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Crustal geometry of the northeastern Gulf of Aden passive margin: localization of the deformation inferred from receiver function analysis ArchiMer
Tiberi, C.; Leroy, S.; D'Acremont, E.; Bellahsen, N.; Ebinger, C.; Al-lazki, A.; Pointu, A..
Here we use receiver function analysis to retrieve crustal thickness and crustal composition along the 35-My-old passive margin of the eastern Gulf of Aden. Our aims are to use results from the 3-D seismic array to map crustal stretching across and along the Aden margin in southern Oman. The array recorded local and teleseismic events between 2003 March and 2004 March. Seventy-eight events were used in our joint inversions for Vp/Vs ratio and depth. The major results are: (1) Crustal thickness decreases from the uplifted rift flank of the margin towards the Sheba mid-ocean ridge. We found a crustal thickness of about 35 km beneath the northern rift flank. This value decreases sharply to 26 km beneath the post-rift subsidence zone on the Salalah coastal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crustal structure; Receiver function; Rifted margin; Segmentation; Seismology.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Crustal structure and continent-ocean boundary along the Galicia continental margin (NW Iberia): insights from combined gravity and seismic interpretation ArchiMer
Druet, M.; Munoz-martin, A.; Granja-bruna, J. L.; Carbo-gorosabel, A.; Acosta, J.; Llanes, P.; Ercilla, G..
The magma‐poor rifted continental margin of Galicia has an extremely complex structure. Its formation involved several rifting episodes that occurred ultimately during the early Cretaceous near a ridge triple junction, which produced a change in the orientation of the main structures in its transition to the north Iberia margin. In addition, there is a superimposed partial tectonic inversion along its northwest and northern border which developed from the Late Cretaceous to at least Oligocene times. The present study integrates a large volume of new geophysical information (mainly marine gravity data and 2D seismic reflection profiles) to provide insights on the formation of this rift system and on the development of its later inversion. The combined...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rifted margin; Hyperextension; Tectonic inversion; Crustal domains; Structural domains; Gravity.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Structure and evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden conjugate margins from seismic reflection data ArchiMer
D'Acremont, E; Leroy, S; Beslier, Mo; Bellahsen, N; Fournier, M; Robin, C; Maia, M; Gente, P.
The Gulf of Aden is a young and narrow oceanic basin formed in Oligo-Miocene time between the rifted margins of the Arabian and Somalian plates. Its mean orientation, N75 degrees E, strikes obliquely (50 degrees) to the N25 degrees E opening direction. The western conjugate margins are masked by Oligo-Miocene lavas from the Afar Plume. This paper concerns the eastern margins, where the 19-35 Ma breakup structures are well exposed onshore and within the sediment-starved marine shelf. Those passive margins, about 200 km distant, are non-volcanic. Offshore, during the Encens-Sheba cruise we gathered swath bathymetry, single-channel seismic reflection, gravity and magnetism data, in order to compare the structure of the two conjugate margins and to reconstruct...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Continental margins; Gulf of Aden; Ocean-continent transition; Plate divergence; Rifted margin; Seafloor spreading.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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