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Zimmel, Peter; Wilcox, Lori.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Beginning Farmers and Ranchers; Representative Farm; Whole Farm Analysis; Risk Management; Online Decision Support; Stochastic; Baseline; Farm Management; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; Q12; Q14; D81.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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An Examination of the Volatile Nature of Grass Production in Ireland AgEcon
O'Connor, Declan; Hennessy, Deirdre; Shalloo, Laurence; Hurtado-Uria, Cristina.
Grass production provides Irish dairy farmers with a competitive advantage over many of their mainland European counterparts by providing a cheap feed source. The temperate climate in Ireland favours the production of grass, however production is highly seasonal with little growth over the winter period. This seasonal pattern of grass production in turn has resulted in predominantly spring calving dairy herds and has limited the development of the dairy product portfolio in Ireland which has created a reliance on dairy commodities. As Ireland exports approximately 80% of its dairy output, recent substantial increases in market price volatility has resulted in increased price volatility at farm level. The increased price volatility at market and farm level...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Grass Production; Volatility; Risk Management; Risk Management Tools; Farm Management; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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An Illustrated Guide to Research Findings from USDA's Economic Research Service AgEcon
Economic Research Service.
This book contains a sampling of recent ERS research illustrating the breadth of the Agency’s research on current policy issues: from biofuels to food consumption to land conservation to patterns of trade for agricultural products. What you won’t find in this collection is any mention of economists’ favorite analytic tools (regression analyses, for example, and coefficients of variation). We wanted this guide to highlight results, not process. Even so, the findings on display here are all based on rigorous and robust application of such tools as well as use of the latest econometric techniques.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Farm Policy; Risk Management; Food Consumption; Food Nutrition Assistance; Conservation Policy; Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs; Food Security; Agricultural Productivity in the U.S.; Farm Structure; Rural Population; Environmental Interactions; Invasive Species Management; Bioenergy; Global Food Markets; NAFTA; Organic Agriculture; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Análise de risco para o café em Minas Gerais AgEcon
Rugani, Felipe do Lago; Silveira, Suely de Fatima Ramos.
The coffee is one of the most important products in the economy of Minas Gerais. In some specific places it has a great importance in the local production, but in any place the economic players involved in that market have the same trouble: the share of risk taken by them. Therefore, would be really important, and useful, to calculate the risk share of each player. Than, this article showed the risk amount absorbed by the players in the coffee market of Minas Gerais, based in the prices paid in the south of that state, the greatest region producer, trough two models of Value at Risk (VaR), the Normal Model and the Historic Simulation Model. The results shows a risk absorbed about 17,28%, with 95% of sure, and 24,60% with 99% of sure, both of them in a...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Risk Management; VaR; Coffee; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Analyzing the Feasibility of Prairie Dog Hunting in the Northern Texas Panhandle AgEcon
Jones, DeDe; Mayfield, Gid.
Prairie dogs are burrowing rodents located throughout the United States. The black-tailed prairie dog is a common species that primarily inhabits the Great Plains region, with a large population in Texas. While these animals continue to thrive in many locations, there has been a significant reduction in numbers over the past one hundred years. Several conservation efforts have attempted to remedy this situation. The Black-tailed Prairie Dog Conservation and Management Plan is a long-term monitoring program between the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and cooperating landowners. This plan’s purpose is to develop a strategy that conserves the species while simultaneously protecting property rights. One of the plan’s recommended methods for keeping...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Prairie Dogs; Texas Ranching; Risk Management; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Application of Weather Derivatives in Multi-Period Risk Management AgEcon
Vedenov, Dmitry V.; Sanchez, Leonardo.
This work is a first attempt to analyze the effect of weather derivative availability on the risk management strategies in a multi-period setting, when crop activities take place twice a year. Rice production in Ecuador is used as a case study. Numerical solutions show farmers improve their well-being by reducing their risk exposure.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Weather Derivatives; Risk Management; Multi-Period.; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Risk and Uncertainty; Q13; Q14.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Derivatives at Agricultural Banks AgEcon
Shen, Xuan; Hartarska, Valentina M..
Using data between 1995 and 2010, we find that agricultural banks are benefiting from the derivatives activities by reducing total risk without hurting their profit. In nonagricultural banks, both profitability and total risk are adversely affected, possibly due to speculative derivatives positions.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Banks; Financial Derivatives; Profitability; Risk Management; Agricultural Finance; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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McNew, Kevin; Musser, Wesley N..
The current agricultural marketing literature has considerable controversy about the optimal use of hedging for farmers. Much of this literature has very limited data on farmer behavior and an evaluation of the outcome of this behavior. This paper uses data from a hedging game from Maryland marketing clubs for 1994-1998. Hypotheses concerning the consistency of farmer behavior with the research literature on hedging are considered. Results indicate that farmers do not achieve price enhancement from hedging. However, their decisions do not conform to implications of optimal hedging models in a number of dimensions. This analysis provides further information to help bridge the gap between academic research and practical hedging.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Grain Marketing; Hedging; Risk Management; Demand and Price Analysis; Marketing.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Patrick, George F.; Baquet, Alan E.; Coble, Keith H.; Knight, Thomas O..
This paper summarizes the results of a survey of a stratified, random sample of 630 hog operations in Indiana and Nebraska. The survey was conducted in March and April, 2000 with support of a research grant to contribute to the development of a knowledge base to guide the design and implementation of effective risk management programs, policies and tools. This staff paper provides selected summary statistics with limited analysis of size of operation and state effects. Information is presented on sources and responses to risk as well as producers' views on selected agricultural policy, risk management and marketing issues. Use and perceptions of effectiveness of risk-reducing production practices are analyzed. Producers' use of production and marketing...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Risk Management; Hogs; Agricultural Policy; Marketing Contracts; Hog Marketing; Livestock Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Index Insurance, Production Practices, and Probabilistic Climate Forecasts AgEcon
Carriquiry, Miguel A.; Osgood, Daniel E..
The failure of the development of commercially viable traditional crop insurance products and innovations in financial markers has fed a renewed interest in the search for alternatives to help producers in developing countries manage their risk exposure. Salient among these is the proposal of several index insurance schemes against weather events. Among the basic tenets are that the presence of index insurance allows producers to intensify their operations and reduce the risks of default and hence may induce creditors to offer loans at affordable rates. The two factors combined are touted as key to help producers in developing countries escape poverty traps. Improvements in seasonal climate forecasts create challenges for the design and effective...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Climate forecast; Index insurance; Input Decisions; Risk Management; Weather risks; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Silva, Edwin Pinto De La Sota; Amaral, Carlos Antonio Lopes Vaz Do; Castro, Leandro Bianchini De; Araujo, Lucas Golcalves De.
Os anos 90 foram, para os países em desenvolvimento, marcados pela busca de um caminho para a estabilização econômica, fazendo com que as empresas se adequassem à nova realidade. Com as empresas ligadas ao agronegócio não foi diferente. No Brasil, esse processo o foi mais intenso, principalmente após o advento do Plano Real (1994), quando as empresas tiveram de se adaptar a uma economia estabilizada, buscando novas fontes de receita e não aquelas advindas simplesmente do comércio dos produtos in natura a que elas estavam habituadas, mas sim agregando valor ao produto para se manter no mercado. Nesse contexto, aliado à abertura do mercado, o ambiente econômico ficou mais competitivo, obrigando as entidades produtivas e empresariais a aumentar sua exposição...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Definição de Risco; Gestão de Riscos; Hedge; Derivativos; Risk Defining; Risk Management; Hedge; Derivatives; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Managing Price Risk in a Changing Policy Environment: The Case of the EU Dairy Industry AgEcon
O'Connor, Declan; Keane, Michael; Barnes, Edel.
The EU dairy industry faces an unprecedented level of change. The anticipated removal of milk quotas and the move to a less restricted global trade environment will provide the industry with both opportunities and challenges. The primary challenge will be the need for the industry to deal with more volatile prices. Active management of the risks associated with these more volatile prices will help to place the industry in a more competitive position. However this will require the industry and policy makers to embrace a new set of tools. For example the US dairy industry has been much more active in the management of risk and lessons from their experience provide a valuable insight into which tools may be more appropriate in an EU context.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Dairy; Risk Management; EU; US.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Gerasymenko, Nataliia; Zhemoyda, Oleksandr V..
Increasing of population in some part of the world demands appropriate quantity and quality of food supply. It leads agri-food production to changes having many of the characteristics of manufacturing industries. So, together with the advantages we have to manage also different deficiencies. The changing business climate is creating new agriculture with new risks. And some of these risks require new approaches and different perspectives to evaluate and manage them adequately. The new risks create both challenges and opportunities for agri-food producers and those who finance them. Furthermore, the common perception is that vertical linkages through contract production will also reduce risks quality and quantity. The industrialization of agriculture is...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Risk Management; Agri-Food Production; Food Supply; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Prevalence and risk of potentially adverse drug interactions in the treatment of acute alcohol poisoning BJPS
Andrade,Joyce Dalline Silva; Rocha,Chiara Erminia; Maciel,Maria Amélia Vieira; Santana,Danielle Cristine Almeida Silva de; Santana,Fernando José Malagueño de.
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to determine the profile of acute alcohol poisoning and to estimate the risk of potentially adverse drug interactions (ADIs) in patients intoxicated by alcohol when attended in emergency care at hospital. A descriptive serial cross-sectional study was performed with 4,271 individuals intoxicated by alcohol, from January 2009 to July 2011. Possible correlations were measured by Pearson's chi-square test. The data show high consumption in the population, especially in males between 25 and 59 years. The main circumstances for poisoning were alcohol misuse (96.3%). After treatment complete recovery from the signs or symptoms of the poisoning was observed in 96.88% cases; and death in 0.70%. The demonstration of potential risk...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alcoholic intoxication; Emergency Medical Services; Risk Management; Medicines/adverse interactions/risk control; Medicines/alcohol interactions/risk control..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Zylstra, Michael J.; Kilmer, Richard L.; Uryasev, Stanislav.
Legislation has prompted changes in milk price volatility. Milk price volatility impacts the producer's exposure to business risk which is compound by the firms financial risk. Financial risk is a function of the firms capital structure. In the short run it is difficult for the producer to significantly change the firms capital structure and therefore balance increased business risk with reduced financial risk. The producer can however reduce financial and business risk by using futures contracts to lock in a price for milk produced. The producer's risk preferences dictate the producer's hedge ratio. Using the return on equity as a profitability measure and the conditional value at risk as a risk measure the optimal hedge ratio is derived for various...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conditional Value at Risk; CVaR; Risk Management; Futures; Dairy; Agricultural and Food Policy; Livestock Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Risk management of unintended GMO contamination in the supply chain of maize and processed maize products AgEcon
Ruther, B..
Production and processing of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in line with the European food safety and labelling regulations lead to an elevated risk of unintentional GMO contamination in food producing and processing companies. For these companies GMO contamination can lead to extensive losses such as decreased product value, recall expenses or decreased brand equity. The question that occurs in many food producing and processing companies is how to manage the risk of GMO contamination most effectively. The objective of this paper is to show how food companies manage the risk of GMO contamination. Because of the complexity of the German food sector the analysis focuses on one supply chain namely: the production, processing and trading of maize and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Maize Chain; Genetically modified Organism; Risk Management; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Capitanio, Fabian.
The biological nature of agricultural production processes induce a higher degree of uncertainty surrounding the economic performance of farm enterprises. This has contributed to the development and acceptance of forms of public intervention aimed at reducing income variability that have no parallel in other sectors of the economy. In particular, subsidized crop insurance are a widely used tool. The impact of these programs on the decisions of production generates effects on input use, land use and thus, indirectly, environmental outcomes. The importance of this issue has grown in parallel with the growth in importance of the collective role of agriculture sector that has addressed the recent guidelines adopted by many developed countries. To examine the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Uncertainty; Risk Management; Crop Insurance; Input Use Decisions; Environmental Externalities; Mathematical Programming.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty; Q10; Q14.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Risk Management Using Futures Contracts: The Impact of Spot Market Contracts and Production Horizons on the Optimal Hedge Ratio AgEcon
Kuwornu, John K.M.; Kuiper, W. Erno; Pennings, Joost M.E.; Meulenberg, Matthew T.G..
We specify a principal-agent marketing channel involving producers, wholesalers, retailers and a futures market. Our hedge ratio for producers appears to be much lower than the common price-risk minimising ones as we account for producers’ vertical contracts and, by using annual data, their production horizon. The Dutch ware potato marketing channel and its futures market in Amsterdam show that possibly through decreases in producers’ and wholesalers’ risk aversions, their optimal dynamic hedge ratios decreased from 38% and 12%, respectively, in 1982 to 18% and 10%, respectively, in 2003. These results comply with the decreased futures volume traded in Amsterdam over the years.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Principal-Agent Model; Risk Management; Futures and Spot Market Contracts; Production Horizons; Food Marketing Channels; Marketing; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Spatial and Temporal On-Farm Risk Management - Crop Production Scheduling and Index Insurance Strategies AgEcon
Lin, Shanshan; Mullen, Jeffrey D.; Hoogenboom, Gerrit.
An agronomic crop growth model, Decision Support System for Agro-Technology Transfer (DSSAT), is used to find optimal crop management strategies for cotton production in Mitchell, Miller, and Lee Counties in Georgia during the past 10 years. Planting date and irrigation threshold are the two variables optimized to maximize farmer's expected utility. A decreasing absolute risk aversion - constant relative risk aversion (DARA-CRRA) utility function is used to examine crop management decision that can be influenced by changes in inter-temporal risk behavior. Comparison is made from management perspective - one is dynamic crop management strategy that varies each year; one is static (constant) strategy over 10 years. Based on the best crop management...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Irrigation; Planting Date; Risk Management; Weather Derivative Contract; Basis Risk; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bullock, David W.; Wilson, William W.; Dahl, Bruce L..
In this study, the strategic impacts of input-output price relationships on end-users' demands for futures and/or options are analyzed. An analytical model is developed based on mean-variance utility and extended to account for the impact of output prices and the inclusion of both futures and/or call options in the portfolio. This study makes several contributions to the literature on risk management in agriculture. First, its focus is on end-users and captures their unique characteristics. Second, it explicitly captures the correlation between input-output prices on hedging strategies. Finally, it incorporates options into a portfolio model. The analytic model was applied to the bread baking industry, an important agribusiness processor, which is...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Futures; Options; Risk Management; Processors; Hedging; Marketing.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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