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A model to determine benefits obtainable from the management of riverine fisheries of Bangladesh AgEcon
Ahmed, Mahfuzuddin.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: River fisheries; Fishery management; Fishery economics; Economic models; Bangladesh; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Bibliografia sobre fauna silvestre e pesca fluvial e lacustre Amazônica. Infoteca-e
Fauna silvestre. Aves. Pesca fluvial. Pesca lacustre. Peixes e piscicultura. Economia pesqueira. Tecnologia pesqueira.
Tipo: Bibliografia Palavras-chave: Lacustre; Brasil; River fisheries; Lake fisheries; Fauna Silvestre; Pesca Fluvial; Amazonia.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Etude du recrutement en civelles ( Anguilla Anguilla L. 1758 ) dans l' estuaire du Sebou au cours de la saison de pêche 1980-1981 OceanDocs
Yahyaoui, A.; Aguesse, P.; Beaubrun, P..
Le recrutement en civelles dans l'estuaire du Sebou (Côte atlantique marocaine)est étudié au cours de la saison de pêche de 1980-1981.Le phénomène s'observe d'octobre à juillet.Les remontées s'effectuent par bancs successifs constitués d'individus de plus en plus petits, de décembre à fin avril.Une stabulation estivale est notée à partir de mai.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: River fisheries; Season regulations; Recruitment; Juveniles.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Floodplain fishery of the lower Sondu-Miriu River with emphasis on the Nile perch (Lates niloticus) (Linnaeus) OceanDocs
Manyala, J.O..
Experimental beach seine surveys in 1990 in the lower Sondu-Miriu River in Kenya indicate a potential catch rate of up to 59.8 kg ha super(-1) hr super(-1). Lates niloticus dominated the catches in the lower reaches (37.5%), while catches in the upper reaches were dominated by Labeo victorianus, Schilbe mystus and Barbus altianalis. L. victorianus contributed up to 84.8% of the catch in the upper reaches by weight. Catches in the floodplain were dominated by Oreochromis niloticus, O. variabilis and Clarias gariepinus, which contributed more than 50% by weight. The size frequency distribution of L. niloticus suggests that larger specimens occur in the river as compared to the floodplain.
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Catch composition; River fisheries; River fisheries; Catch composition; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1994 URL:
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