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Bacterial diseases in marine bivalves 5
Travers, Marie-agnes; Miller, Katherine Boettcher; Roque, Ana; Friedman, Carolyn S..
Bivalve aquaculture is seriously affected by many bacterial pathogens that cause high losses in hatcheries as well as in natural beds. A number of Vibrio species, but also members of the genera Nocardia and Roseovarius, are considered important pathogens in aquaculture. The present work provides an updated overview of main diseases and implicated bacterial species affecting bivalves. This review focuses on aetiological agents, their diversity and virulence factors, the diagnostic methods available as well as information on the dynamics of the host-parasite relationship.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibrio; Nocardia; Roseovarius; Rickettsia; Pathogenesis; Diagnostic.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Detection of Rickettsial DNA in ixodid ticks recovered from dogs and cats in Japan 19
Hiraoka, Hiroko; Shimada, Yojiro; Sakata, Yoshimi; Watanabe, Malaika; Itamoto, Kazuhito; Okuda, Masaru; Inokuma, Hisashi; 猪熊, 壽.
DNA from ticks recovered from 1137 dogs and 133 cats from Ell over Japan were examined for Rickettsia infection by citrate synthase gene (gltA)-based PCR and partial nucleotide sequencing. A total of 91 dog tick samples and 18 cat tick samples showed a single band of the appropriate size in the nested PCR. Sequence analysis was successfully performed on 102 samples. DNA of Rickettsia japonica or closely related Rickettsia spp. strains were detected from 38 licks in 16 prefectures mainly in western Japan. The other 33, detected from 13 prefectures including Hokkaido and Okinawa, were found to be Rickettsia helvetica or closely related strains. A total of 29 DNA that showed highest homology with Rickettsia akari or closely related strains were detected in 19...
Palavras-chave: Canine; Epidemiology; Feline; Rickettsia; Tick.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaluación de dos técnicas para la detección molecular de rickettsia asociada a la enfermedad del cogollo arrepollado del papayo en Cuba 100
Hernández-Rodríguez,Lester; Pérez López,Edel; Luis Pantoja,Maritza; Peña Bárzaga,Inés.
El objetivo de este estudio fue optimizar una técnica de diagnóstico para rickettsia-PBT, bacteria asociada a la enfermedad cogollo arrepollado del papayo (PBT), basada en la hibridación de ácidos nucleicos no radiactiva (HANS-PBT), y comparar la factibilidad de su uso con respecto a la PCR convencional. Se optimizó un procedimiento de HANS-PBT que permitió la detección específica de hasta 15 pg de ADN del gen sdhA de rickettsia-PBT. La evaluación de 141 controles caracterizados mediante PCR convencional (PCR-PBT), mostró parámetros de desempeño de la HANS-PBT favorables, con una especificidad diagnóstica (ED) de 97,2% y sensibilidad diagnóstica (SD) de 98,5%. Los análisis simultáneos mediante las dos técnicas de 179 muestras colectadas mayormente en...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cogollo arrepollado del papayo; Rickettsia; Hibridación; Papayo; Especificidad; Sensibilidad.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Pathogens in aquaculture : specific pathogens or human contamination risks 5
Renault, Tristan.
The vatness of aquaculture ventures worldwide has taken impressive leaps durint the past three decades, and a large portion of this pertains to mariculture. Significant strides have been made in the design and implementation of more efficient and cost effective growing areas, feed, and harvesting techniques. Moreover the economic impact of aquaculture will certainly increase in the years ahead.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mycoplasmas; Chlamydiae; Rickettsia; Bacteria; Virus; Aquaculture; Pathogens.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Acosta,K; Martínez,Y; Zamora,L; Fernández,A; Santos-Cervantes,M.E; Leyva-López,N.E.
Recientemente, los grupos fitoplasmas 16SrI «Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris»,16SrII «Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia» y rickettsia se asociaron a síntomas del cogollo arrepollado (BTS) del papayo en Cuba. El ADN de muestras de plantas de papayo positivas a fitoplasmas y rickettsia se empleó para optimizar y evaluar un ensayo de PCR múltiple anidada. Se usaron los iniciadores de PCR genéricos para fitoplamas R16mF2/R16mR1en la primera amplificación y en la segunda amplificación una mezcla PBTF1/PBTR1 (específicos para rickettsia) y R16F2n/BPVNr/p86r (específicos para los grupos de fitoplasmas 16SrI y 16SrII). El ensayo de diagnóstico por PCR múltiple anidado permitió la detección simultánea de fitoplasmas y rickettsia en muestras de plantas de papayo de...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Fitoplasma; Rickettsia; Papaya; PCR múltiple anidada.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Progress in pathological characterization of Syndrome 85 in the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera 5
Comps, Marie-annick; Herbaut, Christian; Fougerouse, Angélique; Laporte, Florent.
A programme of zoosanitary survey of the populations of black-lip pearl oyster (P. margaritifera) has been developed in French Polynesia during 1996 and 1997. Based on histological and ultrastructural examinations, the study of pearl oysters sampled in several pearl farms from the Society Islands, Tuamotu Atolls and Gambler Archipelago, has been particularly turned to enzootic pathological problems. Particular attention has been given to the shell disease and to the necrosis of the adductor muscle, symptoms that had accompanied the mass mortality in 1985.Virus-like particles, about 40 nm in diameter, were detected in membrane bound vesicles from the necrosized muscle tissue. A new Rickettsia-like organism found in epithelial cells of the digestive tubules...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sporozoan; Rickettsia; Virus like particle; Shell disease; Blacklip pearl oyster; Sporozoaire; Rickettsie; Particules d'allure virale; Maladie de la coquille; Huître perlière.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Serological identification of Rickettsia spp from the spotted fever group in capybaras in the region of Campinas - SP - Brazil 65
Souza,Celso Eduardo de; Souza,Savina Silvana Lacerra de; Lima,Virgília Luna Castor; Calic,Simone Berger; Camargo,Maria Cecilia Gibrail Oliveira; Savani,Elisa San Martin Mouriz; D'Auria,Sandra Regina Nicoletti; Linhares,Arício Xavier; Yoshinari,Natalino Hajime.
Diseases transmitted by ticks have been an important health problem all over the world. Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) stands for a serious epidemiological concern due to the high mortality rates pointed out. Capybaras are commonly incriminated as possible reservoirs in the BSF transmission cycle. In the last decades the numbers of these animals raised sharply and they have invaded human areas. They intensify the contact between ticks and humans beings. This study aim is to contribute to the possible role performed for this rodent in the BSF epidemiology in some areas located in Campinas region, São Paulo. Cabybaras infected by rickettsiae of BSF group were studied through the analysis of the frequencies of BSF-group rickettisae antibodies titer = 64 by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rickettsia; Amblyomma; Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris; Capybara; Spotted Fever.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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