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Analyzing the Impact of Structural Change in Iranian Agricultural Credit System 31
Yazdani, Saeed.
Replacement of the traditional interest based credit system with an Islamic credit system was one of the fundamental changes in Iran since 1979. The Islamic credit system, offers the prospect of risk sharing between the borrower and the lender. Small farmers are likely to be risk averse and they are reluctant to go heavily into debt in order to finance investments in new technology and capital intensive methods of production which they perceive to be risky. Farmer's decision making behaviour with regard to risk under the Islamic and interest based credit systems are explored with the aid of a simple conceptual model. Analysis of attitudinal data suggests that the majority of small farmers prefer credit provided under the Islamic credit system. Farmers'...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Islamic credit System; Iran; Agriculture; Risk sharing; Agricultural Finance; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Consumption Smoothing? Livestock, Insurance and Drought in Rural Burkina Faso 31
Kazianga, Harounan; Udry, Christopher R..
This paper explores the extent of consumption smoothing between 1981 and 1985 in rural Burkina Faso. In particular, we examine the extent to which livestock, grain storage and interhousehold transfers are used to smooth consumption against income risk. The survey coincided with a period of severe drought, so that the results provide direct evidence on the effectiveness of these various insurance mechanisms when they are the most needed. We find evidence of little consumption smoothing. In particular, there is almost no risk sharing, and households rely almost exclusively on self-insurance in the form of adjustments to grain stocks to smooth out consumption. The outcome, however is far from complete smoothing. Hence the main risk-coping strategies, which...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Livestock; Consumption smoothing; Permanent income hypothesis; Precautionary saving; Risk sharing; Risk and Uncertainty; D91; O16.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Contract Production of Green Peas 31
Olesen, Henrik Ballebye.
This paper analyzes a contract between farmers and a large company in the Danish food industry, Danisco Foods. Production of green peas requires a very accurate coordination, which is obtained through centralized decision-making. The contract is based on a tournament system providing risk sharing between the farmers. General problems from the contract theory such as hold up, moral hazard, risk sharing and screening are analyzed. The paper illustrates the tradeoffs between these problems in design of contracts. By negotiating the contract through a pea-growers association, the farmers gain some bargaining power. Thus the farmers can ensure that Danisco Foods uses only one contract for all farmers. This paper analyzes the consequences of the farmers'...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Contract theory; Coordination; Incentives; Risk sharing; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Expanding Microenterprise Credit Access: Using Randomized Supply Decisions to Estimate the Impacts in Manila 31
Karlan, Dean S.; Zinman, Jonathan.
Microcredit seeks to promote business growth and improve well-being by expanding access to credit. We use a field experiment and follow-up survey to measure impacts of a credit expansion for microentrepreneurs in Manila. The effects are diffuse, heterogeneous, and surprising. Although there is some evidence that profits increase, the mechanism seems to be that businesses shrink by shedding unproductive workers. Overall, borrowing households substitute away from labor (in both family and outside businesses), and into education. We also find substitution away from formal insurance, along with increases in access to informal risk-sharing mechanisms. Our treatment effects are stronger for groups that are not typically targeted by microlenders: male and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Microfinance; Microcredit; Microentrepreneurship; Risk sharing; Formal and informal finance; Financial Economics; O1; D1; D2 G2.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Motives for Household Private Transfers in Burkina Faso 31
Kazianga, Harounan.
Resource transfers among households have received considerable interest among economists in recent years. Two of the main reasons for the surge of interest in household transfers are the information on human nature conveyed by transfer behavior and the implication on income redistribution policy that private transfer might have. Empirical studies, however, provide mixed results on transfer behavior. This is because previous inquiries were confronted with several estimation issues and have focused on data from developed countries where private transfers are already small. This paper contributes to the literature on transfer behavior by using a multifaceted econometric approach to examine the motives of household transfers in Burkina, a low-income country...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Private transfers; Altruism; Exchanges; Risk sharing; Consumer/Household Economics; D63; D64; I15; I30.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Selling formal Insurance to the Informally Insured 31
Mobarak, A. Mushfiq; Rosenzweig, Mark R..
Unpredictable rainfall is an important risk for agricultural activity, and farmers in developing countries often receive incomplete insurance from informal risk-sharing networks. We study the demand for, and effects of, offering formal index-based rainfall insurance through a randomized experiment in an environment where the informal risk sharing network can be readily identified and richly characterized: sub-castes in rural India. A model allowing for both idiosyncratic and aggregate risk shows that informal networks lower the demand for formal insurance only if the network indemnifies against aggregate risk, but not if its primary role is to insure against farmer-specific losses. When formal insurance carries basis risk (mismatches between payouts and...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Index insurance; Risk sharing; Basis risk; Agricultural Finance; Financial Economics; International Development; Productivity Analysis; Risk and Uncertainty; O17; O13; O16.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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