalcanti.
The northeastern Brazilian Atlantic forest is the region with the greatest diversity of bryophytes in the country. However, knowledge about bryophytes is irregularly distributed among Brazilian regions. Therefore, we aimed to contribute to knowledge about bryophytes on a regional scale in the northeastern Atlantic forest, to identify the centers of bryophyte diversity in that region, and to reiterate the importance and identify locations for which new protected areas should be created. We built a database of bryophytes in 23 locations of the region, based on a literature review and new floristic inventories. To identify the locations of greatest relevance to bryophyte conservation, we considered 1) total and endemic species richness, 2) phylogenetic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation units; Liverwort; Moss; Richness; Tropical forest.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Diversity of cave bats in the brazilian tropical dry forest of Rio Grande do Norte State 81
Vargas-Mena,Juan Carlos; Cordero-Schmidt,Eugenia; de Medeiros Bento,Diego; Rodriguez-Herrera,Bernal; Medellín,Rodrigo A; Venticinque,Eduardo M.
Caves are important roosts for bats in karstic areas and play a critical role in the protection of bat populations. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in northeastern Brazil, cave-dwelling bats are poorly studied. Moreover, the state contains more than 900 caves, mainly in the Caatinga biome, that may offer important roosts for local bat populations. Thus, to gain a first insight into the richness, diversity, and colony size of cave-bats in the state, we sampled 13 caves through active search and captures with mist nets. Sixteen species from five families were recorded, and the biggest colonies belonged to Pteronotus gymnonotus and Phyllostomus discolor. Furna Feia cave was the richest, with 10 species. Our results showed that Rio Grande do Norte is home...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Assemblage; Caatinga; Cave-dwelling bats; Colony size; Richness.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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