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Anatomía de raíz de la tribu Cranichideae (Orchidaceae), con énfasis en la importancia filogenética del velamen Colegio de Postgraduados
Figueroa Batalla, Coyolxauhqui.
El velamen es una rizodermis especializada formada por células muertas con engrosamientos en la pared secundaria; se encuentra en muchas orquídeas y otras monocotiledóneas. Se considera que esta estructura podría tener valor taxonómico, aunque no se han realizado estudios al respecto en la tribu Cranichideae. En este trabajo se examinó la estructura anatómica de la raíz de 26 especies/19 géneros de cinco linajes (subtribus) de la tribu Cranichideae mediante microscopía de luz y microscopía electrónica de barrido. Se evaluó la importancia taxonómica y filogenética del velamen en el marco de una filogenia generada a partir de secuencias de ADN nuclear y de cloroplasto así como caracteres morfológicos/anatómicos de raíz. Se registró por primera vez...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Anatomía de raíz; Cranichideae; Filogenia; NrITS; Orchidaceae; Plastidio trnK-matK; Secuencias de ADN; Tilosomas; Velamen; Maestría; Botánica; DNA sequences; Orchidaceae; Phylogeny; Plastid trnK-matK; Root anatomy; Tilosomes.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Anatomical aspects of IBA-treated microcuttings of Gomphrena macrocephala St.-Hil BABT
Moreira,Míriam F.; Appezzato-da-Glória,Beatriz; Zaidan,Lilian B.P..
Gomphrena macrocephala St.-Hil. (Amaranthaceae) is a perennial herb from the cerrado with medicinal properties and ornamental interest. Plants can be micropropagated through nodal segments, but acclimatization is difficult. The aim of this study was to establish a relationship between anatomical aspects of the roots and the acclimatization process. When cultures were supplemented with IBA, callus and thick and frangible roots appeared at the base of the microcuttings. A fragile vascular connection between roots and shoots was observed. Abnormal adventitious roots showing alteration in the vascular cylinder and hypertrophy of the cortical cells were also noted. These roots interfere in the transfer to extra vitrum conditions. When no growth regulator was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gomphrena; Root anatomy; In vitro rooting; Indol butiric acid; Vascular connection.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Arsenic toxicity in Acacia mangium willd. and mimosa Caesalpiniaefolia benth. seedlings Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Cipriani,Henrique Nery; Dias,Luiz Eduardo; Costa,Maurício Dutra; Campos,Naiara Viana; Azevedo,Aristéa Alves; Gomes,Roberto Junio; Fialho,Izabela Ferreira; Amezquita,Sandra Patrícia Montealegre.
Acacia mangium and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia are fast-growing woody fabaceous species that might be suitable for phytoremediation of arsenic (As)-contaminated sites. To date, few studies on their tolerance to As toxicity have been published. Therefore, this study assessed As toxicity symptoms in A. mangium and M. caesalpiniaefolia seedlings under As stress in a greenhouse. Seedlings of Acacia mangium and M. caesalpiniaefolia were grown for 120 d in an Oxisol-sand mixture with 0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg kg-1 As, in four replications in four randomized blocks. The plants were assessed for visible toxicity symptoms, dry matter production, shoot/root ratio, root anatomy and As uptake. Analyses of variance and regression showed that the growth of A. mangium and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arsenate; Heavy metals; Phytoremediation; Root anatomy; Soil contamination.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Effects of substrate water potential in root growth of Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck seedlings Biol. Res.
The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that root of maguey (Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck) seedlings reacts during the first 24 h to low substrate water potential (Yw), by anatomical modifications. Three-4 cm root length seedlings were planted in vermiculite for 24 h at Yw between -0.03 and -2.35 MPa. Root dimensions, proline content and anatomy were evaluated. Substrate ψw between -0.65 and -2.35 MPa did not significantly affect longitudinal root growth. However, proline content significantly increased from 1.6 to 2.1 emoles mg-1. Significant reductions of transverse root area (41 %), thickness of mucilage covering the epidermis (47 %), thickness of epidermis (between 15 and 46 %), area of the parenchyma (between 35 and 41 %)...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Maguey; Proline; Root anatomy; Root growth; Water deficit; Water stress.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Resistance induction for Meloidogyne incognita in sugarcane through mineral organic fertilizers BABT
Chaves,Andréa; Pedrosa,Elvira Maria Régis; Pimentel,Rejane Magalhães de Mendonça; Coelho,Rildo Sartori Barbosa; Guimarães,Lílian Margarete Paes; Maranhão,Sandra Roberta Vaz Lira.
The effects of Coda Radimax (CR), Coda Humus-PK (CH) and Coda Vit (CV) on the induction of resistance for Meloidogyne incognita in sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) varieties (RB92579, RB863129, RB867515) through nematode reproduction, plant development and root anatomy analysis, emphasizing the differences of the lignin deposition, and cortex-vascular cylinder proportions were investigated. In 90 days after inoculation with eggs of M. incognita, CR reduced the number of eggs per root system in all the sugarcane varieties; CH and CV reduced eggs density in RB867515; CR increased stalk number in RB92579 and fresh weight of shoots in RB863129 and RB92579; CH increased plant height in RB92579 and fresh weight of shoots in RB92579 and RB867515, CV affected fresh weigh...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Saccharum spp.; Phosphites; Root-knot nematode; Root anatomy; Meloidogyne.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Root anatomy of nine orchidaceae species BABT
Oliveira,Virginia del Carmem; Sajo,Maria das Graças.
Studies on the root anatomy of nine Orchidaceae species presented a multisseriated velamen, a parenchymatous cortex and a definided endodermis, in all the studied species (Catasetum fimbriatum Lindl., Dichaea bryophila Rchb. f., Encyclia calamara(Lindl.) Pabst, Epidendrum campestre Lindl., Epidendrum secundum Jacq., Miltonia flavescens Lindl., Pleurothallis smithiana Lindl., Stanhopea lietzei (Regel) Schltr. and Vanda tricolor Lindl.) Structural characters, which could be considered root adaptations to an epiphytic habit, were also common for all species.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Root anatomy; Orchidaceae; Ephiphytism; Structural characters.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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