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A new Hasemania Ellis from the upper rio Paraná basin, with the redescription of Hasemania crenuchoides Zarske & Géry (Characiformes: Characidae) 83
Serra,Jane Piton; Langeani,Francisco.
A new Hasemania species is described from the headwaters of the rio Uberaba, rio Grande basin, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of a black, vertically-elongate humeral spot, a single ossification in the position primitively occupied by infraorbitals four and five, four teeth on the inner series of premaxilla, and scales covering the anal-fin base. Hasemania crenuchoides is redescribed and its known geographic distribution is extended; it can be differentiated from other species of the genus by the combination of a black vertically-elongate humeral spot, ii,8 dorsal-fin rays, 11-14 branched anal-fin rays, the presence of separate infraorbitals four and five, and the presence of scales...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Freshwater fish; Headwaters; Rio Grande; Rio Uberaba.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Alimentação da pirambeba Serrasalmus spilopleura Kner, 1858 (Characidae; Serrasalminae) em um reservatório do Sudeste brasileiro - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v27i4.1331 3
Costa, André Corrêa; PUC-MG; Salvador Junior, Luis Fernando; UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA; Domingos, Fabricio Flavio Theophilo; UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA; Fonseca, Marina Luisa; UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA.
Foram estudados aspectos da alimentação de 158 exemplares de Serrasalmus spilopleura capturados no reservatório de Porto Colômbia, localizado no rio Grande, bacia do rio Paraná, no período entre novembro de 2001 e agosto de 2002. Utilizaram-se redes de malhar com tamanhos entre 3cm e 16 cm entre nós opostos armadas ao entardecer e retiradas pela manhã, permanecendo expostas por um período de aproximadamente 12 horas. A análise da dieta dos exemplares mostrou-se predominantemente piscívora, sendo exclusivo para exemplares de comprimento padrão superior a 22 cm. Insetos aquáticos também foram ingeridos, complementando a dieta dos indivíduos pertencentes às menores classes de tamanho, demonstrando uma evidente ontogenia trófica
Palavras-chave: Ecologia alimentação; Serrasalmus spilopleura; Ontogenia trófica; Rio Grande; Bacia do rio Paraná Ecologia.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Estrutura e composição da ictiofauna de riachos da bacia do Rio Grande no estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil 49
Castro,Ricardo M. C.; Casatti,Lilian; Santos,Hertz F.; Melo,Alex L. A.; Martins,Luiz S. F.; Ferreira,Katiane M.; Gibran,Fernando Z.; Benine,Ricardo C.; Carvalho,Murilo; Ribeiro,Alexandre C.; Abreu,Tatiana X.; Bockmann,Flávio A.; Pelição,Gabriela Z.; Stopiglia,Renata; Langeani,Francisco.
O ponto médio de cada trecho foi georreferenciado via satélite com receptor GPS e o uso de metodologia padronizada de coleta de dados ambientais e peixes (baseada principalmente na pesca elétrica), possibilitou a obtenção das seguintes informações em cada local: 1) composição taxonômica da ictiofauna e contribuição, em termos de número de indivíduos e biomassa, de cada espécie para a ictiofauna local como um todo; 2) documentação fotográfica de espécimes representativos de cada espécie coletada com sua coloração natural; 3) descrição de cada ambiente coletado, com ilustrações fotográficas coloridas, e seus principais parâmetros bióticos e abióticos. No total foram coletados 3.070 exemplares, pertencentes a seis ordens, 18 famílias, 44 gêneros e 64...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bacia do Alto Rio Paraná; Rio Grande; Rio Turvo; Rio Pardo; Rio Sapucaí; Peixes de riachos; Diversidade; Sudeste do Brasil.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Estudo dos solos do município de Rio Grande. 14
CUNHA, N. G. da; SILVEIRA, R. J. da C.; SEVERO, C. R. S..
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Caracterização; Rio Grande; EMBRAPA; Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Clima Temperado(Pelotas; RS); Conservação; Geomorfologia; Solo.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Ethics and Water Governance 7
Groenfeldt, David; Water-Culture Institute; Adjunct Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of New Mexico;; Schmidt, Jeremy J; University of Western Ontario;
Ethics and values are important dimensions of water governance. We show how a "values approach" contributes to an understanding of global water governance, and how it complements other perspectives on governance, namely management, institutional capacity, and social-ecological systems. We connect these other approaches to their own value systems and the ethical attitudes they engender. We then offer a way to explicitly incorporate, and where necessary adjudicate, competing value systems through a values-based approach to governance. A case of the Santa Fe River in New Mexico, USA illustrates how value systems are reflected in water policies and how these values affect governance priorities, such as in environmental flows. The values-based approach...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Ethics; Rio Grande; Santa Fe New Mexico; Santa Fe River; Values; Water governance.
Ano: 2013
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Ichthyofauna of the Ribeirão Frutal and tributaries, upper Rio Paraná basin, Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil 49
Azevedo-Santos,Valter M.; Coelho,Paula N.; Deprá,Gabriel de Carvalho.
Abstract: The Ribeirão Frutal basin is located within the upper Rio Paraná system, in the Frutal municipality, Minas Gerais State, Southeastern Brazil. Until now, there was no complete ichthyological survey published for this small basin. Therefore, here we provided a list of fish species from the Ribeirão Frutal and some of its tributaries. We found 31 species of fishes representing five orders and ten families. We identify a likely undescribed and five non-native species in the Frutal basin. Lastly, we recommend new surveys of fishes in small hydrographic basins within upper Rio Paraná system.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ichthyology; Inventory; Neotropical region; Rio Grande; Survey.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Impact of Water Supply Limitations from Federal Decisions in South Texas 31
Robinson, John R.C.; Michelsen, Ari M.; Gollehon, Noel R..
This study extends and refines a previous model and provides estimates of the economic value of water shortages from shortfalls in Mexican deliveries to the U.S. In the process, we identify and evaluate a range of crop choices, appropriate irrigation technology use, water source substitution, and other mitigation strategies used by farmers to deal with water shortages. The effects of exogenous crop price and yield risk, as well as and other structural considerations are incorporated in deriving the marginal value of irrigation water for reference drought years. Results show that South Texas farmers react to risk by diversifying their crop mix, which in turn has implications for the imputed value of water and soil resources. The derived shadow price of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Water; Irrigation; Rio Grande; Optimization; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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The ichthyofauna of upper rio Capivari: defining conservation strategies based on the composition and distribution of fish species 83
Pompeu,Paulo dos Santos; Reis,Liana Sisi dos; Gandini,Cíntia Veloso; Souza,Rafael Couto Rosa de; Favero,Jana Menegassi del.
Although the rio Capivari basin is recognized as an area of great importance for the ichthyofauna, it lacks virtually every basic requirement for the definition of appropriate conservation strategies, since not even its species composition is known. The objective of this work is to determine the composition and distribution of fish species in the upper rio Capivari basin, relating them to the local physical features, and to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed conservations units, delimited based on areas of native vegetation remains, on the conservation of local ichthyofauna. During 2007, 50 different watercourses were sampled with gillnets, cast nets and kick nets. A total of 1308 individuals belonging to 41 species were captured. Degree of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conservation units; Altitudinal gradients; Rio Grande; Reserve design.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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